Day14 budget diy grow how do these girls look?

Hello everyone i have posted my grow a few times and now we are at week two of flower! There are white hairs and tops everywhere hope they continue to grow well! Let me know what you guys think i just got sone superthrive and moleasses and the propane torch i have been burning for like five minutes three times a day seems to make them more perky!



Well-Known Member
Nice I guess your using the propane torch for co2 never thought of that but looks good you should have a good harvest
Thanks everyone feel like im doing good for a first timer and to think i dont check ph i dont have humidity control etc i base it all on would i want to sit in thoose conditions for 12 hrs etc thanks everyone any guess on yeild??? I know there is no exact but from your exp with plants 2' 4" at the second week of flower with 1600 watts on top and 400 watts on the side i have scroged lst every day some of my stems are even as thick as the broad side of a bic lighter!
Is this a decent start to the flowering process? I think they liked the superthrive and molasses. What do you all think of these?
I am getting eager now as i see the buds start to fill in and fully start to bloom!They have perked up this last week because last weekend i installed a diy light mover for side lighting. If i could upload a video i would show you guys. I took an oscilating fan and used the motor to conbect to the light hood then installed the whole thing onto a tripod plug in the bulb and oscilating motor and bam light mover lol. Im so proud of my first grow i hope you guys enjoy these pics!let me know if you guys want pics of light mover.

