Dealzer Grow Box


Active Member
Hello All,

Longtime lurker, seldom time question asker :)
I've had 2 seasons of successful outdoor growing, but getting older and not doing stupid things is high on my priority list.

Came across the other day and plan to obtain one of their "stealth boxes", more specifically this one:

but I petition the denizens of rollitup to help my decision by answering a few questions I have.

Fire Suppressionand Lighting Choices:
-This particular model comes with "The 6 grow lights are each 60w CFL bulbs so you will use a total of 180w per growth stage."
Will I need to purchase additional light bulb types?

-I plan to install a fire detector directly over the box, but this seems to be a "too late" measure. Anyone familiar with the material lining this box? Is it combustible, and at what temp? What temp should I expect the light bulbs to reach? I am not above hardwiring a "modified" smoke detector directly inside the box to a relay next to my bedside that will blink if the alarm is triggered. I can do that sort of thing.

Hydro System:
-I have no experience growing outside of dirt. This unit is hydroponic. and comes with
"Also included are 6 plant hydroponic grow system with pump and oxygenator, 6 net pots, 6 grow cubes, nutrients. 3 grow bulbs, and 3 flower bulbs"
-I assume the nutrients will not be what I want. Is there a primer here on this site that will talk me through this process and tell me where I can buy the correct feeding and testing materials? There is a hydroponic garden supply literally a block away from me.

-Comes with a Carbon Filter Exhaust Unit, which could mean anything.
-Smell worry's me the most. I can upgrade this units air filter to something better?
-As a fall back measure, I am locking this box into another sub-room and plan to install something... not sure what yet to filter the smell. I was thinking of pulling an old computer motherboard and splice in 2 fans in and 2 fans out. Where can I get more carbon type filters for something like this?

Thank you for taking the time to read my questions.
I look forward to your replies
Fire Suppression and Lighting choices:
I don't know anything about the material for that box and if you cant figure it out then I would place it somewhere where it has the least chance of burning down the house maybe somewhere elevated by metal?

Hydro System:
Theres a box at the bottom that says
"Did You Want The Soil Version"

I hear alot of good about Hydro but I myself have never used hydro so I can speak for it. What I do know is that you can goto the search bar and just type in "Hydro systems" or anything most suitable for you

For you I feel like the best things to help with odor if you carbon filter is a bust is to go with ona gel and ozone generator. Ona gel works wonders but do a little research on both and see if either of them will work for your advantage!

Dont take my word for it as I am still learning myself but always research anything anyone tells you regardless of their rank.

Good luck growing

PS: If I were you I would either build something myself or find something to make a box out of. Making your own will save you alot of money leaving you that 300$ to spend on goodies to help make your plants thrive!


Active Member
I only like the box because it can be hidden. A tent sounds large and potentially stinky.
Will check into it though. I definitely came here for R&D.

thanks all.


Active Member
tents are thousands of dollars!
how is a giant zip up lunch box that costs 500$ a better deal than a box, light, filter, and hydro setup for 100$ less? What am I missing here guys?


Active Member
Find me a tent thats a thousand dollars and has the same grow area as that box...
well considering the box comes equipped with a light, a hydro setup, an air filter... I have yet to find a single tent that is "ready to go", so they all cost more than a stealth box type jobbie. just the tent. 2x4 is 300$. comes with nothing else. no effing way you are getting all that other equipment for 100$.
you guys aren't being at all helpful here. not buying a damn tent.
well considering the box comes equipped with a light, a hydro setup, an air filter... I have yet to find a single tent that is "ready to go", so they all cost more than a stealth box type jobbie. just the tent. 2x4 is 300$. comes with nothing else. no effing way you are getting all that other equipment for 100$.
you guys aren't being at all helpful here. not buying a damn tent.
You are being completely and totally ignorant here.. Maybe if you'd get off that damn "Dealzer" website. I guarantee you there is no dealz on that website lol. Try looking around a bit more on the forums and on websites other than!


Well-Known Member
well considering the box comes equipped with a light, a hydro setup, an air filter... I have yet to find a single tent that is "ready to go", so they all cost more than a stealth box type jobbie. just the tent. 2x4 is 300$. comes with nothing else. no effing way you are getting all that other equipment for 100$.
you guys aren't being at all helpful here. not buying a damn tent.
What you mean the 2 dollar per ten foot PVC and 20-30 dollar 100 ft mylar roll material?

I don't like tents either but it can be done under 100 bucks, So can building your own grow box. I've build two Pc cases under 20 bucks. a 2 ft tall, 3 ft long, 1 1/2 ft depth cab for under 50. and a 3 ft tall, 1 ft depth and 2 1/2 ft long cab for under 30. Be creative and dont waste 350 on a cab you think is gonna be professional but its gonna be shit.

Spend the extra time and save some money and build your own, It's not hard, Most places you buy wood will cut the wood to size and you drill the holes for intake/exhaust. weatherstrip, few screws, mount some shit and your done.


Well-Known Member
If you're looking at expensive complete tents, they probably have something better than 3 or 4 CFLs. I'm not opposed to CFLs - I'm using them in my own DIY cabinet. I found a cheap cabinet rather than build a box from scratch. Other people build from scratch. Mine is probably not the best example of what can be done - at least not on a tight budget. But there are tons of examples here - some better and cheaper than what you'll find on-line and similar to products offered on that site, but that is in part up to your talent or not. If you shouldn't be around sharp objects, then maybe buying a ready-to-use setup is a better option regardless of cost.

And as far as hydro vs. soil, as a first time grower I went with coco. I'm only a few weeks into germinating seeds, so don't ask me (yet) if I made the right choice. I have no regrets there so far. Physically, it seems like soil and I hand water until I get runoff, so I have a "soil" style cabinet, I guess. But I have and mix nutrients for coco, and it is more like hydro (I guess).