Dead bottom leaves


i got a couple clones a week back and put them into the ground using some supersoil. overwatered both of them to the brink of death and my bigger one survived unlike the other. now that brute is having problems i believe. the bottom leaves are dried up and dead and the one above those is turning yellow and dying as well. the rest of the plant is growing decently, visible growth each visit. anyways my question is that the yellowing and dying off natural because i heard in the early stages the first bottom leaves die off and the plant focuses energy on the top growing part so is my plant dying or just doing what its supposed to be doing? help is needed! (first timer over here)


Active Member
Pictures would help however from what I can tell it sounds like its having some problems not just the original leaves dying off. Possibly a lack of nitrogen...but yellowing can be many things. Pictures and more info on what the plant is in and what if any nutes you've given it would make it far easier to diagnose.


Well-Known Member
You overwatered on purpose? Is your soil still wet? Do you let your plants dirt go dry before you water again? Letting the soil go dry helps your plants roots breath. Seems like maybe yor plants roots are suffocating a bit


Pictures would help however from what I can tell it sounds like its having some problems not just the original leaves dying off. Possibly a lack of nitrogen...but yellowing can be many things. Pictures and more info on what the plant is in and what if any nutes you've given it would make it far easier to diagnose.
im a little hesitant to put pictures up since its an outside location via dont want someone to reconize it but its in the ground no pot. in super soil. added a little flowering food dont know which brand but it was minimal and did that once. i was told no nutes or anything is needed when its this young. have i been fooled?


You overwatered on purpose? Is your soil still wet? Do you let your plants dirt go dry before you water again? Letting the soil go dry helps your plants roots breath. Seems like maybe yor plants roots are suffocating a bit
no no no not on purpose. see ima first timer and believed they needed lots of water. dumb on my part. weve got the watering down now but maybe i should water it less? im worried itll dry up and die


Active Member
How old is the plant? What method do you use as far the super soil? Typically you'd fill half of your hole with super soil and then use regular soil for the rest to allow the plant to get old enough to handle all the nutrients in the super mix.


How old is the plant? What method do you use as far the super soil? Typically you'd fill half of your hole with super soil and then use regular soil for the rest to allow the plant to get old enough to handle all the nutrients in the super mix.
the plant i do not know the age of. i got the clones from a club but their roughly 7inchs in height. i dug bout 2 foot deep by 2 feet wide and filled the whole thing with supersoil. i feel like i made a big mistake. shit. although might i add, the plants ive had in the ground do better then the potted ones. just a speculation


Well-Known Member
your clone came from a club wich means she was used to either an hps system or metal hallide. She's not used to outodr conditions. She's a little shocked. Let her go on her own for a bit. If she continues to grow with no new leaves going bad then she will eventually toughen up to the strong sun& outdoor air.


your clone came from a club wich means she was used to either an hps system or metal hallide. She's not used to outodr conditions. She's a little shocked. Let her go on her own for a bit. If she continues to grow with no new leaves going bad then she will eventually toughen up to the strong sun& outdoor air.
yea i figured theyd indure some shock but shit more then i thought. i might go buy some more but this time should i just let those bad boys grow in like a red cup of soil for a cpl weeks then transfer? or will that be too late to make that risky of a transfer


Well-Known Member
I always avoid transplants. But it's your call. If the clones are pretty big &they have healthy roots already then you might as well leave them in the pot where she will live her whole life.


I always avoid transplants. But it's your call. If the clones are pretty big &they have healthy roots already then you might as well leave them in the pot where she will live her whole life.
that makes sense. thinking about it outa the couple i had the one that survived the move was the bigger one with better roots. thanks man


Well-Known Member
I always avoid transplants. But it's your call. If the clones are pretty big &they have healthy roots already then you might as well leave them in the pot where she will live her whole life.


Pictures would help however from what I can tell it sounds like its having some problems not just the original leaves dying off. Possibly a lack of nitrogen...but yellowing can be many things. Pictures and more info on what the plant is in and what if any nutes you've given it would make it far easier to diagnose.
well i went to my baby today here she is, also i noticed the tips are going yellow if you cant see in the pictures. and their all the same plant. diagnose the problem! hahaha

