Death To Mubarak!


Well-Known Member
OK, i've been watching this on the news and the internet, and have felt no need to really choose a side, although I hope Democracy wins and the People get their country back. BUT after I heard that Mubarak has threatend to kill US Journalists and Crew, i must say it is decided, DEATH TO MUBARAK. I hope in england his family gets the same roughing up and threats from the british soldiers, an EYE for an EYE. I hope Mubarak gets hung and gutted alive. The moment he gave the order to threaten and attack US journalists he declared war on me and my country. GO EGYPT, FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY UNTIL YOU HAVE IT OR THE LAST EGYPTIAN CITIZEN IS DEAD! Do not let this evil dictator continue his abuse of the people who truely own the country.


In the immortal words of Mel Gibson "FREEEEEEDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!!"

The egyptian people want PEACE with US, and PEACE with Israel, Mubarak's attacks on the owners of America (its citizens, no matter what their employment) shows that he declared war on us. I hope Everything he does to the people of egypt happens to him 10x worse.


Well-Known Member
Shit, don't get yer panties bunched up. This ain't nothing yet. I posted in another a countdown.
And it's happening now and only gets worse.

Ain't no democracy gonna take over an Arab state. phhhhhtttttt. Not gonna happen.
The many are controlled by the few. tmb is gonna rip egypt a new one.

Ain't what they want, it's who they want in charge.

Radicals are gonna rock yer world kids.

36 hours to go. Or less. Then the big surprise will hit ya right in yer pieholes.

You really think the egyptians don't carry a grudge against israhell?

Big Ol' furball coming.

BB57, reader of the wall writings.


Well-Known Member
Democracy is an illusion i think, it makes you feel a little better about being controlled. Capitalism is what really controls the world, its all about money and control.


Well-Known Member
exactly what bloomer said, its gonna get worse and i seriously doubt its gonna become democratic. its gonna become ruled by a muslim radical that hates the US and our lifestyles. lol muslims dont believe in freedom, what would the muslim men do once their women try to fight for the right to vote? lol they kill women for having an affair, yet the men can have 8 wives?


Well-Known Member
Mubarak threatened western journalists lives and physically attacked them. I say we take his family who are safe in the UK and drop them in the middle of the rioters. RETURN TO SENDER. Mubarak thinks he can attack my american brothers, than I think we need to kick his family out of the UK. The country is the peoples country and the egyptian people are NOT the crazy angry musliums that people make them out to be.

As long as Mubarak doesn't lead shit ever again i'm happy. He fucked with the wrong country this time around. Mubarak is an enemy of our country now and forever!


Well-Known Member
Hosni ain't gonna get killed by the crowd. Hell, he's gonna go down swinging then jet off to brittain or switzerland. Hey, Maybe we'll bring him here.

Stranger things have and will happen kids.


Well-Known Member
Remeber the Shaw of Iran. After the Democratic rev in I think 1979, the whole country went extreme muslim...And we now know how that turned out


Well-Known Member
friends and family of mine with greater concerns for israel then i have pointed out that the anti-mubarak protesters do show preference to an islam-based form of government. i remember reading some pretty shitty things on about their leanings. i'll try to look it up and post it if i can.

nonetheless, democracy is about process, not outcomes. i am certain they will topple mubarak, and a little concerned about what direction their new government will take, especially with respect to their policies regarding israel.


Active Member
Fuck Mubarack, and Democracy is a word made up by politcians (the people vote-yeah from whats on offer) how many poor politicians are there? just coz you wear a suit not a turban it does not make it right- i had a point to make but its gone now- dont travel on trains , bus's , or aeroplanes ...goodnight!

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member

Democracy might not be perfect or even good but it is much better than any alternative.


Well-Known Member

Democracy might not be perfect or even good but it is much better than any alternative.
Fa sho, america isnt perfect, but damn is it hella lot better than egypt and all those other places haha. we're just slow to change cuz all the lobbyin n shit, but hey i think once they legalize weed all the extremist will mellow out and everything will be good.


Well-Known Member
That is where all that 2012 shit is suppose to happen, maybe the bastards are trying to rush things along. I just hope when the nukes start going off they stay over there. If I had power I would close America off from the rest of the world bring all Americans home and tell the world to get screwed. The world needs America and there is no reason to give them our money. If the bastards want something PAY mofo PAY. I just think America would be better off not trying to support the world.

Kill'em all and let God sort it out.


Well-Known Member
Fa sho, america isnt perfect, but damn is it hella lot better than egypt and all those other places haha. we're just slow to change cuz all the lobbyin n shit, but hey i think once they legalize weed all the extremist will mellow out and everything will be good.
America is not a democracy ...But aparently you don't know that...they have been slowly trying to transform us into a democracy which is part of the reason our nation has some of the problems it does. and Egypt is the way it is because of the U.S. + 1.3 billion a year