DCSE- breeder/seed/germ review


Well-Known Member
All seed were soaked in labeled 1oz. cups with a about 1/2 a teaspoon of water per. Stacked and placed in a coffee mug on my router for 12 hrs.
Results at 12 hrs:

Brisco's Beans -- Jelly Pie 3 of 3
Brisco's Beans -- Black Mamba 3 of 3
West Creek's -- Cherry Wine CBD 3 of 3
Mass Medical -- Fish Eye OG 1 of 2
TonyGreens -- GorillaBubble BX4 1 of 2

At 24 hrs all were planted in FFOF. :) Extremely satisfied to this point!
Just keep an eye out on seedlings for a couple weeks because sometimes ffof comes a little hot for seedlings. I've had success with seedlings in ffof but also had plants burn in it.

Im sure youll be fine but if you notice any burnt tips or yellowing its from too much nutrients. Cheers and good growings
Thanks for the tip. It was really dry mix. I tried to hydrate the soil in the pots for about 2 hr. watering, stirring in pots, soak in tray, repeat. repeat.with fresh water. Eventually i dumped it all back into a tub, added water and mixed by hand. Then refilled pots. I knew better.. But so far so good :)
2 Brisco's- Black Mamba growing nicely
1 - Briscos Jellypie doing fine, 1 never broke the surface and 1 I broke trying to remove seed hull
1 TonyGreen- gorilla bubble bx4 (a runt) but its trying
1 WestCreek CBD cherry wine doing ok but a little behind 2 never broke soil.
1 Mass Medical fish eyeOG didnt make it, I think it was soaked in water too long. Root tip turned to mush.
I started/soaked in 1 oz cups again:
3 more TGreens GB BX4 1 cracked -18 hrs
3 Briscos JellyPie- 3 cracked 12 hrs
3 MassMeds Fish Eye OG -2 cracked 18 hrs

also started
3 NextGens Romulan Kush and 4 Romulan Grapefruit all 7 cracked. 12 hrs.

Instead of transferring to paper towels or straight to soil/mix as usual to get a root started, I added just enough Vermiculite to each 1oz cup to stay nice and moist but not saturated. First time trying this exactly, we'll see how it goes. :) In a couple days I'll add some water and float off the verm, see what I have ready to plant.
lol thats way too much fucking around. just stick them in dirt. those beans are all fresh, no reason they wont germ just fine in a small damp cup of soil on a heat pad.

Some you don't even have to stick in the dirt, they escape and plant themselves!

Last year I had a volunteer plant on the back of an old somewhat overgrown soil pile get to four feet tall before I noticed it.
lol thats way too much fucking around. just stick them in dirt. those beans are all fresh, no reason they wont germ just fine in a small damp cup of soil on a heat pad.

Though I agree, straight to the mix in a pot is ideal. This is not really so different or complicated/ fucking around. lol. Everything isnt one size fits all :D
Only doing the soak because lately my straight to soil/mix seeds just aint working. Be it they were older seeds. And I wanted to see how fresh and viable these were for the review. As well as give them a better chance and speedier onset.

Actually much less hassle than you think, and not much different than straight to soil with the verm in the small cup.
Easier than the paper towel method for labeling and removal without damage. Just added water first for an overnight soak and then added, soil (verm). pretty standard.

If y'all haven't signed up for the DCSE newsletter, you should. One of the seed makers on the roster is having a HUGE promo event.
Oh yeah saw that! Looks like a hella great idea and offer/promo. Seriously lookin' at the Fionas and a couple others. ;) Thanks Amos Otis ;)
2 Brisco's- Black Mamba growing nicely
1 - Briscos Jellypie doing fine, 1 never broke the surface and 1 I broke trying to remove seed hull
1 TonyGreen- gorilla bubble bx4 (a runt) but its trying
1 WestCreek CBD cherry wine doing ok but a little behind 2 never broke soil.
1 Mass Medical fish eyeOG didnt make it, I think it was soaked in water too long. Root tip turned to mush.
I started/soaked in 1 oz cups again:
3 more TGreens GB BX4 1 cracked -18 hrs
3 Briscos JellyPie- 3 cracked 12 hrs
3 MassMeds Fish Eye OG -2 cracked 18 hrs

also started
3 NextGens Romulan Kush and 4 Romulan Grapefruit all 7 cracked. 12 hrs.

