DDoS attack, pictures ,down time etc.

I assume not. But don't like members making false aqucisation about me either. Of being fed etc. I just assume my post be all deleted
I assume not. But don't like members making false aqucisation about me either. Of being fed etc. I just assume my post be all deleted
If you posted pics on this site, they're publicly available by definition. So when you posted them, THAT'S when you let the cat out of the bag.
DDoS; Distributed Denial of Service attack; when a hostile actor gains control of hundreds or even thousands of computers and directs them all to flood a given website in an attempt to make it crash.

This has NOTHING to do with stealing data; which makes no sense because there's nothing but public data on a public forum anyway.
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DDoS; Distributed Denial of Service attack; when a hostile actor gains control of hundreds or even thousands of computers and directs them am to flood a given website in an attempt to make it crash.

This has NOTHING to do with stealing data; which makes no sense because there's nothing but public data on a public forum anyway.
Ya I just deleted like a few posts from some thread where they said instagram was safer to post their photos
I almost eye rolled my eyes so hard they got stuck that way
Mr. buzz. DDOS is a Distributed denial of Service. The attack floods the website with many oversized data packets from computers that have been compromised. This causes the traffic flow to the website to become jammed up, hence we cannot get it to load. In layman's terms.
DDoS; Distributed Denial of Service attack; when a hostile actor gains control of hundreds or even thousands of computers and directs them am to flood a given website in an attempt to make it crash.

This has NOTHING to do with stealing data; which makes no sense because there's nothing but public data on a public forum anyway.

Hah! You beat me to it, LOL.
Ya I just deleted like a few posts from some thread where they said instagram was safer to post their photos
I almost eye rolled my eyes so hard they got stuck that way
LMAO! I know, right?

That's almost as precious as valuing Snapchat at $30 BILLION, even though they've never turned a dime in profit and in fact LOST $500 MILLION just last year!

Amazon they aren't, lol
If you posted pics on this site, they're publicly available by definition. So when you posted them, THAT'S when you let the cat out of the bag.
Have you ever googled yer RIU screen name? I did a while back and I was all over Google but I just did a search and it's some rock band and poetry about drowning people huh