December 21, 2012... A good day to die?


Active Member
With a date in hand, all major religions and spiritualists have joined together in agreement for the first time in the history of man. We have unknown events coming at us from all sides and a multitude of prophecies from a wide spread set of cultures that span the past 5000 years and even before that. The Book of Revelation and Nostradamus seem to melt fluidly with the ancient teachings of Hindu, Hebrew, Sumeria and the Meso and Amero Indian tribes; the Chreokee, the Mayans, the Hopi. Ancient mythology from Greek to the Celts and all other ancient cultures lead us to 2012 prophecy as what the world has been awaiting for thousands of years.

What we are starting to see is that no matter what the source is for the different prophecies, all of them are saying pretty much the same thing in the language of the day and the culture that it stems from. The Hopi story of creation is not that much different that the tales recounted in the Book of Genesis, it is just told in the words and understanding of a culture that is alien to Mesopotamia of old. The Sumerians also have their own version of creation and the end of days. It doesn’t matter if you consult Mayan culture, the Cherokee or the Hindus, the Dogons and the Hopi. The one almighty creator is set to return at the end of this current age.
This prophecy is laid out in the Christian Bible, the Hindu texts and those of ancient Greece or Sumeria, just as it is in the legends and sacred teachings of all the American and MesoAmerican tribes. To introduce the fifth sun, the fifth world or the new level of consciousness will require the world as we know it to change completely, without interruption and interference. Such a blatant alteration is only going to happen if a cleansing of the planet, a fresh slate to begin again is allowed to take place. As everyone of intelligence knows, in order for new life to be born the pains of labor and birthing must come first. This is exactly what 2012 prophecy is all about, no matter what culture or science we are enlightened about it from. Renewal can only occur if all that is wrong now is cleared away.


Active Member

Nostradamus' three Anti-Christs

Throughout Nostradamus' quatrains he speaks of three powerful and tyrannical leaders that he calls anti-Christs. He said they would lead their people through reigns of terror after first seducing them with promises of greatness. Napoleon is thought to have been the first of these anti-Christs. Of Napoleon's rise to power and years as Emperor Nostradamus wrote:

An Emperor shall be born near Italy.
Who shall cost the Empire dear,
They shall say, with what people he keeps company
He shall be found less a Prince than a butcher.

Napoleon, who was considered a butcher even by his supporters, certainly cost the Empire dearly in both manpower and political strength.

From a simple soldier he will rise to the empire,
From the short robe he will attain the long.
Great swarms of bees shall arise.

After becoming Emperor, Napoleon adopted the beehive as his imperial crest. He was born near Italy on the island of Corsica, a most unlikely place for a ruler of France to come from. Some scholars say that Nostradamus was referring to Napoleon's destruction of Moscow when he wrote:

A great troop shall come through Russia.
The destroyer shall ruin a city.

Napoleon's forces attatcked too far into the country, and got trapped in the Russian winter. The following verse resembles what could have been Napoleon's retreat across the icy part of Russia.

The rear guard will make defense.
The exhausted ones will die in the white territory.

Nostradamus made other predictions of Napoleon's fate:

The great Empire will soon be exchanged for a small place.
Which will soon begin to grow.
A small place of tiny area in the middle of which
He will come to lay down his scepter.

The captive prince, conquered, is sent to Elba;
He will sail across the Gulf of Genoa to Marseilles.
By a great effort of the foreign forces he is overcome,
Though he escaped the fire, his bees yield blood by the barrel.

Napoleon was exiled to the small island of Elba but escaped for 100 days. After a defeat at Waterloo he relinquished all power for exile on tiny St. Helena.
The second anti-Christ Nostradamus wrote about was "a man stained with murder...the great enemy of the human who was worse than any who had gone before...bloody and inhuman." Experts are in agreement that the sixteenth century prophet was referring to Adolf Hitler.

Out of the deepest part of the west of Europe,
From poor people a young child shall be born,
Who with his tongue shall seduce many people,
His fame shall increase in the Eastern Kingdom.

