dea to schedule kratom as schedule 1


Well-Known Member
Kartom isn't a drug I would say...... Just started earlier this year... Had planned on doing it every day for a boost.... Only thing is over doing it gets you nausea.... Did help from smoking cigarettes and helped sleep.... But schedule 1 drug no...... Still got quite a bit but just once in awhile


New Member

well, it seems the dea is at it again, and have decided this time to go after kratom and are placing in in the schedule 1 drug category, to save the children of course..
i've never tried kratom before, but everything i know about it tells me that it's not an addictive plant, nor does it need to be classified as such, but i'd expect nothing less ..


New Member
I've taken Keaton many times and it's not addicting at all what so ever... I've tried all the strains for fun and also used to for norco and tramadol withdrawals and it works great ! And also it works okay for chronic pain. They wanna make it illegal just because it has two or three alkaloids that bind to a small number of opiate receptors in your brain and they view it as a threat to the pharmacudical companies losing money on their opiate meds lol it's all about money and Control really. Kratom is a hell of a lot safer than pain meds and all because a kid died taking massive amounts of it sparked an excuse to ban it haha it's all a joke to me makes me laugh how the government thinks they can Control everything ! And we let em.. and this is the truth behind the Kratom issue going on.. and btw they haven't made it illegal yet they held off on it to hear the supreme ruling and from the food administration for a final choice. I'm sure it will be illegal soon though along with every other right we have. It's not a war on drugs it's a war on personal freedom.