Debt Ceiling and Shutdown talk coincides with...


Well-Known Member
It seems every few years this subject is trendy. Is it just me or does it only seem to haunt us when there is a blue admin and a red house-majority? Am I wrong? Is the federal gov't being held hostage again by this shit? Are we facing a shut down in June as a threat or not? What does this have to do with the so called Fair Tax Act? Isn't it somewhere in the 14th or did I misunderstand that?

Section 4 Public Debt
The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

And why is this subject up for discussion when the deficit is lower than it has been for several years?

Raise the fucking debt ceiling. It doesn't mean shit.
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That 7.8 trillion trump-bump in the national debt though. I don't remember that red house-majority threatening to shut the gov't down then. Did they just not care about funding the gov't when they were cutting tax on the uber-rich?

Why are they threatening to stop funding stuff like Veteran's benefits and government employees when the deficit is far lower now?

It's just sorta what they do. Pretty stupid and harmful to their constituents. Does great stuff like harm our credit status, so makes national debt more expensive for zero fucking reason or gain. It's one of the stupider things they do on a regular basis.

They gotta have a bit of foreplay before investigating hunter bidens dick pics.
That 7.8 trillion trump-bump in the national debt though. I don't remember that red house-majority threatening to shut the gov't down then. Did they just not care about funding the gov't when they were cutting tax on the uber-rich?

Why are they threatening to stop funding stuff like Veteran's benefits and government employees when the deficit is far lower now?

Kevin's majority is very slim and the magats from ruby red districts are demanding it, however those from more moderate regions might have other thoughts. If they want to cut social security and Medicare then put it in a bill and pass it, not hold the country hostage. Joe, Chuck, Nancy and Mitch took the car keys away from Kevin until fall by passing the budget and IRA and I'm wondering why they didn't take care of this issue too. Perhaps a trap for Kevin, it was done in the lame duck session so they knew what would happen in the house, give him enough rope and he will hang himself and them.

I dunno how much pain they will inflict on vets and others before they get it through their thick heads. But Uncle Sam will continue to feel a pain in his ass until he shits out the republicans.
That 7.8 trillion trump-bump in the national debt though. I don't remember that red house-majority threatening to shut the gov't down then. Did they just not care about funding the gov't when they were cutting tax on the uber-rich?

Why are they threatening to stop funding stuff like Veteran's benefits and government employees when the deficit is far lower now?

Biden's already added 4.8 Trillion to our debt and it's only been 2 years. At this rate it'll be 9.6 Trillion by the end of his term. God willing it will be his one and only term. He's a horrible president and most agree with me, even the ones who voted for him. Obama added 8.6 Trillion.
Biden's already added 4.8 Trillion to our debt and it's only been 2 years. At this rate it'll be 9.6 Trillion by the end of his term. God willing it will be his one and only term. He's a horrible president and most agree with me, even the ones who voted for him. Obama added 8.6 Trillion.
someone’s been listening to Repugs. Check this typical example of GQP honesty.

Now look at this fairly recent analysis. Note where the inflection points are: Republican administrations.

Response lag between policy and consequence means that Democrats since Carter have been stuck with the long-term messes made by Reaganomics: cut taxes but spend like a drunk sailor while preaching Austrian-school horse-ola like “trickle-down economics” while enthusiastically demonstrating why the last honest Republican warned us about the military-industrial complex. Nixon dropped the ball, Ford couldn’t pick it up, but in Reagan the fat cats finally got their dude.

So if you want to know where the debt came from, note Repugs hard on the gas and Democrats straining to bring the fishtailing mess back to a safe speed.

Look at That Man’s numbers. The GOP are not the friends of anyone worth under a billion.

I reckon it’s pointless asking where you got your $4.8T figure.
Biden's already added 4.8 Trillion to our debt and it's only been 2 years. At this rate it'll be 9.6 Trillion by the end of his term. God willing it will be his one and only term. He's a horrible president and most agree with me, even the ones who voted for him. Obama added 8.6 Trillion.
You’ve conveniently left out the part where both Biden and Obama took power under a shit storm left by the previous republican administration.

Not a peep from the trumptards when trump racked up the debt while giving rich people tax breaks.

MAGA Republicans' Unconstitutional THREAT suddenly BACKFIRES

306,230 views Jan 22, 2023
Demands by House Republican to negotiate over a debt ceiling limit increase are deeply hypocritical, since a significant portion of that debt was added during Donald Trump’s presidency. But Republican actions might also violate the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, as Ken Harbaugh explains.
You’ve conveniently left out the part where both Biden and Obama took power under a shit storm left by the previous republican administration.

Not a peep from the trumptards when trump racked up the debt while giving rich people tax breaks.