Adolf Hitler, born in Austria of poor parents, with his knowledge of mob psychology and powers of speech, was successful in seducing many people , even in the Eastern Empire of Japan. In some quatrains Nostradamus refers to Hitler as the child or sometimes captain of Germany. Here are two examples:

He shall come to tyrannize the land.
He shall raise up a hatred that had long been dormant.
The child of Germany observes no law.
Cries, and tears, fire, blood, and battle.

A captain of Germany shall come to yield himself by false hope,
So that his revolt shall cause great bloodshed.

All of these images certainly describe Adolf Hitler. After seducing his people, Hitler ignored all treaties and began a massive invasion of Europe. In the following verse, some experts say that Nostradamus actually referred to Hitler by name but missed by one letter. (A side note : "Hister" is the ancient name for the river Danube also.)

Beasts wild with hunger will cross the rivers
The greater part of the battlefield will be against Hister.

Finally, Nostradamus sums up Hitler's life and even predicts the fact that his death in Berlin in 1945 would never be confirmed:

Near the Rhine from the Austrian mountains
Will be born a great man of the people, come too late.
A man who will defend Poland and Hungary
And whose fate will never be certain.

The 3rd and final Anti-Christ

According to Nostradamus, the first two anti-Christs were extremely evil, and history has shown this to be so; however, Nostradamus speaks of a third anti-Christ who is more hideous than all the others combined. Some have said Sadaam Hussein, the dictator from Iraq (proved false now), or even Osama Bin Laden. Could he be this evil tyrant? Others say that he has not yet appeared. What does Nostradamus say about this third anti-Christ? First, Nostradamus tells us he will come from the Middle East.

Out of the country of Greater Arabia Shall be born a strong master of Mohammed,
He will enter Europe wearing a blue turban.
He will be the terror of mankind.
Never more horror.

Here, Nostradamus says that a man from Greater Arabia will lead his forces on an invasion through Europe. This invasion will start a third world war that will be far worse than all the other wars put together. When will all this take place? In one quatrain Nostradamus gives us an exact date in which the war will be well under way.
In the year 1999 and seven months
From the sky will come the great King of Terror.
He will bring back to life the King of the Mongols;
Before and after war reigns.

Nostradamus predicts the war will begin shortly before the year 1999. It doesn't make much sense to this author, but many are now saying that the 'war' was set 'in motion' in 1999, and now after Septermeber 11th these things are going to come true... as we are now 'at war with terror.' Interpret it how you will. He also tells us how long the war will last.

The war will last seven and twenty years. (so 27 years)

Nostradamus says that the war will be so terrible that the world will come face to face with final annihilation. Here, he implies that the war might involve some kind of horrible weapon, possibly nuclear. Nostradamus tells what the first target will be.

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
Fire approaches the great new city.

In this phrase, Nostradamus refers to a great city in the new world of America near forty-five degrees latitude. Experts agree this could only be New York. I know many of you are thinking of other websites that claim this means he predicted September 11th. Again, interpret it how you will. The sky did burn at 45 degrees, but New York was not destroyed, nor was it a nuclear attack.

By fire he will destroy their city,
A cold and cruel heart,
Blood will pour,
Mercy to none.

Although Nostradamus 's predictions for our future sound frightening, the accuracy and dates he gave do not seem to flow. Are they being misinterpreted, or are they just plain wrong? Is the New City at 45 degrees yet to be destroyed? He does give us some hope by telling us how this third world war will end. He says it will end as a result of an unexpected alliance.

When those of the Northern Pole are united,
In the East will be great fear and dread...
One day the two great leaders will be friends;
Their great powers will be seen to grow.
The New Land will be at the height of its power:
To the man of blood the number is reported.

Again, the new land was a common term used by Nostradamus to refer to what we now call America. The countries of the northern pole could be Russia and the United States.



Active Member
Who was Nostradamus?

