Dearest Libertarian Friends


Yeah man, I sure remember when I was a libertarian. Right around the time I was in high school and read Ayn Rand. Fuck you got mine! Durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Well-Known Member
Gary Johnson and Ron Paul are fake Libertarians. States rights is state autoritarianism. No one should gain or lose liberties based on residency unless they deal equally to the region. Stricter fire based regulations in fire danger good; gays are icky,bad.
Both are supposed Republicans and both were shunned by the GOP. I prefer somebody whose views are their original views and not tired reworked party propaganda.


Well-Known Member
No need to write in Governor Gary Johnson's name on the ballot. He will be on the ballot in all 50 states. Don't right in "fuck you"... vote for Gary! We know he won't win... but a vote for Gary is a fabulous, meaningful way to say fuck you to the mainstream parties that refuse to listen to us!!!
Plus a vote for Gary is one less for the Mutt.