DEA? Police? Am I alright to grow?


Long story short, a friend of mine recently got arrested for trafficking and possession. Through family and friends we found out he is being investigated by the DEA and local law enforcement. They think he is some king pin, but hes not anything like that. Its a joke really. But they are "investigating" him and his close circles and trying to come up with information. In that search, my name came up. Ive bought from him probably less than 10 times, just child hood friends, and I kick it with him every now and then.

Im worried about the security of my grow. I have bought about 5 - 6 books, a few months back with my CC when I was just interested in the subject. Also I had seeds successfully delivered to my current grow site using that card. Something came up and Im not moving like planned.

The kid doesnt know im doing what im doing, no one does. They all knew i was interested in it but not that i was doing it any time soon. Also, im in my parents house if that makes a difference, and they would never let a cop in without a warrant.

So what do I do? Wait for everything to calm down, or just start and be very confidential and careful. EVERYTHING else was bought with cash.

Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to say IMO. You mentioned that the police believe your friend is a King Pin - so what does that make you in their eyes? the police would need a warrant to obtain your credit card records. The police would only go to that much trouble if they had some information on you. Yet you haven't even started to grow. Of course, they could be investigating you and IMO probably that would be the worse possible time to start a grow.


Well-Known Member
I re-read your post and it sounds like you already have a grow going, eh? Well, shit. I'd be keeping my eyes and ears open. What's are the cultivation laws where you're at?


It's hard to say IMO. You mentioned that the police believe your friend is a King Pin - so what does that make you in their eyes? the police would need a warrant to obtain your credit card records. The police would only go to that much trouble if they had some information on you. Yet you haven't even started to grow. Of course, they could be investigating you and IMO probably that would be the worse possible time to start a grow.
Thanks for the fast reply then. Well i mean what can I be in there eyes? When it comes to controlled substances, I have a completely clean record. I honestly could think of 5 to 10 people they would watch before me.

I really want to get it going, and now im basically waiting on this. Im stopped all contact with that friend, and plan to have no further contact or his main friends.

Anyone else have any ideas?

EDIT: Nothing started. And the good old US of A, unfortunately not lucky enough to be someplace like Cali or Michigan.


Well-Known Member
i think your definitely on the right track. and i would probably advise against starting to grow only for security reasons. If your worried then it will only get worse and eventually when it starts to stink and you have buds hanging everywhere it could reach paranoia. I know that i was safe but near end of flowering i barely wanted to leave them. I ended up hooking up video cameras and motion sensor flood lights all kinds of stuff changed all the locks etc... maybe you could tal,k your rents into stepping up the security for you to help put your mind at ease and other than completely quitting herb along with what your doing thats it.


i think your definitely on the right track. and i would probably advise against starting to grow only for security reasons. If your worried then it will only get worse and eventually when it starts to stink and you have buds hanging everywhere it could reach paranoia. I know that i was safe but near end of flowering i barely wanted to leave them. I ended up hooking up video cameras and motion sensor flood lights all kinds of stuff changed all the locks etc... maybe you could tal,k your rents into stepping up the security for you to help put your mind at ease and other than completely quitting herb along with what your doing thats it.
Alright thank you. Well im definitely not quitting. Also I dont sell or anything, so Im not really worried at all. Im honestly leaning towards still doing it, because they have absolutely no reason to obtain a warrant for my house. Like i said its my parents house, would they honestly believe i was doing it in there?

and im talking like small right now, 2 plants or so just to weather storm until I can move out.


Well-Known Member
I would err on the side of caution and let things settle out for a while. Sometimes investigations span out over a pretty long time. I would think if you have not heard anything in 6 months it would be safe, though I might find an out of the way place for the grow regardless.


I would err on the side of caution and let things settle out for a while. Sometimes investigations span out over a pretty long time. I would think if you have not heard anything in 6 months it would be safe, though I might find an out of the way place for the grow regardless.
Woah?! 6 months? Damn theres no way I can wait that long. And im not sure really the extent im in. They said my name "came up" but I am in new means involved in the circles of people they are looking for.


Well-Known Member
Don't know what else to say. Just letting you know what I would do. Only you can determine the level of risk you are willing to take. If you do not think they are really looking at you, then maybe you are in the clear. You say you do not know the extent, so it is not clear how they are viewing you.


Well-Known Member
You should be fine. It isn't easy for cops to obtain information on what you purchase with your CC. First, they would need enough evidence to get a warrant and if they don't have you with controlled buys that isn't likely.

