Day 30 of Flower(LSD) Normal,Deficiency,or Burn? Should I Flush?


Active Member
HigH people and thanks for taking the time! I am on day 30 of flower of my LSD and Blue Mystic. My question pertains to the LSD. I brought them out of the cab to do the daily inspection and feed last night and noticed some really yellow young leaves down below. Seems the carpet doesn't match the drapes. Lol. Ok my girls are in coco. Last night I mixed up 6L of ro water. 1 1/2tsp of Epsom salt. Ec was 1.02 after that. I then mixed in 15ml of coco a&b 3ml of rhizotonic and 15ml of cannazyme. Did not add any bloombastic this time. Been adding everyother feeding. I did screw it up and added the bloombastic the previous 2 feedings. The last feeding was 8L of ro water and 1tbs of Epsom salt. Ec was 1.04. I then mixed 20ml each of coco a&b and 7ml of Bloombastic. Ph'd to 5.8 with an ec of 2.45. I use the canna calculator which factors in cannazyme and cannaboost for an ec of 2.3. I didn't use the cannazyme this mix and I use the bloombastic instead of boost.

Been doing research on what could be the prob, and like a rookie my ass needs some clarification and reassurance! I have found posts that say this "During flowering early deficiency can lead to a significant decrease in yield. Plants that are in the last 3 weeks of flowering do not require nitrogen if they have remained reasonably healthy up to that point. A yellowing and shedding of leaves during the final weeks of flowering is quite natural among otherwise healthy plants and should not be held up by heroic dosages of nitrogen (which would result in many undesirable complications such as: mold, sudden stop in bud development, dying of pistils, over-fertilization, rejuvenation/leaf growth in buds)."
Is this what I'm seeing or did I burn them with too much nutes specifically the bloombastic? Overall IMHO I think she looks killa! But have had some probs down below. First with necrotic spots on big fan leaves and now yellowing of new growth. Do they need a flush? Any help will be greatly appreciated!:wall: Here are some pics of the LSD.



Well-Known Member
We're on day 19 flowering and it looks normal to me. A couple leaves lower down on our plants yellowed and died and i just plucked them off. Looks good man. You could flush it next time you water it.

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
1st off, way to be on top of your grow.
2nd, relax a little.
3rd, there are many things that can cause leaves to yellow, from what I can see, those are just new be leaves that are not getting the same supply the rest of the plant is getting. Which is completely natural when going into flower. Many times the new be leafs yellow because they are not getting the light any plant needs to get a solid start up.

Like the other poster said, pluck em..

Then keep an eye on them just like you are, just to make sure the yellowing doesn't move up the plant.


Active Member
Thanks guys for the response! Lmao Buddy Ganja! Relax is what my agonizing rookie ass needs to do. Mother fucking worry wart is what I am. Yeah I try to be on top of my grow but overthink things all the time. I appreciate you two responding and plus repped ya both. I'm gonna try and check em out tonight after lights on. Might not be able to though gonna have a bunch of people over for the UFC PPV tonight. I'll look for any changes as usual! Thanks again!


From my experience and info online, I've learned its perfectly normal and actually the plant is doing it on purpose. The plant is pulling energy from its leaves that are not being used to full capacity and applying that energy to your buds! Good looking grow and good luck to you!


New Member
a good Iron an zinc foilage would be in order other then that everything looks good i found that adding Cal mag and supermax B when in flowering stage keeps most things nice and green here my girls day 50


Well-Known Member
That yellowing at the beginning of your flower cycle is normal but have never seen it in day 30 and that's why im thinkin you have a def


Well-Known Member
A galvanized nail in the grow mediium will prevent zinc deficiency.

A rusty nail is a good source of iron.