Death Row last meal, what are you eating??

ive already answered on what I would eat. A sampler of all my favorite foods I have ever tried, pink lemonade, etc. I want a little bit of everything

So you just wanted to comment on my ressurection on an old thread? At least I don't start a shitty new thread every time I'm bored and think about babies, or walking up stairs, or any other of your winning threads.....
Why would I read this thread.. so hungry.. and lol @ the urca thing

lol almost forgot to answer the thread topic. I would probably have to go with cannabis infused foods, eat a shit ton of it, then during my execution not even know what's going on! I'm too high and tired to think of what exactly lol
Urca defaults to eating shitty cafeteria bologna and cheese, apple, and red drink for her death row meal...Nice job, you get shit, now eat up!

Hey! That was totally the lunch my shitty ass school gave us on half days in elementary school. It was either an apple, celery stick, or a carrot, a bologna sandwich, and either milk or the choice of generic flavored drinks that burned my throat.