Dealing at School

like 7 people i know(including me) got busted with pot in school. dont fuckin do it its not worth getting busted. please listen to me for your own good.
The fact you even asked this question leads me to believe you SHOULD deal at your school. No need to be sneaky. They shouldn't have to much of a problem with it. Just make sure you keep your buds in paper bags inside of a bigger paper bag. Low on noise and they store buds they are very discrete.. Plastic of overrated and dangerous for the environment.

The fact you even asked this question leads me to believe you SHOULD deal at your school. No need to be sneaky. They shouldn't have to much of a problem with it. Just make sure you keep your buds in paper bags inside of a bigger paper bag. Low on noise and they store buds they are very discrete.. Plastic of overrated and dangerous for the environment.

when i was younger i got caught with an eight at school bagged 4 sale and i wanst rude or anything and i just got a 7 day suspension and they called the cops but the cops are only involvled if its like an ounce or more not an eight
The fact you even asked this question leads me to believe you SHOULD deal at your school. No need to be sneaky. They shouldn't have to much of a problem with it. Just make sure you keep your buds in paper bags inside of a bigger paper bag. Low on noise and they store buds they are very discrete.. Plastic of overrated and dangerous for the environment.


This is very sound advice. Follow this advice and you'll be ready for retirement in 3 years.
if you have a whip your golden, don't park in there lot and keep your sacks in there. my old blazer was the shit cause I could take the dash apart in under a minute. the good old code of "anyone wanna go to wendys for lunch? I'm driving" is the best way of letting cats know that or have a hat that you only where when your holding so you don't need to be asked
Sorry, In the US, by just texting or talking on the cell while you are on school grounds is the same as selling it on the school grounds itself. For example: Joe has an 1/8 to sell. Bob calls Joe, who is at school, and says "sell me some Bud"!! Joe says "meet me at the mall". Joe goes home, gets his 1/8, goes to mall and is charged with FELONY drug trafficking on school grounds because he conspired while at the school even though he didn't actually perform the sale on school grounds. Selling at school is one sure way to fuck up your life. 18 is an adult. FEDS will have your ass.

well sorry to hear that, uptight bastards.
at my school they just dont want it at school, well to be honest its all pretty relaxed theres a few stoner teachers even. teachers, or even police i dont think are gonna chase you down over a phoen call to sell your buddy an eigth lmao
guess USA is different eh
how the fuck do people not know how to sell drugs it's not hard. buy product, break product down, put in bags, offer to sell it to people at a profit. after that you wanna buy larger amounts for the price break, then buy guns, then find people to join your drug army. Then you want to start diversifying maybe prostitutes or start meth labs cuz that's where the money is. After you got this going have your drug army threaten the police, d.a, and judges(maybe kidnap their children when they get out of school). After you've accomplished all this I'd suggest buying some real estate nothin too fancy maybe the island of guam or something like it.

:D well said
Know where the cameras are??? Why would you sell anywhere you know they have cameras, is on state property and If you car is in the parking lot it is subject to search????

yeah man the cameras. alotta places have them just be aware of where they are and avoid them. and they can search all your shit up in school. you got no power there. i slang the last year i was in high school, i never got caught, granted 20 of the 30 people on the corner were dealers of sorts so