Decarboxylating Cannabis/Cannabis Products Using a Pressure Cooker...

super impracticle way to do it. decarb your qwiso first, for like 30 minutes. when the bubbles stop, thats when you know its decarbed. then mix your oils/lecithen in with it. For gummies I neer use more than a tablespoon of MCT oil.

sure dude, "think" it can work all day. experience and working with people who have done the same thing have proven to me its not. It may activate *some* of the thc but its certainly not the way to get the most out of it.
So just decarb in the oven in a small pyrex dish or something?
I prefer a toaster oven, but yeah, I just use the 4oz mason jars. Keep an eye on it. I go 250 for 30 minutes, but just keep an eye on it, the time is just approx not official or anything
would you then use some kind of edible solvent (coco oil or maybe everclear obviously being very careful with the latter since you have hot oil and very flammable lol) to ensure all that valuable oil gets out of the jar and into the mix of say some candies? Or is it hot enough at that point that it will easily be mixable?
would you then use some kind of edible solvent (coco oil or maybe everclear obviously being very careful with the latter since you have hot oil and very flammable lol) to ensure all that valuable oil gets out of the jar and into the mix of say some candies? Or is it hot enough at that point that it will easily be mixable?
I decarb. Add my MCT oil and lecithin, turn down to like 100, stir and let it chill and meld while I’m getting the rest of my shit ready. Then just use a micro silicone spatula to get damn near every last drop out.
sure dude, "think" it can work all day. experience and working with people who have done the same thing have proven to me its not. It may activate *some* of the thc but its certainly not the way to get the most out of it.

There's plenty of analytics out there showing d9 conversion to d8 and CBD to CBN oxidation when "over decarbed" I would think decarbing first then using said oil again during a baking scenario at 350f for 10 mins minimum would catalyze a good chunk of thc and cbd to their oxidized forms. We see it all the time when turning hash oil into distillate.
right on. you're not "pressure cooking" anything at 205 though fyi. have you had lab analysis done for your method? do you know how effective it is? I'm a data kind of guy...
I know this thread is a little older, I use an insta-pot electronic pressure cooker and I have had pretty great results.
I’ve tried a few different ways, all in a mason jar. First, I’ve put the cured material in a jar by itself and ran it for 45 minutes at 240F. Then, I waited for almost 3 hrs for pressure release and cooling. Afterward, I mixed decarbed bud with coconut oil and repeated the steps. Super potent results. I strained the oil through a cheesecloth and placed in capsules. A “00” capsule (about one ml) would be enough to scare an edible newbie away and the buzz would last me for at least five hours from peak. There was definitely a “come up” period and never really a “come down” period because it wouldn’t wear off before I went to bed. A second way was to place the chopped bud and oil together in the jar before decarb and then run the pressure cooker for a 90 minute period and the results were similar, if not equal in potency.
i use an ardent nova decarber for my edibles and it gets the job done easy peasy
I grow for fun and enjoy using every last bit for all sorts of edibles and hash and whatnot. I like this product because it fully activates your stuff without wasting it, but can only do a little at a time
What do you think would be the best method to make edible brownies without decarb? (Temp & time?)