Day 27(day 30 from seeds planted)


Should Autoflowers be farther along at this point? Around day 27 since the seedlings popped. It looks like flowers are forming. IMG_5598.jpgIMG_5600.jpgIMG_5592.jpgIMG_5594.jpgIMG_5595.jpgIMG_5588.jpgIMG_5599.jpgIMG_5597.jpgIMG_5596.jpgIMG_5605.jpgIMG_5604.jpg


Well-Known Member
autoflowers usuall take 6-9weeks depending on the strain. Easy ryder can be pushed to 10/11weeks (according to joint dr) but usualy 9weeks. Most autos start to show signs of flowering around the 3week mark but are still vegging, around 21 and 30days it is recommended to concentrate on the flowering more than the vegging. Looking at your plants you should be expecting to see signs of flowering if you havent already. looking good though


Thanks.....what do you mean by concetrate on flowering more than vegging? So I guess none of the pics I posted showed flowering? My camera is not the greatest but the tops of all the plants have small flowers forming as well as on the branches. Just seems that they haven't developed any further flower wise.

This is where the seeds are from and a description:
Heavyweight Auto Bubble Candy Autoflowering Feminised Seeds Specs

Genetics:Bubble Candy x LowryderVariety:Mostly IndicaType:f1 hybridHarvest Date:56 days from start of floweringFlowering Period:8 weeksTHC Content:18-20%Characteristics:Medical Grade auto-flowering strain


Active Member
Yo man... I hope you keep this thread up! I've got some of these auto bubble candy and the auto shooting star seeds from Heavyweight I am planning to use in a couple of monthes time. It's v good news to hear yours are throwing out pistils as at least that means they are going properly auto. I've grown quite a few autos and ended up deciding that Easy Ryder are best for me. Having said that, I wanted to give the heavyweight seeds a little go to see if they are any good. Please keep reporting back your progress... I am quite curious about odour indoors for Auto Bubble Candy. Easy Ryder are not too bad imo. If flowers started coming out at day 27 that is about right... a little on the long side for me but not unreasonable. I normally take the first few girls to show from seed and/or the best looking plants... removing any remaining and potting up and making big just a smaller selection (I have grow space limitations but with easyryder I can easily pull 2oz per plant).. Earliest I have seen flower is about day 18 from seed... and longest about day 26. And that's across a quite wide range of Lowlife and Joint Doctor seeds. i'd say day 22-4 is the average for me if that helps. Cheers! PS btw my mate is growing a couple of seeds I gave him... one is auto bubble candy.. the other is auto shooting star... His haven't sexed yet but I am desperately awaiting news from him. He is growing outdoors and they seem to go a bit slower outdoors so far so... I'll let you know if I get any news out of him also. I can't remember what day he is on but he must be coming upto sexing time any day soon. Have demanded I get to sample a little of each plant!


Active Member
Hey Dirtysoap... nice one :)! Please do keep it up. I've had a slight change of plan due to circumstances but have decided to do my next grow (starting as I write) as all Easy Ryder so because they are a known quantity and I did a lot of learning my last grow with autos and LEDs. Easy Ryder I can pull an easy 2oz per plant with my setup normally chopping around day 77 from when they pop. Jees... I did so much work that last grow I decided to just make sure I end up with a good amount of good weed (I'm on my 15th or so grow now but switched to autos, LED + CFL last grow and have now sold my 400w + 250w HPS lights). FYI Easy Ryder was better IMO than Lowlife Ak auto (supposedly pretty much the same plant). ER was also better in terms of yield, taste, bud structure. Also it was a good low odour (at least I found it was) plant to grow but smelt good when curing.

I'm still dead interested in your grow as I have some of the auto bubble candy and auto shooting star left for another grow. Also I will definitely keep you posted as to my mates progress. He has one of each as I said. Fingers crossed they are both ladies... they must have sexed by now. Need to give him a call! My big concern with these heavyweight strains are odour, yield, and mainly whether they truely autoflower or are unstable as can be the case with new autos. Herbie recommended them but I wasn't sure if that was just some ploy to sell the seeds. It's the unknown re their stability which really has made me just go with the solid performing easy ryders. Having said that... yours have autos... and that is EXCELLENT news... maybe Heavyweight is a respectable seed producer. Dunno why I bought them in the first place... auto bubble candy and it's huge yield caught my eye though (As it must have done yours). Let's hope she's a stunner :)!

Some tips for you now that you are in mid flow (Hope I am not patronising you here... ignore all of what I say if you know it already). Firstly, what pot size are you using? Pot size has a massive impact on yield if you are a soil grower. I start in 3.5 liter pots and as soon as sex shows pick the best four and put into 6.5 liter pots. This has worked v well for me. I was tinkering with starting in v v deep 1.5 liter pots and then upon sexing repotting to 6.5 liter pots. Sadly don't have the time to fuck around with that this grow.. Maybe another time. Autos love that extra grow space and the new soil supplies an extra 3 weeks of feed. If you're hydro... then ignore my advice... it's focussed on soil... but potsize has radical impact on yield. If you keep pot too small or plants too crowded... you can lose out big time.

I think my final tip for now... I would assume your plants will be croppable at 77days from when they first poked out of the ground. Bigger yielding autos tend to take a little longer than the quickest autos. You could get away perhaps with day 70 earliest though I bet if these heavyweights yield big you should expect that your bud will either be v headhigh or not potent enough if you crop at day 70. I would bet that Day 75-7 would be acceptable to chop and have a good smoke (that's roughly where I intend to chop my current ERs). If you can go the extra distance... day 80-5 for a perfect chop. Remember... your girls started flowering at day 27... so now add 56+ days on top of that for optimum chop... that's 83 days total +. Like I said I would bet you can get away with day 77 as chop and not go the full 56+ days flower. But hopefully you now have a better idea of when these girls will realistically be ready. HPS or no HPS.... I don't reckon these girls will be ready any sooner. Hope this helps you. Good luck man! :)