Well-Known Member
Michigan here, whats the name of your thread JH?
Half of my patients don't grow due to time and not sure they can get it right and the other half is fear of still getting caught growing with kids in the house.For the patients who don't grow I wonder is it because for what ever reason you can't or is it they don't want to take that risk for themselves?
I agree, however if LEO's could get educated on methods of harvesting and drying/curing, making concentrates and the amounts of dried flowers it takes to make a useable concentrate etc, then they might be a little more lenient when it comes to checkin in in someone who may be a little over.
I just listened to a radio talk show (planet Greentrees) and they had Lapeer Co's prosecuting attorney as a special guest and he seemed like a pretty cool guy for a PA... His biggest issue was that there's not enough education pertaining to MMJ for the LEO's and rest of the legal system. It's a good listen if you get a chance.
The first patient I signed tried, and between having a black thumb and little time to commit to his grow, he found it easier to find a quality caregiver.
My other patient is too flighty or on the go to be tied down and committed.
The issue of the law (which I find to be fear mongering) has never come up in any of our conversations.
Half of my patients don't grow due to time and not sure they can get it right and the other half is fear of still getting caught growing with kids in the house.
Patients really need to educate themselves.
An informed patient isn't going to sign a meat puppet with a couple of lights and a good line of bullshit to be their caregiver.
This will remove 90% of the issue we discuss around here about patients and caregivers.
Or how about having your doors blown off it's hinges by armed thugs w/ guns and worst of all...badges.
Or how about having your doors blown off it's hinges by armed thugs w/ guns and worst of all...badges.
I agree with you about the fear mongering and am not surprised about your patients. Some people just aren't green thumbs, I understand about traveling for a job etc. and I agree they're could be a multitude of things that could prohibit some one from growing and I don't seek to discredit them, but what happens if you're the one being arrested? Will you still maintain a cavalier attitude?
Or how about having your doors blown off it's hinges by armed thugs w/ guns and worst of all...badges.
Really man ? Thats not fear mongering or the worst kind ?
How did armed thugs find out what I am doing, and why would the police be beating on my door ?
Wouldn't that lead right back to me bragging or running my mouth about what I'm doing ?
Other then my electric bill I'm one of the last people you would think was growing..
My patients are friends so they stop over when ever they feel like it to hang out and bullshit.
I do a grill party every month for friends and family and they show up for those too.
We don't run around advertising anything to anyone, so there is no spot light on them or myself.
Once a plant has no roots to sustain it, it is no longer considered a living mature plant.. So if LEO comes a knockin & you are over your Limit by a few.. Just cut a couple down @ the base.. Yes they can add the "weight" of the plants up & use that against you if they wanted but they could not count those plants in the total # of plants you are growing if you have any decent lawyer.
any bs story could explain that away, such as they were simply failures & you use all the premature dead runts for tea & edibles.
Thats why I made the comment b4 about "Poser Caregivers" I was not directing it to any one here. I hear it, I see it and read it every day. Bad meds,Prices,Attitudes,No meds and no call backs.
I make all my patients sign an aggrement and they can get out of it at anytime. All I ask is a 7 day notice b4 you change your CG.
Yes be smart people if you meet a CG ask questions and if they offer you free meds it's because they NEED your plant count to sell your overages to their friends...TRUST ME. Their are a alot of good CG that give freebies but not on the patients terms!
I find that the majority of "caregivers" I read from around here are posers.
In my circle you have to prove you can grow quality meds consistently before anyone will co/sign you as a caregiver.
We actually back each other up. If one of their crops have trouble we step in with fresh meds. So we are not about to co/sign some meat puppet just back from HTG supply.
We all use the same lights, soil and nutes and just about all of our grows are set up the same.
We take being a caregiver very seriously. It's not about bragging rights or how many plants we can tell people we are able to have.
It's a responsibility.
lol. Growing 12 2.5 oz plants with a single light? I don't think so... 2.5 oz plants indoors are fairly large - I can fit a max of 4 of these plants under a 600w and a 600w bulb, ballast, aircooled hood ~$400. Double your initial costs and electrical costs and redo your math - electricity goes up drastically when running multiple lights.
And what dispensaries are paying $250 and ounce? Fuck let me in on that - every dispensary around me pays ~ $5/g (140 and ounce). They sell at $250 an ounce...
If you can grow ~ 2 lbs from 12 plants indoors off $600 worth of lighting and $200 of electricity in a short period of time... THEN GO FOR IT!!!
I really doubt you would be able to pull that off though.
And where to you live? California state law = 6 mature 12 immature. Pretty sure most other states are around this and state law > local law when it comes to plant counts (if you really dont wan't to get into trouble). So he's growing 6 plants on your script, prolly averaging an once a plant, so he's giving you 1/3 of his harvest which means he is likely just breaking even. I don't think I'd garden just to break even and give meds away, not when you consider the risks.