Michel de Nostredame ( Nostradamus in Latin ), was a French apothecary and supposed seer who published collections of prophecies that have since become famous worldwide. He was born December 14th or 21st (various sources) in December of 1503, and died July 2nd 1566 - at age 62. He is well known for his book Les Propheties ( The Prophecies ), the first edition of which appeared some time in 1555. Since the publication of this book, which has almost never gone out of print since his death, Nostradamus has attracted a following that credits him with predicting many major world events and historcal turning points. The prophecies have in some cases been absorbed to the results of applying the alleged Bible code , as well as to other purported prophetic works. Most academic sources maintain that the associations made between world events and Nostradamus's quatrains are largely the result of misinterpretations or mistranslations (sometimes purposely) or else are so tenuous as to render them useless as evidence of any genuine predictive power. What does all that mean? He was VAGUE, and extremely obscure - Often using symbolism (of his time) and also writing in 3 different languages.
Did Nostradamus predict the French Revolution?

"From the enslaved populace, songs,
Chants and demands
While princes and lords are held captive in prisons.
These will in the future by headless idiots
Be received as divine prayers"

Hope you remember your histroy. The peasants (aka the enslaved populace) rising to power, the aristocracy taken down and beheaded (the "headless idiots," now "princes and lords ... held captive in prisons"). In another verse, the "great wall" falling is said to mean the storming of the Bastille itself. Keep an open mind - and even then it's a STRETCH. However, it is possible that Nostradamus saw the coming of a peasant or enslaved uprising through completely standard means - it doesn't always take a prophet to question your life style or living conditions. Enslaved or punished populaces have done it before, and will again. At that point in history, people were mad - and as Twisted Sister would say "WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT! NO! WE AIN'T GONNA TAKE IT. WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT... ANYMORE...."
So you be the judge on that one :)
Did Nostradamus predict the London Fire?

"The blood of the just will commit a fault at London,
Burnt through lighting of twenty threes the six:
The ancient lady will fall from her high place,
Several of the same sect will be killed."

Maybe you never heard of the Great London Fire of 1666, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a big deal back then. The fire itself pretty much wrecked most of medieval London within the old Roman walls. Only six deaths were recorded ( "the six" in the second line), though poor people and commoners' deaths may not have been recorded..The fire, which supposedly started in a baker's shop, scorched the city for three days straight. Obviously if people had known that's what the translation was, they could have added Nostradamus to their fire safety manaual and avoided the blaze.

Did Nostradamus predict Princess Diana's Death?

"The penultimate of the surname of Prophet
Will take Diana (Thursday) for his day and rest:
He will wander because of a frantic head,
And delivering a great people from subjection."

Doesnt make sense?
The father of Princess Diana's boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed, was Mohamed (aka 'the Prophet'). Did Diana's death deliver "a great people from subjection"? Maybe not, but we can all agree that the British are a great people. The fact that Diana's name is in the text makes Nostradamus followers all the more convincing. Normally specific names are rare in Nostradamus writings.

Did Nostradamus Predict Hurricane Katrina?

"The cities of Tours, Orleans, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes
Are troubled by sudden change.
Tents will be pitched by (people) of foreign tongues;
Rivers, darts at Rennes, shaking of land and sea."

Did he really mean THAT New Orleans? The shaking of land and sea might describe a hurricane - but this is a a super stretch. Could the people with "foreign tongues" be aid and rescure workers from other parts of the world, or other parts of the country? But what are Tours, Blois, Angers, Reims and Nantes doing there?Pre-Katrina, this prophecy was originally thought to refer to France. For all purposes, I am skeptic - but if it is aimed at France, perhaps stay on yer toes Frenchies :)

Did Nostradamus Predict the Kennedy Assassinations?

"The great man will be struck down in the day by a thunderbolt,
An evil deed foretold by the bearer of a petition.
According to the prediction, another falls at night time.
Conflict at Reims, London and a pestilence in Tuscany."

Being "struck down in the day by a thunderbolt" could mean gunshot. And the great man was struck down in the day, like John F. Kennedy was.
According to the prediction, "another falls at night time."
The other falling at night time would be Bobby Kennedy. Now, the prediciton/prophecy can work if oyu want it to, but let's go back to 1963 and read that. Wouldyou EVER guess it would be the Kennedy brothers?

...And what the hell is Reims, London and Tuscany?
Nostradamus prediciton / prophecy about Louis Pasteur?

"The lost thing is discovered, hidden for many centuries.
Pasteur will be celebrated almost as a God-like figure.
This is when the moon completes her great cycle,
But by other rumors he shall be dishonored."

