Debt Ceiling and Shutdown talk coincides with...

The only thing useful about the debt as a measurement is that it is plain for all to see. It is exactly like that mound of discarded clam shells.

Another example here as to why the debt can be a terrible measurement of fiscal and budget policy. If the deficit that Obama inherited, which was over 2t annually, had been allowed to continue unabated, Obama would have left office having presided over a 16T increase in debt. However, despite having seen the great recession fall during his terms, only a little over half of that was added to the debt. Even that can be deceptive because you might be led to conclude that he cut the deficit in half.

By the end of his terms in office, the deficit was under 300b.

Take numbers like that to someone who would view our economy as a medical patient and they will call Obama a doctor. Derive from this who makes us fucking sick.
So basically what you are saying is you are also going to give Biden the credit as inflation goes down. Cool. Example: Natural gas prices down 50% the last month. Thanks Biden and dems :-) i wanna here you say it dude!

it’s so easy for anyone to see which party adds more to the deficit and debt. Unless you don’t trust every single hit on google.
If you want to "Hear" me say Biden has fucked up our economy I will agree, lol. We can't just wake up one day and decide to try to get rid of fossil fuels and not expect shit to hit the fan.
So basically what you are saying is you are also going to give Biden the credit as inflation goes down. Cool. Example: Natural gas prices down 50% the last month. Thanks Biden and dems :-) i wanna here you say it dude!

it’s so easy for anyone to see which party adds more to the deficit and debt. Unless you don’t trust every single hit on google.
I admit it. As much as I have criticized him and especially with regard to the handling of the pandemic, of which I still hold firm, I admit it would be so much worse with the GOP at the helm.
I admit it. As much as I have criticized him and especially with regard to the handling of the pandemic, of which I still hold firm, I admit it would be so much worse with the GOP at the helm.
I believe Biden removed pandemic restrictions ASAP as soon as he rolled out vaccines ASAP and the contagiousness of the virus steadily increased with each new iteration as the effectiveness of vaccines decreased. It was and continues to be a dynamic situation with a constantly mutating virus, everybody was wrong about something during this pandemic, even the experts on several occasions, learn as you go in a novel situation.

As for the other things a president should do, Joe has done very well at home with the economy and in forgien affairs too, when he repaired relations with allies, restored confidence, is kicking Vlad's ass and along with the Ukrainians and allies, will destroy the fucker. It's good to see the POTUS kicking Vlad's ass, instead of kissing it. In any case the republicans are not an option for an American patriot, your down to one party government and that is not a good thing.
I believe Biden removed pandemic restrictions ASAP as soon as he rolled out vaccines ASAP and the contagiousness of the virus steadily increased with each new iteration as the effectiveness of vaccines decreased. It was and continues to be a dynamic situation with a constantly mutating virus, everybody was wrong about something during this pandemic, even the experts on several occasions, learn as you go in a novel situation.

As for the other things a president should do, Joe has done very well at home with the economy and in forgien affairs too, when he repaired relations with allies, restored confidence, is kicking Vlad's ass and along with the Ukrainians and allies, will destroy the fucker. It's good to see the POTUS kicking Vlad's ass, instead of kissing it. In any case the republicans are not an option for an American patriot, your down to one party government and that is not a good thing.
I hate to break it to you, but Operation Warp Speed was a Trump Administration initiative. The democrats freaked out about it at the beginning of the COVID shit, and then embraced it later.

I'm cynical about GOP strategies. I mean, this is the party that thought it was a good idea to actively recruit southern racists after the Democrats kicked them out with the passage of the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act in the mid 1960s. Right now, I believe there are GOP politicians and strategists who are willing to undermine the economy now in order to blame Democrats in the next election cycle. And the GOP might succeed because they seem to regularly crash the economy without even trying. As it turns out, GOP policies to turn the economy over to bankers and the environment to oil companies, is bad for the rest of us. America incurred way too much debt to save the economy after GOP failures. And the Culture War helps the GOP distract from their own incompetence.
I hate to break it to you, but Operation Warp Speed was a Trump Administration initiative. The democrats freaked out about it at the beginning of the COVID shit, and then embraced it later.

I never said his administration didn't help develop the vaccine and finance it's production, but he had no plan for distribution and was focused solely on stealing the election and then destroying the constitution when he lost it. Donald was too busy with his schemes and conspiracies to actually govern, when he wasn't playing golf and breaking the SS budget. His entire administration was a criminal fiasco of incompetence, one would have to be a traitor or an idiot to vote for such a creature or make excuses for him. He could be indicted for malicious criminal dereliction of duty over the pandemic (he confessed to Woodward on tape), and J6, there is ample evidence for both.
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I never said his administration didn't help develop the vaccine and finance it's production, but he had no plan for distribution and was focused solely on stealing the election and then destroying the constitution when he lost it. Donald was too busy with his schemes and conspiracies to actually govern, when he wasn't playing golf and breaking the SS budget. His entire administration was a criminal fiasco of incompetence, one would have to be a traitor or an idiot to vote for such a creature or make excuses for him. He could be indicted for malicious criminal dereliction of duty over the pandemic (he confessed to Woodward on tape), and J6, there is ample evidence for both.
His only policy was to try and undo everything Obama did, like the early virus detection team he disbanded.

As with everything else trump, his involvement with operation warp speed was more hype than substance. As you mentioned, he was clueless about how to distribute the vaccines and any administrative talent the administration had was long gone by then. Besides, the development of these vaccines has been ongoing for most of 2 decades.
I hate to break it to you, but Operation Warp Speed was a Trump Administration initiative. The democrats freaked out about it at the beginning of the COVID shit, and then embraced it later.

OWS was a branding i.e. credit-stealing initiative to conceal the obstructive reality of that man’s clowns.
Don’t forget who intercepted everyone’s mask shipments already bought and designated.

His only policy was to try and undo everything Obama did, like the early virus detection team he disbanded.

As with everything else trump, his involvement with operation warp speed was more hype than substance. As you mentioned, he was clueless about how to distribute the vaccines and any administrative talent the administration had was long gone by then. Besides, the development of these vaccines has been ongoing for most of 2 decades.
he deliberately gutted CDC, who know what to do about a public health event. He specifically stopped them from doing what they’d wargamed. A conspiracy to commit murder trial would not be inappropriate, in a world where plain treason would be indictable.
I believe Biden removed pandemic restrictions ASAP as soon as he rolled out vaccines ASAP and the contagiousness of the virus steadily increased with each new iteration as the effectiveness of vaccines decreased. It was and continues to be a dynamic situation with a constantly mutating virus, everybody was wrong about something during this pandemic, even the experts on several occasions, learn as you go in a novel situation.

As for the other things a president should do, Joe has done very well at home with the economy and in forgien affairs too, when he repaired relations with allies, restored confidence, is kicking Vlad's ass and along with the Ukrainians and allies, will destroy the fucker. It's good to see the POTUS kicking Vlad's ass, instead of kissing it. In any case the republicans are not an option for an American patriot, your down to one party government and that is not a good thing.
It seems every few years this subject is trendy. Is it just me or does it only seem to haunt us when there is a blue admin and a red house-majority? Am I wrong? Is the federal gov't being held hostage again by this shit? Are we facing a shut down in June as a threat or not? What does this have to do with the so called Fair Tax Act? Isn't it somewhere in the 14th or did I misunderstand that?

And why is this subject up for discussion when the deficit is lower than it has been for several years?

Raise the fucking debt ceiling. It doesn't mean shit.

1) The deficit is higher than ever, and rising.

2) The fact you think our debt is irrelevant is extremely troubling.