DDoS attack

Funny thing about a DDoS attack, it overwhelms the network preventing access, it doesn't affect the content of the server. Wonder what caused all the missing content? Hmmmmmm
Yea basically bombarding the server with data..i too wanna know where all the pics went.

to be DDoS'd for days..hmm
What the hell is a DDoS attack??
It's a distributed denial of service. So you bombard the server(s) from multiple IPs. Usually a botnet. A good front line distribution server can stop them and essentially that is what cloud flare purports to be.

The loss of content is inexplicable.

It was all my fault, I was trying to send @Gary Goodson a dick pic but the file was too large. Must've crashed the site.:hump:
LOL ++ rep
A website does not go offline during a DDoS attack unless someone pulls the network cable or turns off the power. The RIU server was disconnected from the internet. Their facebook page stated it was a hardware failure, which would explain the server being turned off AND pictures missing. I don't know why someone decided to say it was a DDoS attack when it was obvious it wasn't. Their hosting service would have been able to stop a DDoS attack within hours, and the website would have only been slowed down to a crawl, not offline. Something smells very Trumpy with the facts. :/
A website does not go offline during a DDoS attack unless someone pulls the network cable or turns off the power. The RIU server was disconnected from the internet. Their facebook page stated it was a hardware failure, which would explain the server being turned off AND pictures missing. I don't know why someone decided to say it was a DDoS attack when it was obvious it wasn't. Their hosting service would have been able to stop a DDoS attack within hours, and the website would have only been slowed down to a crawl, not offline. Something smells very Trumpy with the facts. :/
Sometimes we don't have to tell you guys everything
Yes it was offline much longer than it should've been there's a reason for that which doesn't need to be stated on open forum
I was thinking about using my new GC account for trolling...they are so soft over there....
Good luck ....I had the mods on me like flies to rotting flesh ...wasn't even trolling ...just being myself ..imagine that , as you guys all know I'm totally innocent of any wrong doing. I'm known for being super polite and following all rules ...I plan on getting banned but wana make it special ....I quoted one of the mods with a huge LOL..after he asked me to act more appropriate and not bring what I learned here over to GC blah blah blah blah blah ......don't worry I'm screen shotting and plan to share the experience from sign up to ban hammer with you all....GC is bland as fuck ,,,I shall spice it ..........the mod reminds me of the teacher from South Park ...please be nice and don't have any fun ,,,mmmmmmmmmmm K
Good luck ....I had the mods on me like flies to rotting flesh ...wasn't even trolling ...just being myself ..imagine that , as you guys all know I'm totally innocent of any wrong doing. I'm known for being super polite and following all rules ...I plan on getting banned but wana make it special ....I quoted one of the mods with a huge LOL..after he asked me to act more appropriate and not bring what I learned here over to GC blah blah blah blah blah ......don't worry I'm screen shotting and plan to share the experience from sign up to ban hammer with you all....GC is bland as fuck ,,,I shall spice it ..........the mod reminds me of the teacher from South Park ...please be nice and don't have any fun ,,,mmmmmmmmmmm K

The spice must flow!