Pasteur, in French, could also mean pastor, so some say that this Nostradamus prediction could just be about any old priest. Others call it a shout-out to the man who studied microbial decay, brought you spoilage-resistant milk and found a vaccine for rabies. Yeah - this one's a long shot :)
Did Nostradamus predict Nuclear Weapons?

"Near the gates and within two cities
There will be scourges the like of which was never seen,
Famine within plague, people put out by steel,
Crying to the great immortal God for relief."

Tthis one is hard to dispute... It's an accurate depiction of the nukes being used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "Scourges the like of which was never seen," and people "crying to the great immortal God." Of course it's vague - and you could insert other events that have effected 2 populaces - but in our known history, the dropping of atomic weapons on Japan is a huge turning point in our history, warfare, and politics.
Did Nostrdamus predict world war 2 and Hitler?

"The two greatest ones of Asia and of Africa,
From the Rhine and Lower Danube they will be said to have come,
Cries, tears at Malta and the Ligurian side."

"From the depths of the West of Europe,
A young child will be born of poor people,
He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;
His fame will increase towards the realm of the East."

Do you think those two verses describe Hitler or World War 2?
Wouldn't it be more appropriate to name his KILLING or being repsonsible for a "wrold war"? Those two little facts make these quatrains also a stretch. Much of the talk of Nostradamus' prophecy of Hitler may come from his use, in the original text, of the Latin word "Hister" to describe the river Danube. If he meant Hitler by naming Hister then something could still happen at that river. I tend to be skeptical on this Nostradamus prediciton. People have always tried to use his naming of "Hister" on reference of Hitler - but you be the judge...

Did Nostradamus predict September 11th (9/11 2001) or the planes hitting the World Trade Center towers?

"Earthshaking fire from the center of the Earth
Will cause tremors around the New City.
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
Then Arethusa will redden a new river."

Supposedly two great rocks could mean two great towers. But why would he say "war for a long time" - as almost to sound like... against each other. If September 11th hadn't happened, doesn't it souns like an earthquake or volcano erupting?
When Nostradamus wrote those infamous lines, skyscrapers like the WTC Twin Towers, and massive airplanes like the ones that crashed into them - even cities as massive as New York were probably not imaginable.


Active Member
sorry not buying it

1.- You really should focus (i mean try and copy/paste more acordingly) on either Nostradamus or 2012. Both seem like too much of a stretch, plus for the reader its easier to accept each separately than both(Mr. Nostradamus and the whole 2012 theory) together.
2.- Like every other "prophecy" there is, its all just simple math. I give you the WWII, but the rest is hardly worth writing/reading. Actualy the info you show and questions like
Did Nostradamus Predict Hurricane Katrina?
Did Nostradamus Predict the Kennedy Assassinations?
Nostradamus prediciton / prophecy about Louis Pasteur?
leave me with a "seriously???" look on my face behind the screen man. I read this and now i lost most of my respect for Nostradamusian theory.
3.- A good example is the "Did Nostradamus predict the French Revolution?" . Do you have any idea how many revolutions could be described like that text?
Its similar to what John Edward does, you say "hey some big war is gonna come" or "many will die in the coming thousand years" or "you lost someone you love" they are all statements that are obviously going to happen sometime, its just a matter of time. The problem is that many people try and see the prophecies like an exact pinpoint prediction, but they are nothing more than symbolism of a hypothesis, he believed this was going to happen.
4.- i could go on but i think i make my point


Well-Known Member
With a date in hand, all major religions and spiritualists have joined together in agreement for the first time in the history of man. We have unknown events coming at us from all sides and a multitude of prophecies from a wide spread set of cultures that span the past 5000 years and even before that. The Book of Revelation and Nostradamus seem to melt fluidly with the ancient teachings of Hindu, Hebrew, Sumeria and the Meso and Amero Indian tribes; the Chreokee, the Mayans, the Hopi. Ancient mythology from Greek to the Celts and all other ancient cultures lead us to 2012 prophecy as what the world has been awaiting for thousands of years.

