debate this...


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i realized that after i posted. i was gonna delete it, sorry 'bout that.

*steps back into the shadows. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Then why are so many mesicans coming here if the conditions there are better?
its actually slowed down a lot...but i said better relitivly we are still number 1 and NAFTA helps keep us that way. untill world war 1 the US was the number 1 exporter of oil....we still have oil..canada-NAFTA partner has HUGE oil reserves as does mexico...its cost prohivitive to pay you 25$ an hour to work when we can buy a gallon of refined fuel cheaper than a gallon of milk..once china has grown and consumed the worlds oil supply and the price is unbeliveable and they need it to oil berrings or make plastic or fertilizers NAFTA will be their to help us effeciantly ship off our oil and live like kings


Well-Known Member
Good point, my old boss use to say"that oil shale is gonna be big, and keep us busy after the natural gas goes bust". I thought "that oil shale is going to be the last oil we use because of the tremindous cost of cracking it OUT OF ROCK."


Well-Known Member
we are also have us companies that are making plants to turn trash into probably dont want one next to your house but our NAFTA partners to the south might


Well-Known Member
I spent 2 years in Edmonton,Alberta they are some fine folks to work with if your a mechanical mind. They are getting it out.


Well-Known Member
All this stuff is cool, but in my world I think we need nuclear cargo shipping to save the diesel that our cargo vessals burn up, if we could corner that niche it would be good. Think about unlimited low cost trade around the world.


Well-Known Member
the govt doesnt owe you or anyone a thing. it is your duty as an american to love our country and respect its laws. you should contribute to and pay your taxes open a buisness and work 7 days a week


Well-Known Member
Why should I, someone who is not that motivated to do better for myself, suffer when those rich people have lots of money.


Well-Known Member
Oh, Its been fun, but i am putting the touches on a laughingduck/heaths system. I just had to get out of there for a minute, the glue fumes were aweful


Well-Known Member
If I qualify they should give me everything, they should take it from the rich people. They have all the money.
Qualify if you qualify get a job if you have kids shouldve got some condoms and if your sick and dont have money please dont clog up our hospitals some people have to be at work in the morning...our country protects us from the russians the chinese and the koreans if it wernt for our govt we would be communist so quit complaning and get to work


New Member
If this debate is tuckering out, let me suggest a new one:

Wage slavery. I say we are all just wage slaves who are forced to 'work or starve'. May not be as bad as actual slavery, but it feels about the same.

(says the guy sitting on the couch for 8 months on unemployment and severance)

EDIT: I am a damn slow typer! 3 more posts in the time it took to type this? Ridiculous