Little known fact: The middle class received one year tax cut then sunset to the tax increase and every year thereafter since.
Biden's already added 4.8 Trillion to our debt and it's only been 2 years. At this rate it'll be 9.6 Trillion by the end of his term. God willing it will be his one and only term. He's a horrible president and most agree with me, even the ones who voted for him. Obama added 8.6 Trillion.
I'm no supporter of Biden but this doesn't ring completely true. The deficit has been reduced under the current admin. Obama also inherited a terrible economy and reduced the deficit. Trump bumped the debt by nearly 8 trillion in a single term. Even if Biden were to preside over such an increase in debt, 9.6 in 8 years is not nearly as bad as 7.8 in 4 years.

The way to look at this is by showing the effect that an admin has on budgets. Clinton achieved surplus. Dubya turned that into nearly 2t in annual deficits. His term only added under 6t to the debt because he inherited a surplus. If you were to simply look at how much the debt increases over his term you could easily deceive. In this case it appears you are deceived. Obama inherited that massive annual deficit and reduced it to a number in the hundreds of billions, depending on who is counting. Trump got the annual budget deficit back above 2t by the end of his term

Economic policy doesn't change overnight. Don't be a parrot, it doesn't help your argument.

Now the house GOP wants to cut taxes.
I'm no supporter of Biden but this doesn't ring completely true. The deficit has been reduced under the current admin. Obama also inherited a terrible economy and reduced the deficit. Trump bumped the debt by nearly 8 trillion in a single term. Even if Biden were to preside over such an increase in debt, 9.6 in 8 years is not nearly as bad as 7.8 in 4 years.

The way to look at this is by showing the effect that an admin has on budgets. Clinton achieved surplus. Dubya turned that into nearly 2t in annual deficits. His term only added under 6t to the debt because he inherited a surplus. If you were to simply look at how much the debt increases over his term you could easily deceive. In this case it appears you are deceived. Obama inherited that massive annual deficit and reduced it to a number in the hundreds of billions, depending on who is counting. Trump got the annual budget deficit back above 2t by the end of his term

Economic policy doesn't change overnight. Don't be a parrot, it doesn't help your argument.

Now the house GOP wants to cut taxes.
You've got it backwards. The Democrats always screw shit up, and then the Republicans have to fix it. Republicans always want to lower taxes. Democrats like to raise them.
National debt is essentially irrelevant. I say essentially because it is only relevant as a political tool and dogwhistle. The government can continue to "borrow" indefinitely. The question is how much the government can "borrow" at a time that will affect the economy in complex ways. So the deficit matters more than the debt.

Think of it like a mound of clam shells. Every year a group of Sentinole tribesmen goes to some little island and collects them and eats them and discards the shells right where they consume. If they take too many, the habitat will be over-harvested and they will have no clams next year. If they really over-harvest, they will never have clams again.

The debt, in this analogy, is the giant pile of discarded clam shells.
National debt is essentially irrelevant. I say essentially because it is only as relevant as a political tool and dogwhistle. The government can continue to "borrow" indefinitely. The question is how much the government can "borrow" at a time that will affect the economy in complex ways. So the deficit matters more than the debt.

Think of it like a mound of clam shells. Every year a group of Sentinole tribesmen goes to some little island and collects them and eats them and discards the shells right where they consume. If they take too many, the habitat will be over-harvested and they will have no shells next year. If they really over-harvest, they will never have clams again.

The debt, in this analogy, is the giant pile of discarded clam shells.
Exactly. That's why the US dollar has decreased in value and everything costs more now. Biden keeps spending money we don't have so we have to keep printing more. It's called Inflation, lol. Let's Go Brandon!
Exactly. That's why the US dollar has decreased in value and everything costs more now. Biden keeps spending money we don't have so we have to print more. It's called Inflation, lol. Let's Go Brandon!
Biden spends money we don't have, but it is the GOP who don't want us to have it.

Now, I will make one small concession here. Ostensibly, the GOP is holding the country hostage in order to reduce spending.

In practice however, they never do. They just cut revenue and continue spending.
Kevin's majority is very slim and the magats from ruby red districts are demanding it, however those from more moderate regions might have other thoughts. If they want to cut social security and Medicare then put it in a bill and pass it, not hold the country hostage. Joe, Chuck, Nancy and Mitch took the car keys away from Kevin until fall by passing the budget and IRA and I'm wondering why they didn't take care of this issue too. Perhaps a trap for Kevin, it was done in the lame duck session so they knew what would happen in the house, give him enough rope and he will hang himself and them.

I dunno how much pain they will inflict on vets and others before they get it through their thick heads. But Uncle Sam will continue to feel a pain in his ass until he shits out the republicans.
The pain that is inflicted is intangible and society-wide. It's stress and anxiety. I bet if a study were done, they could correlate this anxiety with mass shootings and road-rage and all sorts of other dangers.
Exactly. That's why the US dollar has decreased in value and everything costs more now. Biden keeps spending money we don't have so we have to keep printing more. It's called Inflation, lol. Let's Go Brandon!
So basically what you are saying is you are also going to give Biden the credit as inflation goes down. Cool. Example: Natural gas prices down 50% the last month. Thanks Biden and dems :-) i wanna here you say it dude!

it’s so easy for anyone to see which party adds more to the deficit and debt. Unless you don’t trust every single hit on google.