Dear Black Voter..

and you can run bread through the toasting oven.

I did work there
in 1995
for 3 months
until I joined the Military
that's good.

the military needs someone to make sandwiches for the menfolk as well.
I find it amusing that someone whom
dosnt toe any party line
whom dosnt support any talking head in Fed Gov
can whip you fools into a frenzy


it is hilarious

and when any of you dont agree with each other you consume each other in a frenzied shark attack

I wish any one of you were my wingman on patrol
It would have been an honor to have any of you by my side
I served my country for 10 years
seen every crevice of a hell hole that you never want to see
working as a Chef in a 2 Michelin star restaurant gives me solice
If you're carrying a rifle you can generally bet they aren't sending you to the nice places.

Easy to be cynical after that, but there's more to the world than shooting the natives.
I find it amusing that someone whom
dosnt toe any party line
whom dosnt support any talking head in Fed Gov
can whip you fools into a frenzy


it is hilarious

and when any of you dont agree with each other you consume each other in a frenzied shark attack

I wish any one of you were my wingman on patrol
It would have been an honor to have any of you by my side
Not me. I volunteered at 18. They didn't take me because of poor eyesight.
I find it amusing that someone whom
dosnt toe any party line
whom dosnt support any talking head in Fed Gov
can whip you fools into a frenzy


it is hilarious

and when any of you dont agree with each other you consume each other in a frenzied shark attack

I wish any one of you were my wingman on patrol
It would have been an honor to have any of you by my side
Make me and the rest of the men a sandwich. Please hurry, we're starving.
I find it amusing that someone whom
dosnt toe any party line
whom dosnt support any talking head in Fed Gov
can whip you fools into a frenzy


it is hilarious

and when any of you dont agree with each other you consume each other in a frenzied shark attack

I wish any one of you were my wingman on patrol
It would have been an honor to have any of you by my side

too much typing. just make my sandwich.

You be a good guy in spite of your politics. It's been known to happen.
yeah I just cant back anyone because they are all corrupt and bound together

I hate Trump and Hitlery and Bernie etc

I only brought up Paul because he is the only person I know that supposts cannabis

but I get you

the reason why I said things are so divisive

we as humans should put our personal beliefs aside and get along with each other for the betterment of humanity as a whole

and Politics has turned into the "New Religion"
and I cant get behind that