dea to schedule kratom as schedule 1


bud bootlegger

well, it seems the dea is at it again, and have decided this time to go after kratom and are placing in in the schedule 1 drug category, to save the children of course..
i've never tried kratom before, but everything i know about it tells me that it's not an addictive plant, nor does it need to be classified as such, but i'd expect nothing less ..
Glad I stopped taking that stuff years ago. I see it everywhere... Gas stations etc.. Thats probably why its getting attention
The bastards see cannabis going medical in more and more states. I guess this will be the new "devil plant" they kick doors in to get. I say congress should pull funding for 90 % of what the DEA does. They've already lost the war on drugs. America is flush with Heroin, Meth, and Oxy's and they're sweating a plant. That is completely stupid IMHO.
The bastards see cannabis going medical in more and more states. I guess this will be the new "devil plant" they kick doors in to get. I say congress should pull funding for 90 % of what the DEA does. They've already lost the war on drugs. America is flush with Heroin, Meth, and Oxy's and they're sweating a plant. That is completely stupid IMHO.

i'm not all that familiar with kratom stoned, other than what i read on here and around the web for the most part, but have never tried it like i said in the op, but was curious after reading your post, but is kratom something that one could order seeds from online and grow at home like pretty much a ton of other plants? i've never really heard of anyone growing their own kratom plants, i usually just hear of people ordering the powder end product from an online vendor and using it that way.. was just curious after your post is all..
i do know that you can order and buy salvia plants online rather easily, and they're not too hard to grow.. i've had one in the past, but i'm so not a fan of salvia, i never really did much with it.. damn, it's times like these that i really miss roryrory420.
@racerboy71 I've never done it myself. I have a friend who gets his from here: He was even buying it on eBay, but I think they don't allow it anymore. He used to have an Oxy problem, and says Kratom really helped him kick it. I hear it's not hard to grow and you can get seeds for it, I found this with a google search. I guess folks better jump, before this shit becomes another useless law that deprives folks of something beneficial.
i just took some named bali and i took 3 big ass horse pills i felt like a dirty whore afterwards. but now im just relaxing like a light high or something this was my first time taking these i would defiantly go back and get some more before its gone they had a lot of variety's and i guess i got the one to make u more relaxed so i would stick to this type i bet getting high on top of this would be nice thats all i can really say for now just mellow and pretty chilled.. i got to say over all it works but very mildly if anything also my back is fucked up and the pain is dulled a little as well i can see were someone might over do it by trying to take more and more cause me and my girl took more and its only chills u out to a point were i dont think it can get u more high might have to try extracts next
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well, it seems the dea is at it again, and have decided this time to go after kratom and are placing in in the schedule 1 drug category, to save the children of course..
i've never tried kratom before, but everything i know about it tells me that it's not an addictive plant, nor does it need to be classified as such, but i'd expect nothing less ..
madness Kratom is really weak ive had it several times and it just felt like a espresso ive heard it can have relaxing effects at higher levels so i got x40 strength in amsterdam it was crap mate u get more wreked off a cup of tea!!
I dont know how it could harm any1 you couldnt put it the same class as say coke/smack.imo:peace:
madness Kratom is really weak ive had it several times and it just felt like a espresso ive heard it can have relaxing effects at higher levels so i got x40 strength in amsterdam it was crap mate u get more wreked off a cup of tea!!
I dont know how it could harm any1 you couldnt put it the same class as say coke/smack.imo:peace:

what little i know about kratom, is that there's a few different types of it, one that is more of an upper, and another variety that has more opiate like effects, which of course means more relaxing, downer etc.. i think the different color extracts play a role in this, but again, this is only things i've picked up from reading about it a few times around the web, no first hand experience..
You can grow kratom but its a big tree and old mature ones are have more potent leaf. Ive never had a plant but clippings are common. As an opiate head in the past I always liked the red vein. But havent taken any in years, still have some too lol. Its always a shame to see these kinda laws tryin to pop up...

Ive dosed hundreds of people its pretty harmless, and when i came off, the withdrawal was mild. The craziest thing that i saw after giving someone a few grams of leaf was them faint in a checkout line a few times. Was strange but he was good after some food
idk what the stuff is but from what I gather reading other members posts in this thread I'm thinking its that fake weed called K4 at the gas station

if that's the case i don't want to smoke the shit,I saw a VICE doccu deal about guys who ended up window lickers from smoking that shit,one kid was chasing space aliens away with a red colored lens in his flashlight while he sat on top his moms fridge,fuk all that I'm good with some hash & bud
idk what the stuff is but from what I gather reading other members posts in this thread I'm thinking its that fake weed called K4 at the gas station

if that's the case i don't want to smoke the shit,I saw a VICE doccu deal about guys who ended up window lickers from smoking that shit,one kid was chasing space aliens away with a red colored lens in his flashlight while he sat on top his moms fridge,fuk all that I'm good with some hash & bud

nah, not fake weed bandit, kratom is a plant, completely natural, unlike that k4 what stuff that gets passed off as fake weed.. it has opiate like effects, and you can use it in several different methods, here's a pretty good read if you're interested in learning a bit about it..
Ive never tried kratom so i dont know much about it... but i do know how to make my concentrates. My questions is if tea gives you a buzz... then whatll happen if someone makes "kratom shatter?" Would it be the new drug on the street?
Ive never tried kratom so i dont know much about it... but i do know how to make my concentrates. My questions is if tea gives you a buzz... then whatll happen if someone makes "kratom shatter?" Would it be the new drug on the street?

Extracts from kratom have been made for years. Its all been done. It def wont be the new drug on the street as long as we have H and pills lol