Day 45, 90w LED + CFL grow


Active Member
Thank you for the kind words, I am happy they are doing well. LEDs certainly is great for personal grows, adding a few CFL you can be sure you have all the spectrum covered. I can't wait til the last couple of weeks when the bud swells and big trichomes grows.


Active Member
thats sick im actually doing the same thing im using a 90 watt ufo quad, with 6 35 watt cfls from htg supply they put out 100 a piece but also put out 2700 lumens ea bulb. just started flowering this week. but i been having my problems with watering nutes and ph. first time grower


Active Member
The taller plant looks healthy enough. I am using hydro so I can't help on soil issues.
You can put something under the smaller plants to lift it up so it get more intense lights, it helps. Nice all around lighting there, with photo-studio type reflector too.
How do you find your 90w UFO? You are using 300w of "light power" and I guess it only actually use like 265w.


Active Member
its red with blue white and orange its a quad band but its mostly red. i actually paid like 150 for it off ebay. i always forget im evening using LED lol i keep thinking im just using cfls. the funny thing is technically i think imusing 6 cfls that get 100 a peice so 600 watts there and the led is supposed to compare to a 400 watt mh/hps so like 1000 watts but only using 300. do i believe that im getting 100 watts... fuck no lol. it def dont feel like it.
I am growing blue cheese which is supposed to be short and i have had tons of lil problems that i think have shortened the grow dramatically. i started off with 4 cfls at 27 watts a piece day light spec. then added the ufo in later. and recently switched all the cfls tothe 35 watt bloomers.

There is a shittt ton of nodes like i dont even know how many. my best plant is th eblue cheese inthe back left its short but its soooo full and bushy. but ya im hoping to flower good.

thanks on the idea to bring the other plants closer to the light didnt think of that at all


Active Member
It is no problem at all, it is a open forum :) I am glad to see another LED grower having a similar set up as me. The reason I don't want to use HID is heat, electricity and the cost of the ballast + the cost of not being stealthy.


Active Member
There are 2 Chrystals under the LED, in a wardrope. There are 2 Pure Power plant beside it but the are under a 50w LED panel and not getting much lights from the UFO. I guess since it is flowering so I throw everything at it.


Active Member
I probably going to flush it in the next couple of days, I cutted a small sample 2 nights ago it is still being dry and when I check with 60x magifying glass there were many trichomes still a bit clear, I will flower it for 9 weeks and see. Saying that they looks so good and big, it is really testing my patience.
I probably going to flush it in the next couple of days, I cutted a small sample 2 nights ago it is still being dry and when I check with 60x magifying glass there were many trichomes still a bit clear, I will flower it for 9 weeks and see. Saying that they looks so good and big, it is really testing my patience.
how big is your grow space? your pics are very promising