Deadly pot! Noone smoke!

what it do, to all my sawf sidaz!! SCREWSTON where u @? & on some real shit if I ever go up north ,shit they ain't gotta worry about me buy'n a bitch ass crumb.fuck dat!!
Srewston for real tho, assuming by your name we got da best 2 things you could put together in ya own back yard a)some good green & b) a nice cup of dat purp thats all you need. now all dat other shit that make you wanna kill ya self ,crack,and heroin is for the birds.
What kind of gangsters are you ppl? The gun carrying kind, or the sharpie/spray-paint carrying sort?..
nvm, its not like it has anything to do with the actual topic.. Please refrain from telling us what area code you 'represent'..
na, I don't push noth'n. Now I came across this and thought it was a joke @ first i'm just tripp'n that ya'll are for real, really spike'n the weed & shit. & as for that Gangsta comment its best for me to just continue to just observe instead of join'n in this cuz I take some things too personal.
Hi all,

didn't have time to read the whole thread. kinda seemed to get derailed up to where i read anyway :)

in answer to the question, it is possible if you're trying to change the structure of the molecules or some shit like that.

look up in the old USA government handbook as they were doing an experiment where they were trying to get rid of the high but keep it for its use in rope and all that stuff.

they did the exact opposite and made an extra potent reefer.

Now I imagine that is the reefer we see today because I can't imagine it being multiple times better than the best I have ever smoked.

but anyway the way they achieved this was by adding poison to the plants in small doses .. some dies but the ones that made it ... could not be smoked or they would kill you ... but their offspring could be smoked and it had by then changed from a single cannaboid to multiple

some of my terms are probably off. been years but the jist was they added the poison and if you smoked the first generation it would kill you.
Umm all cannibis plants contain multiple cannibinoids, always have, always will.. And are you talking about colchicine treatments?
Cochicine is used to treat gout.. A typical doasge is only about 0.6mg, and can only a few doses can be taken before toxic effects start to show up..
Hi all,

didn't have time to read the whole thread. kinda seemed to get derailed up to where i read anyway :)

in answer to the question, it is possible if you're trying to change the structure of the molecules or some shit like that.

look up in the old USA government handbook as they were doing an experiment where they were trying to get rid of the high but keep it for its use in rope and all that stuff.

they did the exact opposite and made an extra potent reefer.

Now I imagine that is the reefer we see today because I can't imagine it being multiple times better than the best I have ever smoked.

but anyway the way they achieved this was by adding poison to the plants in small doses .. some dies but the ones that made it ... could not be smoked or they would kill you ... but their offspring could be smoked and it had by then changed from a single cannaboid to multiple

some of my terms are probably off. been years but the jist was they added the poison and if you smoked the first generation it would kill you.
I remember hearing that,,,sometime told me years ago that that was how they developed skunk,,,but I heard that they injected the seeds with it :sad:
Hello All.
Fuck me, I cannot believe I've read this full thread through.
With the exeption of maybe 4 poeple, especially Jats. Your ALL a load of bullshiting, bullshit believing Knobheads.
FUCK ME RAW!!!!!!!!!
Bunging coke, and LSD in weed, indeed!!!! injecting "heron" into plants, and Poison, to make it "better". I'm a bigger better "gangsta" than you????
I think you'd all better stop the weed smokin, its afecting you badly.
Fuckin clowns, man I've not got the patience to trawl back through the nonsense, to find the many individual posts that need rippin to shreds.
I've never heard such total knackers before, and believe me I have fuckin heard some in my time.
Ta Ta.
Hello All.
Fuck me, I cannot believe I've read this full thread through.
With the exeption of maybe 4 poeple, especially Jats. Your ALL a load of bullshiting, bullshit believing Knobheads.
FUCK ME RAW!!!!!!!!!
Bunging coke, and LSD in weed, indeed!!!! injecting "heron" into plants, and Poison, to make it "better". I'm a bigger better "gangsta" than you????
I think you'd all better stop the weed smokin, its afecting you badly.
Fuckin clowns, man I've not got the patience to trawl back through the nonsense, to find the many individual posts that need rippin to shreds.
I've never heard such total knackers before, and believe me I have fuckin heard some in my time.
Ta Ta.
haha thanks for saving me some trubble haha freaking gangsters... you never comming up north.. and iv never really heard of this haze stuff.. the haze we have is just dope..

on the other side haha, i once heard that the best way to get pcp into weed is to smoke it than piss on the dry bud, because thats apperently the most potant way to get it on the bud.. but some kid told me that years ago.. so i dont know if its true

knob heads wankers knackers.. well put
Hello Peeps.
Oh yeh, I forgot.
There's absolutely NO need to bring sport into it, come on, lets not totaly lose it?