What we are starting to see is that no matter what the source is for the different prophecies, all of them are saying pretty much the same thing in the language of the day and the culture that it stems from. The Hopi story of creation is not that much different that the tales recounted in the Book of Genesis, it is just told in the words and understanding of a culture that is alien to Mesopotamia of old. The Sumerians also have their own version of creation and the end of days. It doesn’t matter if you consult Mayan culture, the Cherokee or the Hindus, the Dogons and the Hopi. The one almighty creator is set to return at the end of this current age.
This prophecy is laid out in the Christian Bible, the Hindu texts and those of ancient Greece or Sumeria, just as it is in the legends and sacred teachings of all the American and MesoAmerican tribes. To introduce the fifth sun, the fifth world or the new level of consciousness will require the world as we know it to change completely, without interruption and interference. Such a blatant alteration is only going to happen if a cleansing of the planet, a fresh slate to begin again is allowed to take place. As everyone of intelligence knows, in order for new life to be born the pains of labor and birthing must come first. This is exactly what 2012 prophecy is all about, no matter what culture or science we are enlightened about it from. Renewal can only occur if all that is wrong now is cleared away.

the only mention of the date 2012 from any of the above is from the mayan calender long count, and even thats being questioned now some mayan schoolars are even doubting that the calender points to 2012. depending on how the mayan meant their long count to be interpreted it might be the date 4771 to even 41,341,049,999,999,999,999,999,994,879 years in the future!

people since the begging of time have been predicting the apoclypse and guess what they were wrong everytime...

nostradamus the mad man himself has got predictions dating all the way to 3790 AD

theres a small group of people that have made a very large amount of money selling this fear to people and tbh its pretty disgusting

look at who's making money off this fear while you research what they're telling you please

2 websites i suggest looking at ( look at how many times people have thought they were in the end days thru out history guess what we're still here) (a non- profit step by step guide supported by evidence bringing light to the falsehoods beleived by many of the 2012 lot)

please let us know how you think its going to end on 2012 and bring real predictions that point towards our impedning doom


Well-Known Member
From what I understand, Mayans put their calendars down in stone and their calendar went in cycles. The 2012 date just happens to be at the end of one of their calendar cycles. The Mayans didn't attribute any significance to the date, and the most likely cause for the calendar ending at that date is that a tired stone-mason decided to stop carving after finishing up one of the cycles. Saying that the end of the Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world is like saying that modern calendars predict the world going to end on Dec-31-2010 because all 2010 calendars end on December 31, 2010.

In fact, if you want to study what the Mayans actually believed, they thought that the world was probably going to end every night. They believed that the sun, a sun god, wouldn't rise at dawn if they didn't feed the gods enough human blood every night. They believed that the world had been destroyed and created several times over history. To be honest, if you'd asked them, I doubt that they would have thought that this world would even last to the year 1500, nevermind 2012.

From wikipedia:
Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. December 21, 2012 is simply the first day of the 14th b'ak'tun.

Sandra Noble, executive director of the Mesoamerican research organization FAMSI, notes that "for the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle". She considers the portrayal of December 2012 as a doomsday or cosmic-shift event to be "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."


Active Member
not looking to make any points here, just a topic I love to talk about. If there was a point, it would be The Mayans, Nostradamus, Christian Bible, Hopi, Hindu... They all have this same end vision for the time mentioned. great links btw ginja! I meant to post more on not just Nostradamus but all of these things combined to show an almost overwhelming amount of coincidences. I find Nostradamus fascinating. I also find the webbot program interesting...

When a "target word" is found, or something that is lexically similar, the web bots take a small 2048 byte snip of surrounding text and send it to a central collection point. The collected data at times approached 100 GB sample sizes. The collected data is then filtered, using at least 7-layers of linguistic processing in Prolog, which is then reduced to numbers and then a resultant series of scatter chart plots on multiple layers of Intellicad. Viewed over a period of time, the scatter chart points tend to coalesce into highly concentrated areas. Each dot on the scatter chart might represent one word or several hundred.

The core of the technology therefore is to look at how the scatter chart points cluster - condensing into high "dot density" areas called "entities" and then dissolving or diffusing over time as the entities change. Do a drill down into a dot and you get a series of phrases...

