Dead fish for fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
I've been throwing fish scraps in my compost pile for years. I've made fish emulsion ndergroud in a barrel over the winter. Never try in a residential setting. Trust me. I swear by emulsions. Only experience with fish directly in pots was a very small bait fish. A few ounces smashed and put at the bottom of the pot did increase health without damaging. But it attracts the animals and induces digging. Not worth the risk here.


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With dead fish, you want every thing to break down asap.
Just leave the fish in a shallow trench, cover with lime and seaweed, turns to jelly in the sun for a week, spread the jelly.
Probably should not do this with neighbors, still rank. Keeps the deer away though.
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My grandad would go to the creek with his casting net, and catch thousands of shad. Spread them on top of his garden, probably an acre, then till them into the soil a couple times. Usually he would just do this once at a new plot, from then on out he would just ammend as needed.
We always threw fish heads in the garden. Whenever we did, the plants grew much better and we're a lot happier.


Well-Known Member
Great way to add some life to the garden, and just costs some labor :mrgreen: When I was a mechanic I always had old men come and get the shavings off the brake lathe. They said it made their tomatoes go crazy. Can't remember if the thought process was the iron, or the oxidizing of the steel in the soil. Might give it a try next spring in the garden.


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Seen friends put dead cats and dogs in ground and grow plants on them all turned out really nice these were pets that died not thrown in just for fertilizer lol


Well-Known Member
lol thats funny but it really does seem to work. I''ll post an experiment with some pot plants with nature's fertilizer vs commercial vs without any.

If this works it might be the next scientific break through in marijuana.

Lets make nutrient companies go out of business lmao.
Battlefields have amazing crops, it's well known, look up fish fertilizer on here or the net.


Well-Known Member
Dry powdered fish, fish emulsion, crab meal, bone meal just drives cats and raccoons insane.
The tracks everywhere are funny, unless you have plants in there.
Trench it all together with lime and cover it for a week or 2 so they don't have to dig everywhere., then spread it.
They can't eat it once the amendments are in, they just got to find it...


Well-Known Member
Dry powdered fish, fish emulsion, crab meal, bone meal just drives cats and raccoons insane.
The tracks everywhere are funny, unless you have plants in there.
Trench it all together with lime and cover it for a week or 2 so they don't have to dig everywhere., then spread it.
They can't eat it once the amendments are in, they just got to find it...
I've been face to face with a blackbear, probably 15' away walking straight at me after I topped dressed with fish bone meal the day before. Broad daylight. They are blind as hell but man their sense of smell is insane.


Well-Known Member
I've been face to face with a blackbear, probably 15' away walking straight at me after I topped dressed with fish bone meal the day before. Broad daylight. They are blind as hell but man their sense of smell is insane.
I know this is off topic, but I've chased them outta my garage. One of them almost came at me when I was yelling at him, so I chucked my full beer at him and then he left. I saw a mountain lion eat my neighbors cat right in front of me once too.


Well-Known Member
I know this is off topic, but I've chased them outta my garage. One of them almost came at me when I was yelling at him, so I chucked my full beer at him and then he left. I saw a mountain lion eat my neighbors cat right in front of me once too.
Yeah damn, that's scary. Loud yelling scared this one off. I was actually taking a leak, so I felt pretty exposed and vulnerable lol. I thought the loud rustling was a couple of deer. No lions around me but plenty of coyotes and bobcat.


Well-Known Member
Yeah damn, that's scary. Loud yelling scared this one off. I was actually taking a leak, so I felt pretty exposed and vulnerable lol. I thought the loud rustling was a couple of deer. No lions around me but plenty of coyotes and bobcat.
Usually they're pretty scared of humans, but this one guy was kinda aggressive. There was a nice timid one that came up on my deck once. I didn't even need to yell at him. I saw he had been tagged so it wasn't his first interaction with people. I felt like he would have let me pet him if he wasn't scared of me. It was crazy. I think someone was feeding that one, which is not cool. Then they need to be shot eventually because they get too comfortable with people.


Well-Known Member
Yes, dead fish make much better plant food than dead threads. I use bio mass all the time. Growing in the woods, you have to dig deep though. I've had more than my share of holes dug up due to carcasses being too smelly. I use hole diggers to get down past where coyotes will dig it up, then dig the rest of the hole with a shovel. If you grow in your yard and have dogs, you will want to do this too.