Dear Marijuana, I am dying. Please Help me!

Sorry I have not been online much I was out of town for a doctor appt. and a memorial service. Then the doctor decided to do a cat scan for the abdominal mass I found and a prometheus test to see if I can take this medicine my insurance wants me to try before I can get Humira which put my crohns in remission for a while. I get these severe nausea and cramping attacks and even had one come on this morning but was able to stop this one with my medications including marijuana! I read all responses but obviously it is hard for me to respond to each and everyone out there so if you want contact directly with me please PM me thank you all for all your ideas I am open to trying new things so I will be listening to all of you. Thank you all again for your responses! New Cereal killer pic up tmr!!!
I would work on getting rid of the bad bugs in you digestive tract If your a milk drinker I would stop drinking it. greek yogurt is a good one for helping good bacteria..
Supplies needed:
- Juicer
- 15-20 cannabis leaves
- Optional: 2-4 inches of cannabis buds
- Fresh carrots

Directions: First, juice the cannabis leaves through the juicer. Second, juice the buds through the juicer (optional). Finally, juice carrots through the juicer until you have one-part cannabis juice and 10-parts carrot juice. Doing so will counteract the bitterness of the raw cannabis. Divide into three portions and drink throughout the day. Juice will keep for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.

found that.

but here is what i would do.

less carrots, more fruits to help with taste.

MOAR leaves! a then little bud if the juicer can handle it..

3 days? i dunno.. i would juice it as it use it. less oxidation occurs and it will be more beneficial. keeping it for days, you end up losing on a lot of micronutrients.
I would work on getting rid of the bad bugs in you digestive tract If your a milk drinker I would stop drinking it. greek yogurt is a good one for helping good bacteria..

I have read that many with crohn's are lactose intolerant (did I say that right?). She claims milk is fine, I asked her to have her doctor test her anyway cuz I think they can. Almost everything I have read says that yogurt is very good for her, and if I go to the store later I will pick some greek yogurt up. She said before she couldn't eat that shit, but I am pretty sure she said yesterday she is going to do what it takes. If she even tries a spoonful of yogurt I will be pretty fucking impressed, let me tell you.
I am open to trying new things so I will be listening to all of you. Thank you all again for your responses! New Cereal killer pic up tmr!!!

if I go to the store later I will pick some greek yogurt up. She said before she couldn't eat that shit, but I am pretty sure she said yesterday she is going to do what it takes. If she even tries a spoonful of yogurt I will be pretty fucking impressed, let me tell you.

Yep. Close enough.
Supplies needed:
- Juicer
- 15-20 cannabis leaves
- Optional: 2-4 inches of cannabis buds
- Fresh carrots

Directions: First, juice the cannabis leaves through the juicer. Second, juice the buds through the juicer (optional). Finally, juice carrots through the juicer until you have one-part cannabis juice and 10-parts carrot juice. Doing so will counteract the bitterness of the raw cannabis. Divide into three portions and drink throughout the day. Juice will keep for up to 3 days in the refrigerator.

found that.

but here is what i would do.

less carrots, more fruits to help with taste.

MOAR leaves! a then little bud if the juicer can handle it..

3 days? i dunno.. i would juice it as it use it. less oxidation occurs and it will be more beneficial. keeping it for days, you end up losing on a lot of micronutrients.

OK. I am going to medicate, and then search everything till I find all the parts for the juicer. I will take picture of what I have so far. I believe I have carrots. I will go up later or in the morning and get plenty of fruits and veggies. She has leaves and buds. I also have a jar of tincture that will be ready in two days. Also I want to make some of smokealot's tincture today or tomorrow. Then she will have a bottle of tincture from Traverse City, one we made (with a jar of leaf and small buds and a bottle of 151 Everclear, put in paper bag and shooken every day for 4 weeks.), and some of smokealot's that is able to be made in a day or two. Belle has a patient that has had multiple leg injuries and/or surgeries, and the tincture helps him so he will also be testing both too and I should be able to get him to log in with results.
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There are a few vital pieces missing. Good thing is they are probably together. I am surprised I didn't lose the little wrench. I will go through shit till I find them, or will figure out what pieces are missing and order them. I have a few books on juicing I will look for also.

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After further review, lol. The tincture is done today. I will strain it in the morning. I took a picture of some bottles that I ordered off ebay but the picture disappeared I guess. Then I have Iso and Olive oil for the other tincture as well.
OK time to medicate and search through shit. Let's see if I can pull this off without getting sidetracked. lol.


