dear rollitup experts


im a newbie grower... i just grew a plant about 2 weeks ago... it was a random seed that started growing, and when it did.. it was on soil my flowers use in my front yard.. (have no idea what the name is) this soil has little white rocks in it..

anyway.. it started growing so i threw it on light... i have no money.. so all i use is a 60W FL soft white... and it actually grew... however... i do live in california therefore place it on the nice and sunny light outside :).... the cycle i started with was 24 hours a day before yesterday... i guess i felt like the plant needed some rest.. so it got 18 hours of dark... now its back on the 60W FL.. and about to place it on the sun because it is nice and sunny...

i have no idea what grows, females or males.. which one bud? my baby plant now is almost as big as a credit card..

i sketched it out and this is how it somehow looks

please help


Active Member
Huh? Read read read! Are you asking how to make a male? Cause that seems to be the direction your headed. Hang out here and read thru the threads.


Well-Known Member
im a newbie grower... i just grew a plant about 2 weeks ago... it was a random seed that started growing, and when it did.. it was on soil my flowers use in my front yard.. (have no idea what the name is) this soil has little white rocks in it..

anyway.. it started growing so i threw it on light... i have no money.. so all i use is a 60W FL soft white... and it actually grew... however... i do live in california therefore place it on the nice and sunny light outside :).... the cycle i started with was 24 hours a day before yesterday... i guess i felt like the plant needed some rest.. so it got 18 hours of dark... now its back on the 60W FL.. and about to place it on the sun because it is nice and sunny...

i have no idea what grows, females or males.. which one bud? my baby plant now is almost as big as a credit card..

i sketched it out and this is how it somehow looks

please help

I'm not sure what you're trying to ask, but all I can say is read up you will find any answers to any questions you may have in the FAQ section.


Well-Known Member
Never mess with the plants light cycle either stick to 18/6 or 24 hours of light the only time a cannabis plant will benefit from a black out is just before flowering.This can sometimes force the plant to get in the flowering mode that bit quicker but i would give it 48 hours of darkness.But the plant will not need any rest from light during the veg phase.


okay first.

1. when do i stop using the 24 hour light cycle, and change it to 18/6 to get some sleep.
2. the soil i used had a worm in it, some white rocks... is it good to grow? (it grew)
3. in this stage, how do i determine if it is a male or female.
4. what kind of wattage of CFL's can i use during this sprouting stage.
5. at what point do i give it plant food.
6. i only use CFL's im poor.
7. the strain came from some bunk chronic.. (can it still grow to be dank?)
8. i see brown tiny dots on the lower leafs.. (bug related? or heat related?)
9. if theres bugs in the soil.. what do i do?

sorry for the dumb questions, im new.. and i want to know everything about anything that has to do with growing my dank

thanks and cheers!


Well-Known Member
1. when do i stop using the 24 hour light cycle, and change it to 18/6 to get some sleep.
Plants don't need sleep Give 24 hours of light for a month then go to 12/12 for 2 months thereafter

2. the soil i used had a worm in it, some white rocks... is it good to grow? (it grew)
Probably Not.. But Marijuana Will Grow anywhere no joke if it's in there now leave it...

3. in this stage, how do i determine if it is a male or female.
You cannot determine the sex until you change the lighting to 12/12 for the rest of the plants life. about a week into 12/12 you will be able to see the sex... If you go with 12/12 lighting from seed you still won't see sex for about a month (females = Bud+Hash Males= Breeding+Hash / Male+Female =weed with seeds and little THC)

4. what kind of wattage of CFL's can i use during this sprouting stage.
As big as you can afford ....Daylight for the first month cool white thereafter

5. at what point do i give it plant food.
No sooner than 2 weeks after it's sprouted the first 2 weeks just tap water...

6. i only use CFL's im poor.
CFL can Do A fine Job Get The Biggest Most lumen light you can more than one or 2 would be nice..

7. the strain came from some bunk chronic.. (can it still grow to be dank?)
Prolly not the way it sounds I'd grow good schwag seed before Bunk Nug but then again maybe it was bunk after someone ran butane over it?

8. i see brown tiny dots on the lower leafs.. (bug related? or heat related?)
Nutrients Fertilizer? = No

9.if theres bugs in the soil.. what do i do?
Squish them with fingers as you see them and their eggs too

sorry for the dumb questions, im new.. and i want to know everything about anything that has to do with growing my dank
I don't mind answering questions. I feel everyone who smokes should grow their own and stop supporting Cartels, Gangs ,And sketchy drug dealers with our hard earned money. So question away..I Had never done hydro before this setup I learned everything I know about it From The Hydroponic & DWC section. They were the biggest help ever, just took a couple days of reading And I was off and growing my own, Not "free" but wayyy cheap Nugs...

Sit back and read around you'll be doing fine in no time


Well-Known Member
Never mess with the plants light cycle either stick to 18/6 or 24 hours of light the only time a cannabis plant will benefit from a black out is just before flowering.This can sometimes force the plant to get in the flowering mode that bit quicker but i would give it 48 hours of darkness.But the plant will not need any rest from light during the veg phase.

Good sound advice....


Don't wanna be a bust man, but if you spend a few hours each day reading for about a week you will have a good grasp on what you need to do. Just search any question you have in google and it will most likely point you in the direction of a thread on this site.


oh yeah, i have been reading but i also wanted to know off the bat.

it really does help alot, thanks.

one more question:

1. about the plant food, you said after two weeks some tap water? if not, what type of plant food sha'll i buy to give and when.

captain insaneo

Well-Known Member
I lurked the boards (riu, ic mag, cc,...) for about 3 months before even starting to collect bag seed. and then you start to grow and you will kill a couple and hopefully you learn then you try new methods buy a piece or two and in a short time you will look back at this impetuous behavior and you will say what was i thinking.


Also buy a fucking camera if you are going to be asking stupid/ lazy questions so at least us who have put in the time reading, learning, growing can quickly help your lazy fat kid ass.


Well-Known Member

Also buy a fucking camera if you are going to be asking stupid/ lazy questions so at least us who have put in the time reading, learning, growing can quickly help your lazy fat kid ass.[/QUOTE]
im a have to agree with this statement:neutral: