Day 20 of Veg Pics... Thoughts? and Q's


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow isnt good for seedlings/vegging etc cuz its a premixed soil/nutrient combo. It releases its own nutes automatically.Most of the time this causes nute burn especially for younger plants. Im a noob so this is just what ive picked up over the past few days lurking here and not from experience.



Well-Known Member
what mack said is true it will give nute burn.
there are times when a plant dont need food but with MG everytime u water it it feeds it
even if they dont need it so ur over feeding which cuases nute burn
and if u looked at my jurnal i tell u what i changed over too which has been doing alot better for me sence.if u didnt see that part then heres whats my mix is it all comes mixed already:sphagnum peat moss,horticultural vermiculite,perlite,wetting agent and lime for ph balance.its a plantation products brand.i got it at rockey's hardware store for like 6,7 dollars only its like a 8 quarts bag i grabed 2 bags stays moister alot longer then MG i like it so far


Well-Known Member
Good info thanks. I didnt put that together when I bought it, to me I was like hey it feeds it for 3 months? sweet Ill take it. Next grow I'll switch that up.


Well-Known Member
yo on some real shit i said the same thing u just said and i bought it but when i got on this sight and everyone was saying it wasnt really that good and why i waited and started to see it for myself and i think it is true sence the change its been looking alot better


Well-Known Member
Welp I just did some topping research and heres my conclusion: Im too damn late.
Growth during the flowering stage is focused on the buds and flowers so promoting vegetative growth(topping) would take away from it.
Im going to have to bite it on this one and take a smaller yield. I am getting some feminized AK, Gigabud, White Widow, and a couple other seeds later this week for my next grow... then I can implant the things ive learned from this grow...


Well-Known Member
ow i could of told ya that about toping i think i missed that question u had dam
and i wish i could get some of those types of seeds here.i would love it


Well-Known Member
Thats a good point and Im going to look into topics like LST, topping, and pruning next. If I dont get to doing it on this grow then surely the next.
I'm not going to stretch it even though they are only about 5" tall but Im going to flower on monday and I know itll atleast double in size.
As for the lamps, its all CFL... I dont have a big enough space to put a HPS in. Im an electrician by trade and I know 1st hand how hot those get and it just wouldnt fly in the space Im working in... damnit
Thanks for the reply
Personally I think those plants need to grow some more before they are put into flowering schedule, I'm not saying that you won't get flower, but it will be more of a novelty than a "harvest" . You are right in knowing the limitations of the CFLs, and YES they cannot effectively cover a large plant, so you will want to keep your plant small . IF it were me I would veg it another two weeks , and then put it into flower, maybe do some LST'ing .
ALSO.... I was also concerned about the heat issue with a HPS , and my first grow was all CFL because of that worry, then I talked the wifey into going with a 400 watt set-up ,with a "adjust-a-wing" hood and a "Super Spreader",( I might have that name wrong, it is a reflector that goes under the HPS bulb.) and the heat issue is just not there. I got a Lumatek electronic Ballast, and the heat is minimal. Maybe in a cabinet there could be heat issues . Happy Gardening !


Well-Known Member
ya thats why i say if useing cfl's have enough to go around the hole plant give the hole plant good lighting all around


Well-Known Member
honestly mate yo need some serious help they should be 10 times the size depending if you started by seed or clone by now if you use the right gear.All depends how much yeald you want if i was you wack a 600 watt maetal hallide light above them and see some real results the light you have are no good at all like isaid depends what you want . goodluck
WTF ????a four foot plant at 20 days????


Well-Known Member
Welp I just did some topping research and heres my conclusion: Im too damn late.
Growth during the flowering stage is focused on the buds and flowers so promoting vegetative growth(topping) would take away from it.
Im going to have to bite it on this one and take a smaller yield. I am getting some feminized AK, Gigabud, White Widow, and a couple other seeds later this week for my next grow... then I can implant the things ive learned from this grow...
Probably a wise decision , and after all your probably a young man , and you have many grows ahead of you , count this up as experience.:weed:


Well-Known Member
WTF ????a four foot plant at 20 days????
haha i know right. what a tud apparently this kid imported some super alien weed from area 51
and yup its a 1st grow Im just going through the motions to get my methods in check before I go crazy spending money and building some huge garden... which i will end up doing


Well-Known Member
Check it Day 24 of the grow...

Little summary of the past few days...
I switched the lights from 24 to 12/12 to induce flowering on day 21
Why so early? Well if you read back Im just using bag seed and trying to get a routine down before I use my good seeds. Also CFLs arent meant for super tall grows and anything pushing 2 feet is alot to ask from low wattage lights. The book I have started its flowering cycle on day 16 with CFLs and the plants were mighty similar. Im also not topping these plants cause I changed the light cycle already and I missed my chance.. Im sucha n00b. I got Pwned(i just wanted to say that)

I havent started any bloom nutrients yet but I did buy some the other day. Next watering Im going to start a feeding cycle with a really low dosage.

The lights have to be moved up so I took out the plants today and snapped some photos... both plants are about 7" tall and about 12" wide. Looking straight down at the plants its extremely hard to tell them apart. They also both are accumulating alot of under growth and getting pretty bushy.

Should I cut off the bottom 3rd of leaves, and is that "lolli-popping"?
And any other advice at this stage that I might of missed would be super appreciated thanks...

Here are some pics of day 24:weed:
1. Plant 1
2. Plant 2
3. Both Top View
4. Both Side View
5. Another Plant 1



Well-Known Member
hey PT? um,:Hey its my 20th day of vegatative growth and I wanted to get some feedback on how you think the plants look... thanks

Little bit of a back round:
2 - Plants (sex unknown) about 5 inches tall
4 - 26W 6500k CFL
2 - 26W 3500k CFL
Temps around 80-86F
PH around 6.8-7
24 hours of light

I was planning on flowering either this monday(week 3) or the next. I dont want the plants to get so bushy that my lights cant support them.
I was also planning on starting some nutrients for blooming but Im using MG and i know its time released nutes... is it a bad idea to give them more or should it not matter if I introduce it slowly?

Also when I do flower, Im going to go out and grab a couple 68W 2700k CFLs and replace all the 26watters with a 2700k spectrum.

Hook me up with some feedback... thanks

1&2 are plant A
3&4 are plant B (the spots are light burn whoops)
does that mean all 4 of ur cfl's lights together equal that 6500k lumens?
cuase i have 26w cfl's i think the soft white and its only like 1750 lumens each
and i have a 23w cfl daylight one and its oly 1500 lumens


Well-Known Member
ow wow i didnt go threw what i wrote that sucks
i was asking u said that u had 4 26w 6500k cfl's
i was woundering is that all 4 cfl's lumens all together that equal that 6500?
cuase i have 5 soft white 26w cfl's and each one is 1750 lumens
and i have 1 daylight that is a 23w with 1500 lumens


Well-Known Member
oh no its not the lumens its the spectrum
the lumen rating and the spectrum rating are two different things
the 26w daylights i have put out 1600lumens @ 6500k a piece