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There's my pic. funny.
Also, Belle was going to juice that white widow, but it isn't fresh anymore. Looks like she may make some RSO also.
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So I found the 2 books, though I believe another one came with the juicer. Then I found that brush that I think goes to it also. I went online and went throught the parts. I am missing the blades. When we moved obviously I was overdoing it with my back problems even though I had help. I was in a lot of pain so I wasn't on top of my game. I am sure I saw the blades and said something like, that is important that is the blade to that fucking juicer we never use. I will put this up safe cuz the last thing I want to do is order another one of those cock suckers.
So anyway, I just ordered one. I may find it in with my tools next year, who knows. I ordered it from their website, hopefully it'll be here by Monday.
Really glad to hear you are out of hospital BelleIsle and I think you are a lucky gal that Glad is good partner.
I am very curious what juicing does for you.

MM can be very powerful sometimes even when it doesn't seem to make sense.
It sure can't hurt to try, and besides it sounds healthy to juice it.
If nothing else the carrots and fruit are good for you.:lol:
Glad, your juicer looks pretty sweet! -when my friend's grandfather did the gerson therapy they had purchased a $2500 thing that blows my mind..started using the pulp in my compost, lol. the one i have isn't as cool but i spent a whopping zero dollars on it. it has worked so far on some tough veggies and fruits. thinking i may start the juicing for arthritic problems in the future. but i'm starting for just for proper diet first, then we'll bridge our way up to the leaves as well.

sucks you didn't have all the parts but new blades ought to be better to rip those leaves up and get more of the good stuff for belle!
Really glad to hear you are out of hospital BelleIsle and I think you are a lucky gal that Glad is good partner.
I am very curious what juicing does for you.

MM can be very powerful sometimes even when it doesn't seem to make sense.
It sure can't hurt to try, and besides it sounds healthy to juice it.
If nothing else the carrots and fruit are good for you.:lol:

Thank You Marty. I know when Belle gets healthy she will help tons of patients. She has always been that way. Now she needs to take care of herself for a few and get her health back. I am curious about the juicing also. I think I will try it. For awhile anyway.
Glad, your juicer looks pretty sweet! -when my friend's grandfather did the gerson therapy they had purchased a $2500 thing that blows my mind..started using the pulp in my compost, lol. the one i have isn't as cool but i spent a whopping zero dollars on it. it has worked so far on some tough veggies and fruits. thinking i may start the juicing for arthritic problems in the future. but i'm starting for just for proper diet first, then we'll bridge our way up to the leaves as well.

sucks you didn't have all the parts but new blades ought to be better to rip those leaves up and get more of the good stuff for belle!
I was buying the regular one, then I saw the nice chrome one for like $30 more. Then Amazon popped a few books up there on the screen that they knew I would buy and $100 purchase jumped to $175 and we (we, lmao - I) used it a few times. I know I will find the blade around. I used it before, grinding buds - If I am going to have a spare anything, it's blades.
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Cashier was thinking wtf? Then I they it in the car along with some soil I picked up. lol.
So I got some yogurt for her. She was like a foul-mouthed toddler. Fucking ridiculous. lmao. The first one was so bad that I gave her the strawberry cheesecake one to get that look off her face, and she ate half of it. That's a helluva step for her. lol. :clap:
I just got done watching the new Weed Nerd on YouTube and at the end on the screenbox was an ad for Jack Lalane power juicers. Pretty Cool.
Hello Belle and Glad it looks like you two are already well along your way on your healing journey.
Reading this thread, I see many great suggestions from people that are committed to help, probably in anyway that they possibly can. Wow, you have some support between Glad and a bunch of friendly folks who you have managed to collide with here on RIU.

I have experienced the power of raw juicing. yes, it's a production to keep it full of veggies and clean... after a bunch of research I ended up getting an omega juicer, something about pulp size and efficiency, but I'm sure 'doing it' is the bottom line. It's difficult to not notice the energy rush accompanied by this colloidal suspension of nutrients and enzymes. i started my juicing for wheat grass extraction and perhaps i will attempt mm leaf as well. One silly suggestion: grab a few scrub brushes from the dollar store and keep them dedicated for the juicer and always quick scrub that filter and machine as soon as u r done w the process.

Another probiotic product that I believe in is called Kombutcha. I've seen it in the co-op in Hancock, so maybe u may be able to locate this beverage in Marquette. It's alkaline and flavored, but the key is the living culture. A company named, GT's seems to be the biggest national supplier. I like the botanical line the most and they may be as much as 4. I've seen them on sale dwn here for 2 for 5 bucks. some consider them bitter, but some flavors like guava, mango and the botanics are decent. since it is a fermented beverage (don't shake), there can be alcohol content approaching 1%. Lots of healing testimonies have come from this elixir so please consider looking into it. And I hate to mention it -cuz I don't like homework as much, or more than anyone- but the nutrition/pain journal is a superb idea that can only help on your return to advanced health. Take Care... it sounds like you are well on your way to an even better life!

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Belle just had me load these. (Her computer doesn't have camera card slot on it and she is waiting for ipad app. any day)
Looks like one of the #10 pics didn't load. And the last 2 pictures are a Bubblelicious clone out of her excloner.