That plant has really tight node spacing for random bagseed. Do you ever think that maybe whoever grew those mids might have been growing a big fat field of something that was bred to yield. Maybe they just don't bother to pull males and just replant yearly with seeds from last year's harvest. This is something that I've thought about before. Your plant just made me htink of it again. Anyway.... that's awesome. I've never grown any bagseed, but I would if I had your luck. Did you keep any clones of her?
I know a little about the bag seed. they came from two different farms (big ass basement grow) from two differt growers one of my friends knows. yes some males stayed a little to long. from what I was told the only check their opps 2 to 3 times a mounth.
There are two type for sure #1 and #5 are one the other #3 is an other. #3 is the tallest one and the pics are of her. I have all ready harvest 4 males #2, #4, #6, & #7. they were harvest at 30" one to two weeks into flowering. I had both types of them also. 2 each. I got over 70 grams of dried leaves. 20 grams was made into 1.7 grams of hash. I've been smoking the rest. It's some kick ass smoke. A little harsh and you have to smoke about 1-1/2 times as much but I give it an eight. I can tell the differece in both type. They are almost the same as the bag I bought just better and I only smoken the males so far.
As for clones I have 3 each from the girls total 9 the all rooted.
And 9 from the #2 male, only 7 made it. Before anyone says it the male were for practice. I plan to harvest in a few days like it veal marry jane.