Day 33 Northern Lights Auto 125w/300w CFL auto - Feedback?


Hello everyone, I'd like to share with with you my CFL Northern Lights Auto grow, some background information about these plants, I potted 4 seeds all of which were feminized Ruderalis x Northern Lights the 2 plants at the back sprouted three days before the two in front so they have a little more veg than the other two as you can probably tell. I opted for a CFL grow because I wanted to experiment with economical ways to grow Cannabis plus money is scarce at the moment else I probably would of went with a Metal Halide to HPS set up.

The growing medium is a mixture of Coco coir and regular off the shelf soil the pots are just regular garden pots 30x30 diameter to fit in my 60x60 tent. I started these on a 125w CFL lamp and have switched them to a 300w Dual Spectrum lamp as it has been 35 days since they sprouted and I am expecting them to begin flowering soon, the vegetative stage has been pretty slow with these I must admit however I am not discouraged as I have a feeling they are going to produce some beautiful bud sites.

All 4 Plants have been topped the reason for this is my next grow I will not top them and compare the results, I will leave you to speculate on this decision although I realize topping autos is somewhat frowned upon in the growing community, anyway I topped them a week ago and as expected 2 they have branched out in what appears to be 2 separate primary node sites which will hopefully develop into two colas.

I began giving supplementary nutrients after day 25, the nutrients are nothing special however they have made substantial growth since feeding them, I gave them a diluted feeding on the first feed 5ml per 1.25L of regular tap water.

Haven't really had any problems other than roots breaking the crust of the soil which leads me to believe I should add a few more inches of soil, also there seems to be a problem with the plant in the bottom right corner the leaves look quite thin, some advice or guidance on this matter would be appreciated.

Anyway here are some pictures, feedback is appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Curious why you are using so little of the available space in the pots. Why not use smaller pots to hold the same volume of soil, and fit more of them into your grow?

Good luck, and have fun with it.


Thanks :) Yeah I messed up with the pots I guess, I will try to get deeper pots next time with less radial circumference.