The web bot project is probably the only scientific method we have of predicting the future and has had some surprisingly accurate past predictions. And in 2001, the bot operators began to notice coincidence with occurrences and paid close attention.

The first accurate prediction from the bot came in June of 2001 claiming a catastrophic event would take place within the next 60-90 days. Regrettably it did - and the Twin Towers fell of September 11, 2001.

Since then there have been a slew of predictions, some of which follow:

• The Space Shuttle Columbia tragedy when the bot predicted a maritime disaster.
• It accurately predicted the New York blackout in 2003.
• It forecast a major event in relation to Las Vegas 65 days prior to 9/11 - when the terrorists were actually in Las Vegas.
• The bot stated there would be an attack related to a commemorative event prior to an American 587 crash on Veteran's Day.
• It read that there would be an attack on the house or assembly prior to the anthrax scare.
• The bot stated gun shot wounding referenced to Vice President Dick Cheney.
• Anthrax attack in Washington DC in 2001.
• Massive east-cost power outage in 2003.
• Earthquake in August 2004.
• Water-rising which lead to the Tsunami in December 2004.
• Hurricane Kathrina in 2005.
• Crash of the US dollar beginning late 2007.

A summary of the 2008 predictions:

• Catastrophic collapse of the dollar is possible – as the language is active around that concept.
• Some kind of winter/spring natural disaster which caused people to become angry about government response.
• Possibly early elections, or at least calls for that because of anger.
• Global economic collapse possible in fall 2008.

Bot pick-ups regarding Ufos in 2008:

"ufo event" - SOMETHING over major cities - leads to government disclosure?

And Now To 2012

Here’s where it starts to become very interesting.

The bot program also predicts a worldwide calamity taking place in the year 2012. For those of you who study astrology, prophecies, and the like, you may already be familiar with this date.

Pointers to an apocalypse in 2012 is foretold in:

> I Ching.

> The Mayan Calendar.

> The Upanishads.

> Nostradamus.

> Merlins predictions that the planets will “run riot”, completely off their normal paths of rotation.

> The Bible.

> The Hopi tribe prediction of the end of the 4th world.

> Scientific evidence that points to a very rare astrological occurrence taking place the year of 2012. In the year 2012, it is suggested that the sun and the earth will be in direct alignment with a black hole at the centre of the Galaxy. Scientists speculate that magnetic shifts could take place as a result. In essence, it is theorized that the poles could reverse. The poles have shifted before and Einstein, himself, had suggested this pole shifting theory in 1955.

> And finally, the Web Bot deductions about the end of the cycle in 2012!



Some country ( possibly iran,etc) is going to try to keep getting "revenge" or whatever you want to call it, shoot up a rocket, which is only going to make the U.S. not hesitate to blow right back at em you know to try and "defuse" the bomb, kaaaboooommm. Then itll be a snow ball effect and everyone will shoot at everyone thus only causing the earth to be a huge flame ball like it is said back in the days when they wrote on walls. Man always trys to defeat Man.


lol yea man its a good topic to talk about when your blazed. Get everyones point of view and expand your mind.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Its gunna be a nuclear war.
Possibly a meteor or celestial event? I just do not believe mankind has the guts to end it all. I have faith in that. If it will be from mans hand it will not be nuclear holocaust but ecologically due to our own filth as a species. We are like too many goldfish in a bowl and now the water is getting funky.


Well-Known Member
Pointers to an apocalypse in 2012 is foretold in:

> I Ching.

the i ching is a method of prediction not prediction in itself bit like tarot cards

> The Mayan Calendar.

only one to do with 2012
> The Upanishads.

> Nostradamus.

> Merlins predictions that the planets will “run riot”, completely off their normal paths of rotation.

compleatly against laws of physics
> The Bible.

nothing in bible says 2012 whether or not people think obama is anti christ

> The Hopi tribe prediction of the end of the 4th world.