Instead of transferring to paper towels or straight to soil/mix as usual to get a root started, I added just enough Vermiculite to each 1oz cup to stay nice and moist but not saturated. First time trying this exactly, we'll see how it goes. :) In a couple days I'll add some water and float off the verm, see what I have ready to plant.

Those are not very good germination rates.
2 Brisco's- Black Mamba growing nicely
1 - Briscos Jellypie doing fine, 1 never broke the surface and 1 I broke trying to remove seed hull
1 TonyGreen- gorilla bubble bx4 (a runt) but its trying
1 WestCreek CBD cherry wine doing ok but a little behind 2 never broke soil.
1 Mass Medical fish eyeOG didnt make it, I think it was soaked in water too long. Root tip turned to mush.
I started/soaked in 1 oz cups again:
3 more TGreens GB BX4 1 cracked -18 hrs
3 Briscos JellyPie- 3 cracked 12 hrs
3 MassMeds Fish Eye OG -2 cracked 18 hrs

also started
3 NextGens Romulan Kush and 4 Romulan Grapefruit all 7 cracked. 12 hrs.

Instead of transferring to paper towels or straight to soil/mix as usual to get a root started, I added just enough Vermiculite to each 1oz cup to stay nice and moist but not saturated. First time trying this exactly, we'll see how it goes. :) In a couple days I'll add some water and float off the verm, see what I have ready to plant.
You leave them soaking until they pop? I've never had good experiences with that. Seems a lot more damp off that way or just never come up. For fresh seeds, I just put them straight to dirt. If they're a little older, I prefer to give them a short soak then press between paper towels in a plastic bag, which I tape to my water heater to A) keep warm and B) use gravity to make the taproot grow straight. Since I started doing this, germ rates have been way better and I haven't had any damp off.
The germ rates not so bad. My technique might have sucked.
Started 13, 6 fully germinated, broke soil. 5 alive and growing now. (I broke one of those.) My mistakes/ over long soaking/ fumble fingers killed 2 or 3 others that cracked fine.
Cant really determine much on germ rates when you only start 2-3 of each variety from different stock and breeders, except that grower error was in play. Also the FFOF may have been a little hot as previously mentioned.
I certainly will not complain as I only purchased the Briscos Black Mamba and the WestCreek Cherry wine. the rest were freeeeee!
You leave them soaking until they pop? I've never had good experiences with that. Seems a lot more damp off that way or just never come up. For fresh seeds, I just put them straight to dirt. If they're a little older, I prefer to give them a short soak then press between paper towels in a plastic bag, which I tape to my water heater to A) keep warm and B) use gravity to make the taproot grow straight. Since I started doing this, germ rates have been way better and I haven't had any damp off.
Yeah I agree, I've used the paper towel method ( not exclusively) for 30+ yrs. Usually just put em in paper towels in a skoal can in a warm area.
These I left soaking for 12 hrs initially, just to hydrate. Then I got busy and by the time I got to put in soil was over 24 hrs. and yeah most all had cracked by then. Not ideal. Not sure i would call any of what I had damp off, so much as suffocation lol. maybe a couple.
The next set I just let soak overnight. Not trying to grow them in the water, just get the hull to soften/ crack a bit.
Am I the only one who hates DCSE website? Big ass header at the top, constant ad at the bottom (even after closing it pops right back up) so you get to view about 3 inches making it a real pain in the ass?
I see what you are talking about, but the top header reduces to a less than a 1 inch bar as soon as I scroll down. The small banner at the bottom closes with one click but does re appear when you load a new page.
Actually less space taken up than most sites, on screen size for me.
Might suck on a tablet or phone, but its fine on my ol pc.