Cops like to use scare tactics but it is highly unlikely they will really put too much effort into this investigation - cops are incredibly lazy and would rather be arresting people for DUI than doing real police work. They probably did their little shake down the neighborhood kids and scare them thing and went back to eating dough nuts.


You should be fine. It isn't easy for cops to obtain information on what you purchase with your CC. First, they would need enough evidence to get a warrant and if they don't have you with controlled buys that isn't likely.

Cops like to use scare tactics but it is highly unlikely they will really put too much effort into this investigation - cops are incredibly lazy and would rather be arresting people for DUI than doing real police work. They probably did their little shake down the neighborhood kids and scare them thing and went back to eating dough nuts.
My town is notorious to all other surrounding towns for being dicks to teenagers and young adults. I know Im not on a controlled buy, theres no way. But alright thanks all, I appreciate it. I think im just going to give it some time and see how everything is looking in a little bit.


Active Member
The fact that your name surfaced should leave you paranoid to the extent of laying low until that shit storm clears. Your really playing with fire here. Never under estimate the power of the Feds and your local law enforcement. They will surely fuck up your life if given the chance which they already do. Get all contra band out of that house. Be safe young man.....


Global Moderator
Staff member
The first step towards defeat is to underestimate your opponent, and defeat for you is huge legal troubles.
Cut your losses & don't endanger your parents home - if you must, rent a storage shed & grow there.
Your freedom is worth more than the 2 -3 oz you might harvest with a small grow.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'd lay low until your friend's drama is over.And if you're going to grow in your parents house, better make sure you have their permission,as they can lose their home for manufacturing in some cases. Grow equipment is not illegal to own.The books aren't, either,I don't think,but I'd put them away somewhere safe anyway.If you want, practice growing indoor legal plants.It will give you some idea of the environment in your grow area, and it gives you an alibi just in case they ever do come busting your door down.Then you can laugh and ask,"So it's illegal to grow roses in my closet?"
Long story short, a friend of mine recently got arrested for trafficking and possession. Through family and friends we found out he is being investigated by the DEA and local law enforcement. They think he is some king pin, but hes not anything like that. Its a joke really. But they are "investigating" him and his close circles and trying to come up with information. In that search, my name came up. Ive bought from him probably less than 10 times, just child hood friends, and I kick it with him every now and then.

Im worried about the security of my grow. I have bought about 5 - 6 books, a few months back with my CC when I was just interested in the subject. Also I had seeds successfully delivered to my current grow site using that card. Something came up and Im not moving like planned.

The kid doesnt know im doing what im doing, no one does. They all knew i was interested in it but not that i was doing it any time soon. Also, im in my parents house if that makes a difference, and they would never let a cop in without a warrant.

So what do I do? Wait for everything to calm down, or just start and be very confidential and careful. EVERYTHING else was bought with cash.

Thanks all.


I'd lay low until your friend's drama is over.And if you're going to grow in your parents house, better make sure you have their permission,as they can lose their home for manufacturing in some cases. Grow equipment is not illegal to own.The books aren't, either,I don't think,but I'd put them away somewhere safe anyway.If you want, practice growing indoor legal plants.It will give you some idea of the environment in your grow area, and it gives you an alibi just in case they ever do come busting your door down.Then you can laugh and ask,"So it's illegal to grow roses in my closet?"
Thanks for the advice everyone. I guess ill just hold off a little bit. Im going to school in Cali next year, I just need something to hold me off.

It just kills me. This has been probably the most interesting hobby I have ever picked up, and the one I have been most enthusiastic about. Anyways thanks all.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Thanks for the advice everyone. I guess ill just hold off a little bit. Im going to school in Cali next year, I just need something to hold me off.

It just kills me. This has been probably the most interesting hobby I have ever picked up, and the one I have been most enthusiastic about. Anyways thanks all.
Most of us understand your passion for growing - we have it too, but if you fuck up & get caught you'll have to write it off for a much longer time.
Read up, learn as much as you can & when the time is right it will work.
Man I dunno if you don't sell, I don't kno if i would be too worried. Unless you are in a pretty small town, if the DEA is gettin involved they want big fish, that may mean getting someone like say your friend and maybe get lucky and have him flip on the guy who gives him his supply. Then they begin investigating that guy, build a case yada yada hoping he will flip as well and they just keep going up the ladder. I would just stay away from selling anything. They want the suppliers more than the buyers.

How did they bust your buddy in the first place?