Day 66 12/12 from seed first grow


Hello all! I'd like to hear your opinions on my first grow. I don't see many people going 12/12 from seed but I thought I'd give it a shot with a 400w HPS starting In solo cups transplanting into 1gallon? Nursery pots and a few 10in pots.

Nutrients used were supernatural brand. Gro terra for the first 3 weeks; switch to bloom up until this Saturday and I'm currently feeding bud blaster and bloom. Don't know if I'll flush or not yet. Please let me know what you think! I'll give them 10-14 days. Trichomes are clear/cloudy at the moment


Rolla J

Well-Known Member
Looks good. 2 weeks sounds good. Flushing is a myth for soil really. U can feed up til u chop. Dealers choice.
I feed. Then a typical watering, then i chop when the soil is all dried up


Looks good. 2 weeks sounds good. Flushing is a myth for soil really. U can feed up til u chop. Dealers choice.
I feed. Then a typical watering, then i chop when the soil is all dried up
I think that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'd like a slow dry but not in like 1-3 days. Do you recommend wet or dry trimming??

Rolla J

Well-Known Member
I think that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'd like a slow dry but not in like 1-3 days. Do you recommend wet or dry trimming??
Hmm depends on the drying environment. As my humidity is on the lower side and will dry faster i leave most of my leaves on and take off the bigger fan leaves. I hang as a whole. I just chopped one down today here is a pic20170904_114134.jpg
Easier to wet trim but i think that leads to having more of a hay smell when drying.
I will trim mine again probably on wed or thursday
Dry em longer for a cpl of days then de stem and put in jars to cure


Well-Known Member
Flushing gets ride of nutrient build up in soil and in turn the bud, before harvest 10-14 days flush gives smoother hit and more consistent taste.


Well-Known Member
Looks good. 2 weeks sounds good. Flushing is a myth for soil really. U can feed up til u chop. Dealers choice.
I feed. Then a typical watering, then i chop when the soil is all dried up
I would have to disagree. Some one who heavily feeds compared to someone who heavily feeds and does a flush will come out with better quality. Seen it done, same strains, same everything. Plants that got flushed for 3 weeks burnt a lot better, was smoother and tasted better. It probably depends the nutrients people use but best believe flushing those nutrients out of your soil makes that weed better! How would it not hahahah


Well-Known Member
Looks good. 2 weeks sounds good. Flushing is a myth for soil really. U can feed up til u chop. Dealers choice.
I feed. Then a typical watering, then i chop when the soil is all dried up
Flushing gets ride of nutrient build up in soil and in turn the bud, before harvest 10-14 days flush gives smoother hit and more consistent taste.
What he said^^* I agree with flushing from proven results!


Well-Known Member
Hmm depends on the drying environment. As my humidity is on the lower side and will dry faster i leave most of my leaves on and take off the bigger fan leaves. I hang as a whole. I just chopped one down today here is a picView attachment 4005026
Easier to wet trim but i think that leads to having more of a hay smell when drying.
I will trim mine again probably on wed or thursday
Dry em longer for a cpl of days then de stem and put in jars to cure
how much did you get from this grow in full? Im on day 10 of a 12/12seed grow