I've done direct sow before and sometimes it can be a hit or miss. Next time you have a Crack at it, soak the seed first. I soak mine for about 12 hrs -24hrs. It depends on the temperature of the water, age of the seed. Either way, once the seed is fully hydrated it won't float anymore. That's when you transfer the seed to a damp paper towel using a pair of tweezers. Be careful, sometimes seeds will germinate during the soak and the root tip pokes out. If it germinated, no paper towel is needed. But if not, the towel is where you germinate. Place it in a warm dark place and check every 24 hrs. After germination, carefully sow the seed. Water it in and leave it alone. All because the top of the soil is dry doesn't mean the bottom is. Actually, when soil drys out it encourages the plant to drive its taproot deeper to find water.