Day 2 Since taking clones. Stems soft and falling over. why?


This is my second attempt at cloning. The first time I simply used rapid rooters and clonex solution, ended up with 14 out of 36 cut.

Round 2 - I get some Rootech to use instead this time and do everything the same, minus this time not soaking the rooters like I had done before.

Day 2 and they're all soft and falling over, what gives? Has anyone else experienced this? I forgot to fan it last night before going to bed, beyond that, pretty much textbook cloning procedure -

Soak rooters in great white, voodoo juice, a lil clonex, & superthrive, Then drain excess water

45 degree cut at the node, scrape, dip in rootech, stick in rooter, then directly into tray

Mist, keep humidity above 80% with dome Using heat mat.

Temps are staying around 78.

150w T5 lights.

What gives?



Well-Known Member
When I put to many cuts in 1 clone dome some get "soggy" , always chalked it up to to high humidity, or not enough fresh air exchange in the dome, wonder what others think tho I suck at cloning


Well-Known Member
I get about 25% success with clonex and a dome. I guess you just have to figure an acceptable loss, and plan for it.


First go-round I used clonex, this time it was rootech gel.

Two weeks ago when I got 14 of 36, I didn't have any falling over, they simply wouldn't root.

This time around it's different, they are just falling over within the first 48 hours.


Well-Known Member
I clone, there for I am....
You have too much "Top Weight" for your stem to support...way less next time...
I'd trim them much more...
Also... If I clone plant top I do not, however, I "prop up" with wooden skewers when I clone a branch like you seem to have done...
Some times, the clones just fade over... and after the fade I'd prop up, and save some...
Now I just prop them all, and don't loose any....
Seriously, since last July, I've cloned a few more than 50... and have lost two, they were both tops, I never used to be able to clone a top... now I do...
So I get 96% or so....
Mistakes most make:
Use a sharp blade, never use snips or scissors...with scissors you squash the membrane on end...
Wash hands as if you were going into surgery...
Try and let clones have 24 hours of light first 24 at least...
And Prop up heavy clones, or cut more off....
Trim leaf if it starts to droop...
Red Cups with 50% MG Seed starting soil// mixed with 25% perilite//25%vermiculite
I invert a clear cup as a dome... [low tech]
Spray soil with spray bottle
wipe out condensation from clear dome...
Every day top off for fresh air...
Top on for 7 days only....


Well-Known Member
I don't want to take away from different cloning processes because many people have had years of success, but I personally find my $60 aerocloner takes every single headache out of cloning. Fill with tap water, turn it on, put snip into neoprene.




I clone, there for I am.... You have too much "Top Weight" for your stem to support...way less next time... I'd trim them much more... Also... If I clone plant top I do not, however, I "prop up" with wooden skewers when I clone a branch like you seem to have done... Some times, the clones just fade over... and after the fade I'd prop up, and save some... Now I just prop them all, and don't loose any.... Seriously, since last July, I've cloned a few more than 50... and have lost two, they were both tops, I never used to be able to clone a top... now I do... So I get 96% or so.... Mistakes most make: Use a sharp blade, never use snips or scissors...with scissors you squash the membrane on end... Wash hands as if you were going into surgery... Try and let clones have 24 hours of light first 24 at least... And Prop up heavy clones, or cut more off.... Trim leaf if it starts to droop... -------- Red Cups with 50% MG Seed starting soil// mixed with 25% perilite//25%vermiculite I invert a clear cup as a dome... [low tech] Spray soil with spray bottle wipe out condensation from clear dome... Every day top off for fresh air... Top on for 7 days only....
Good to know. I used an x-acto knife, wiped it with alcohol every 3rd cutting

Lights are on 24/7

Hepa filter in work area, and I made sure to be as sterile as possible.

They're looking pretty much dead by now. I guess I'm going to wait another two weeks and try again.

here are the other survivors from the first round of clones I did two weeks ago. (my first ever attempt at cloning). I am going to let them veg until I get more rooted to fill all 36, and put them on the outside perimeter of the aero system since they will be receiving much less light. Hopefully everything should even out.

They're Dinafem Critical+ by the way.

oh and my other led is in my shop waiting to get the heatsink dust blown out