> Scientific evidence that points to a very rare astrological occurrence taking place the year of 2012. In the year 2012, it is suggested that the sun and the earth will be in direct alignment with a black hole at the centre of the Galaxy. Scientists speculate that magnetic shifts could take place as a result. In essence, it is theorized that the poles could reverse. The poles have shifted before and Einstein, himself, had suggested this pole shifting theory in 1955.

show my any scientific evidence that a rare occorance will happen 2012 and i will give you a cookie

> And finally, the Web Bot deductions about the end of the cycle in 2012!

of course something trolling the web would pick up 2012 theres so many people who are searching for it

we cant even yet make A.I yet people beleive we have an omniscient programs for last 15 years...

please instead of just repeating what other people say bring something to back up these claims you make


Well-Known Member
i hope something cool happens..its my birthday, ill turn 28.

it looks like its gona be some galactic alignment.

i dont believe in any of that dooms day bullshit...but i am interested to see what happens...if anything..


Well-Known Member
i hope something cool happens..its my birthday, ill turn 28.

it looks like its gona be some galactic alignment.

i dont believe in any of that dooms day bullshit...but i am interested to see what happens...if anything..

lol good birthday hope you have a big party for it

1998 we had an alignment although perfect alignment is impossible

2012 there is no alignment
One of the things which is supposed to happen on December 21, 2012 is that the Earth and Sun are supposed to line up with the Milky Way’s equator. So the first question should be, “What is the galactic equator?” Unlike a planet, a galaxy is not a nice neat spheroid, but is an irregular lumpy mass of stars, gas, and dust. It’s somewhat symmetrical, but trying to draw an equator on it would be like nailing jelly to a tree. What astronomers have done is to create an arbitrary line roughly across the centre of our galaxy, and have defined that as the galactic equator. This work was started by Harlow Shapley about 90 years ago and, while it’s been refined somewhat over the years, it still is a very arbitrary line. It was officially defined by the International Astronomical Union in 1959, but it is there by definition, not based on any physical characteristics or markers.
So let’s go to Starry Night®, where the galactic equator is located based on the IAU definition.

  • In the Options pane, open Guides and then Galactic Guides, and turn on Equator and Meridian.
  • Now open Ecliptic Guides and turn on Equator, Grid, and Meridian.
  • Change the Date and Time to December 21, 2012 11:11 UT (convert to your local time, for example Eastern Standard Time would be 06:11 a.m.)
  • Change Viewing Location to Centre of the Earth and the Orientation (under the Options menu) to Ecliptic.
  • Set the Zoom to 90°, and your window should look like this:

As expected for the solstice, the Sun is right on the intersection of the green ecliptic equator and 270° grid line. It also looks pretty much as if the Sun is also sitting on the blue galactic equator, though remember that that’s just an arbitrary line drawn on the sky. Let’s zoom in closer, to 15°:

Now you can see that things aren’t fitting quite so nicely. The Sun’s still on the ecliptic grid, but it’s slipped off the galactic equator.
Even if it’s on the galactic equator, remember that this is an arbitrary line. If you measure it, you’ll find that the Sun is over 6° away from the real centre of the Milky Way. Unlike the galactic equator, this is a real reference point in the sky, the Sagittarius A radio source and the place where the Chandra X-ray telescope has imaged the center of the Milky Way, 26,000 light years away.
Even if this “alignment” didn’t have a 6° kink in the middle of it, there’s the further question as to what might be the significance of having both the Sun, which the Earth orbits, and our galaxy’s black hole, which the Sun itself orbits, line up. The answer is: not very much. Gravitational effects are primarily determined by distance. This means that our Moon, though a tiny body, is the primary cause of the ocean tides. The Sun, while far larger, is so much farther away that its effect of the tides is very small. While our galaxy’s black hole is hugely massive, it’s so much farther away from us than the Sun that its effect on the Earth is totally negligible.
I’ve looked at a number of the other pieces of evidence for December 21, 2012 being a significant date, both astronomical and archaeological and, when closely examined, like the “galactic alignment,” they vanish into thin air.
All of this predicting Doomsday might be considered harmless, were it not for the events surrounding Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997. Then, the predictions of immanent disaster led to the death by suicide of 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate cult. I am deeply concerned that the promoters of this 2012 Doomsday “event” might precipitate another such deadly massacre. On December 22, 2012, the world will still be here, as it has survived the 200 plus previous “Doomsdays,” but I fear that another Heaven’s Gate may have occurred.
