Day 22, can I flower, and YIELD how much? Pics Incld


Active Member
Hey here is my plant after 22 days, I have no idea if its male or female, my question is can I flower it soon like in a week cause Im kinda under a time constraint, I only can have the plant for 5 more weeks, n then i have to get rid of it, (im moving farrrrrr away, and no i cannot take it with me) what should i do, if I start flower now how much will i yield. Please help. and suggest.



Well-Known Member
if you can only have it for 5 more weeks then theres no way itll be done before you move, even if you put it into flower now, which i would give it a couple more weeks, it would still take more than 5 weeks to harvest


Active Member
-um if you flower it now you will get maybe a joint after it's done and dried. That is if it's a female. Even if you do, you know you need at least 2 weeks to cure the bud, right? Just keep it in veg, enjoy it, and buy some bud to smoke. You won't have any bud in three weeks.


Well-Known Member
sorry, you are still just going to get one mediocre joint in that amount of time, if that. Just start again when you get done moving.:blsmoke:


Active Member
5 weeks, unless it is a really fast flowering strain, will give you premature buds with a short-lasting high. Not really worth the effort unless you can get at least 6.5-7weeks minimum.


Well-Known Member
I just pulled a three footing out of my garden that had flowered for about 4.5 weeks, because it turn hermie. off that three foot tall plant I got about 5 grams dried of some really week premature bud. Trust me dude its not worth if you can't grow it to maturity. Not a big deal for me I have three more flower two vegging and five more "cheese" seeds I just started to germ yesterday.