Dear Black Voter..

Did you enjoy making sandwiches for people ? I hope you didn't talk over their food

Your sense of smell is located in the brain memory area. 75% of initial experience is due to sensory of smell.

People remember this when they think of Subway..what do you think happens every time that person smells warm bread no matter where they are?..who is it you think THEY think of?

This is on purpose.
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Your sense of smell is located in the brain memory area. 75% of initial experience is due to sensory of smell.

People remember this when they think of Subway..what do you think happens every time that person smells warm bread no matter where they are?..who is it you think THEY think of?

This is on purpose.
Subway smells like disgusting flavorless ingredients on shitty half stale bread sold to idiots who like "the brand" instead of judging it on the taste of the food.
Your sense of smell is located in the brain memory area. 75% of initial experience is due to sensory of smell.

People remember this when they think of Subway..what do you think happens every time that person smells warm bread no matter where they are?..who is it you think THEY think of?

This is on purpose.
Sounds like you would enjoy smelling like warm bread ? Seriously how tall are you and how much do you weigh. I'm guessing 4' 11" and weighing 233
But you did say that, Buck.

You're a convenient Jew and that's worse than any person who doesn't like that group.

You leverage (using them for gain) what you perceive is the good but refusing to address the bad like Bibi who said 'no two state solution' so it's very hypocritical.

Israel and peace? No meme necessary..what a fucking laugh.

Oh, and God forbid evil Schuylaar agrees with @kelly4..since we both know you personally, could it be we see the same? Obvi you did/said something that you're no longer friends?

looky here, another jew-hater. big fucking surprise.

i'll be sure to tell my kid i am a fake jew after i raise them jewish and celebrate all the jewish holidays after having a jewish wedding.

at some point you anti-semitic retards just have to accept that people can convert to judaism, and that you retards are just jew-hating anti-semite retards.
looky here, another jew-hater. big fucking surprise.

i'll be sure to tell my kid i am a fake jew after i raise them jewish and celebrate all the jewish holidays after having a jewish wedding.

at some point you anti-semitic retards just have to accept that people can convert to judaism, and that you retards are just jew-hating anti-semite retards.
just because some one believes in Judaism dosnt make them a Semite
unless you are actually which case.....yeah then you might be a Semite
I find it appalling that people actually use that phrase as the Germans in the 1850's coined that when they first began to tap into the occult and started blaming the Jews for all of the non Jewish misfortunes..... by the 1880's the Anti-Semite phrase was wide used by the So-Called "German Aryans" in which a League was formed for them to be able to discuss all things anti Jew

By definition your bloodline would be directly descendant of order to be an actual Semite
I suppose you have the Bloodline DNA documentation hanging above your bed

I also dont understand why you constantly throw words like Racist/Anti-Semite etc. around at leisure
If I dont see your color....and only see you as the piece of shit waste of O2 how am I Racist
If I dont see you for your religion .....If I dont even believe in Christianity/Judaism
If I dont even recognize your belief system enough to make it a point to not like it
How can one be considered Anti-Semitic
if one is not against but rather dosnt recognize it completely?
Oh....I get it

it's the Liberal Attack
Step 1. Project your beliefs onto others you are against
Step 2. Don't stop pushing your false propaganda even if it's completely Exposed as fraudulent
Step 3. Rinse and Repeat

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