Day 57 of flowering - harvest?


Well-Known Member
haha, you know the best way is to get a 30x from radioshack i think for pretty cheap.

when 70% or so of the trich's are kinda amber and the rest are milky whitish, you harvest for the best smoke...


Well-Known Member
btw I had to tie it up... it sinked to the wall..bcuz of the weight of the buds I think =) and thats good, right? :D but u think these buds will enlarge in these last 1 or 2 weeks?

and ganjagoddess, how much does I seem to have on it atm in ur opinion?


Well-Known Member
I think your gonna get a nice 3-3.5 ozs off her. as she sits now

Its hard to judge though, Im trying to guess using the size of yur hand and the zoomed out picture.

Hopefully you may pull a QP off her if your lucky.

Can I ask what nutes and or additives you used on er.?


Well-Known Member
this plant makes me feel jealous dude :D atleast 2 weeks to go imo. the yeild will be decent fo sure >2oz fo sho man. Cheers!!!


Well-Known Member
thank you, thank you ^^ but.. well.. Im gonna flush it till the end? mabey I will flush out all the nutes and then she wont get enough food for the flowers and stop growing :D lol


Well-Known Member
hes been flushing for a few weeks now....

Still it could go for a nother week.5 or so.

Although you could have been feeding her all the way up to this point, then started the flushing.

You live and learn.

Some strains take along time to finish.

My rule is to feed them nutes until 50ish percent of my trichs turn amber then begin a 1 week flush, earl on here does 6 week flushes, but he grows cannabis cup quality shit whereas I a larger producer think I am being rather nice by even flushing at all.


Well-Known Member
btw Im not sure how much is 1 ounce...? is it 31g or 28g?
let me know please.

I'm really hoping to get like 100g :hump: this is my goal.


Well-Known Member
An oz is just over 28 grams. I think that plant is beautiful and you have just proven that you can get fantastic results on a limited budget, backyard dirt and schultz feeding and you grew that beauty. You've got a few jealous people around here who are spendin hundreds on nutrients and not getting the results you've just pulled off. Good luck on the finish.


Active Member
ya u defly got prbly a little more time before harvest those pistils look reeaallly white but i would invest in a magnifying glass or something along those lines cause you can pin-point your trichs colors....and youll defly yield atleast 2-3 o's if not a generous amount more


Well-Known Member
You got a 100 grams I gurantee, let us know what the Trimmed Wet weight of your buds are, so we can make some guesses.


Well-Known Member
:) :) yea thanks, email468. Im trying to get a 30x magnifier glass from somewhere..

and ok, ganjagoddess. will do it and let u know. I will post some new pics probably before I harvest.

100g...... yummy yummy......:hump: