Dear Eating Ur Main Cola On Ur Plant?


Well-Known Member
have u ever came back to ur crop in the morning nd the main cola looks like it was chewed off..most ppl go crazy cause that was the main cola the most potient bud on the plant..but theres no need to worry....theres more than one cola...the plants #1 priority is to give the most nutrients nd water to the main cola...but since theres more than one..if ur plant gets it main cola taken off the next two colas down will no be considered the plants main colas nd the plant will bring more nutrients to those colas...nd so on nd so fourth...this is anoter reason y ppl when they harvest only take off the top buds nd let the bottoms one grow this makes it 100x better nd way more next time u see this happen to ur plant dont worry..just keep the next colas for ur personal stash since there gunna be the most potient... happy smokin :)


Well-Known Member
iuno dirtyboy ive been walkin to my crop nd when i get there ....a deers stnaidng over it...they do eat it when it budding..they eat grass.alot of animals do u just dont see it they move at dosent happen all the time but it does happen


Well-Known Member
Well spray some colgne or put some soap by them. Put some thing that smells like humans around them and they wont eat the top off. I think your buddy snipped the top off your plant.


Well-Known Member
hahaah lmaoo well it happend to me and one of my family members ....nd it was in the middle of no where in a private field no one was in was a animal... there was deer shit nd foot prints all over...that was last season tho hasent happened this year plants will be ready late september..cant wait.. bout u dirty boy u got any projects happenin?


Well-Known Member
oo ic ic im not indoor ..never have probably never will..i find outdoors the way to go if uve got a good spot to grow....i didnt have to do anything bought a clone planted it in the ground..water nd sunlight no nutrients at all..on its 32nd day of flowering doin great :)


Junior Creatologist
man, just take a piss every other day around the vicinity of your plants. Deers are extremely sensitive to smell, and your piss will alert them that humans are around, just like if you were to use deer piss, it would attract more deer. Also, pissing around theplant would without a doubt keep a wide variety of animals away from your shit. think of it kinda like a dog marking its territory. It works man, trust me.


Junior Creatologist
O BTW, lol, make sure you dont take a leak too close to your babies. Just piss on nearby trees and foliage, and even the ground so long as its not so close that your roots will suck it up - dont want you to end up creatin some new wee-wee strain chronic. If i ever hear of some shit floatin around called "The Wee-Wee", ill know it was you ;)


Well-Known Member
O BTW, lol, make sure you dont take a leak too close to your babies. Just piss on nearby trees and foliage, and even the ground so long as its not so close that your roots will suck it up - dont want you to end up creatin some new wee-wee strain chronic. If i ever hear of some shit floatin around called "The Wee-Wee", ill know it was you ;)
I definitely wouldn't ever recommend anyone pee directly on their plant... However, if he's trying to keep the deer away, it's probably better to urinate near it. It won't hurt the plant. If the roots "suck it up", the plant will probably like it, actually. Urine is pretty clean. And for a plant, nutritious.



Well-Known Member
so why if you piss in the grass or something does it create a huge yellow spot after a while? There is no way i would piss anywhere close to a plant


Active Member
bring your dog for a walk with ya no dog? grab some dog turds from a park and leave them around the smell of a dog around will keep everything well away kitty litter should work not sure if a cat would scare a deer thou


Well-Known Member
ahhah i never said it was a problem that was happening ive been growin for a while i no the little piss trick lmaoo i dont do it unless i really have to piss nd im near my plant .....i was just tryin to tell ppl that if ur main cola gets fuked up dont worry ur plant will still survive would still be a shame tho :P hapy smokin