Day 21 with new equipment ran into some probs any suggestions??

The leaves from the bottoms are turning yellow at the tips and curling up, I have flushed both plants and it seemed to have work for one but not the other is this nute burn or what?? Pics coming soon


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say, to me the yellow leaves look like a bit of nitrogen def. but when the tips dry it up could be nute burn. What type of nutes are you using?


Well-Known Member
What type of soil? Most soil mixes have plenty of nutrients for young plants they just need plain water for the first 3-4 weeks.
happy frog, i didnt use nutes til the 15th day which may have been the problem but i flushed them out and problem still persists on one of them.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it too much, looks healthy and about the right size for 21 days. Just go easy on the nutes for a few days. Happy frog has plenty of nitrogen so I doubt it's a N deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Imho 15 days to early for nutes . I use pro- mix and dont add nute till at least 3-4 nodes, just my opinion
I have a 39x39x79 grow tent, 4" inline fan for exhaust with a jr. carbon filter, and a 6" inline duct booster for intake along with a 6" clip on fan... My Lamp is 400w hps with an easycool reflector hood.
i figured it was too early after the factthats why i flushed them but i dont veg for very long anyways just cos of my situation I cant veg for 4-7 weeks like ive heard other people doing so ive never been sure when to start nutes