Oh yeh, and don't hemp products come from using male plants, isn't it much easier to get a licence to grow male plats, for hemp products, BUT you must not grow female plants, I think only government aproved Labs, and educational establishments, granted special licence can grow female plants. (exept some of you lucky buggers, in certain states, who are allowed for medicinal purposes).
All this "its a million times stronger than it used to be" bollocks, is just that. it has improved, undoubtedly, but this is due to thafact that for 40 years (longer really, but mainly in the past 35 40 years), clever fuckers have been selectivly breeding the best plants, and creating new hybrids to grow better plants, (actually as has happened with everything else that we grow). And also due to the fact that poeple believe any colour bullshit told to em, and the "media" and those in charge, are comparing street hash, and raggy arsed, full of seed and twig weed that was usually available on the street in the late 60s to mid 70s, with new strains of premo, well grown, sinsemelia under lights and optimum conditions.
Of course its better, it fuckin well should be too, but not the oft quoted silly numbers, that fools often repeat.
BTW, sinsemelia, (sorry if I'm teachin anyone to suck eggs), means without seeds, one of the other main reasons, its much stronger, if not alowed to be polinated by a male plant the female puts all her energy into bud and resin production, waiting desperately to be fertilized, and carry on its line, and so the buds swell bigger, and get more resin. (some reckon its to protect it from the sun, but I don't go allong with this) to try to atract some insect to polinate it. (after all there has to be some kind of pay off for the insect, or it has no reason to visit the plant).

Or thats my take on it, for what its worth.

Tatty Bye.
haha thanks for saving me some trubble haha freaking gangsters... you never comming up north.. and iv never really heard of this haze stuff.. the haze we have is just dope..

on the other side haha, i once heard that the best way to get pcp into weed is to smoke it than piss on the dry bud, because thats apperently the most potant way to get it on the bud.. but some kid told me that years ago.. so i dont know if its true

knob heads wankers knackers.. well put

Hello Peeps.
I know mate, Nobody, and I mean NO FUCKING BODY, has ever, or will ever spike weed with some other expensive drug, and then just sell it to some cunt they don't even know, NO WAY, why would they? Maybe to spike a m8 or summat OK, I know that happens, but how much bussiness sense does it make to get £20 worth of weed, and then "lace" it with £20 worth of say rock, and then sell it for 20 buff?????
AND, how many hits is £20 worth of stone, say 5 or 6 good pipes, 10 pretty shitty hits, now how many joints do you get out of 20 bars worth of weed, 20, 30???, now how much stone is in each joints worth, and then think you may even share the bone with a mate.
And after your first pipe, you need a bigger pipe next time, or you don't get a decent hit, so ask yourself, are you gonna even feel it???
So some guy is gonna go around, carrying and buying weed AND crack, and every deal he sells, he loses 20 buff, and they guy he sold it to, (who by the way, is getting a better deal than I ever have), isn't even gonna probably feel it, or certainly not after the first one.

Fuckin ell poeple, THINK for fucks sake!!!!

Toodle Ooo
OK cochicine is used to Identify polyploid cannabis plants it doesnt make them it just kills every seed except the polyploids and those are quite rare you may only get a few from 1000 seeds. From everything I've read on it it wont kill you to smoke these plants that have been treated with it, by the time the plant fully grows the poison is so dispersed that it is no longer at toxic levels. This is not how the government developed any super strain of cannibis or how skunk was made, there have allways been better and worse strains of cannabis. The better ones usually come from places that have been cultivating cannabis for thousands of years, the stuff my dad smoked in vietnam is every bit as powerful as todays weed.

As for the hemp growing comment I've never heard of of people growing just male plants for hemp, maybe that how they do it on your side of the pond. Over here they just grew the hemp strain of cannabis that has stupidly low levels of THC, CBD,and CBN so if you tried smoking it u will just get a headache.

As for a 20 pound rock getting 4 or 5 hits I don't know I have no idea what crack costs over their but I know for a crack head a 20 dollar rock over here is one hit. And no one would put 20$ work of crack into 20$ worth of weed and try to make a profit, they would put 5$ worth of crack in 20$ worth of weed and sell it for 30 or 40$ telling people its killer.

If you believe that I'm a bullshitting clown thats your choice I never claimed to be a gangsta, infact I said I wasn't, as for carrying a gun you can take that to the fucking bank and I do it legally.
do you guys who just joined in not realize that all the "gangsta" talk is all in good internet fun??? (at least for me).... come on; get a damn life.... we are a group of online friends and we fuck around with eath other... as far as the lacing the weed topic, i thought we covered the bases on that already too; if you feel the need to be critical of everything people say, go into the politics section, cause we were having fun in here:evil:...
to get back where we were; this one's for yall:mrgreen:...
YouTube - Fuck You
Lol u guyz gettin mad 4? i guess i/we shouldn't of brought it up u can't prove anything over the internet but we're just fucking around! having fun! smoke a join/bowl and calm dwn:

throw some love to chicago:
YouTube - "Dumb It Down" - Lupe Fiasco (Music Video)

what some people want to do over the internet: (love for the south)
YouTube - swang on everybody (fuck the vid)

and sum more NY luvZ:

knobheads, wankers, and knackers.... i suppose they are british....
dont worry you guys can get in too!!! (although its a stolen beat:mrgreen:)
YouTube - british rap