December 21, 2012. Doomsday?


Well-Known Member thing i've tied into this is the whole time travel theory...why hasnt anyone from the future, (even millions of years of technology later) come back in time to warn us about this and tell us to move to the safest place possible ya know? Maybe I'm just stoned but I belive that if someone were to discover how to travel back in time...they would have a marked date of when something this horrific were to happen, and atleast try to warn maybe our civilization will end and no one gets a chance to discover how to travel back in time...scientists say they have developed ways to TRY and travel back in time but it would take a long time of understanding and technology that we dont have i.e. the energy of a star or negative energy. Just something to think about.


Well-Known Member
Me & you got off on the wrong foot when I joined this site, my apologies for being a dick with the whole "a real drug forum" comment, for the record when I said that, I meant that weed isn't really a drug(you know what I mean)...yea I think we have a few people up in space....
You are the man!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Fuck it, I'm saving up for a rocket and a gravetron(like at the fair). I'll just live in a green house in outerspace, LMFAO!

And for someone who wants to say plants wont grow in outerspace, they will in a gravetron, I might have to slow that bitch down though.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so i was reading about how in the 15th century this one pope moved our calander forward 11years, and 10days or something like that. has anybody else ever heard about this?


heres the link to the page.


Well-Known Member
In 2007, the stock market will be very volatile. In the latter half of the year, the U.S. economy will enter into a recession caused by the decline in housing. Around that time, the Federal Reserve will lower rates, which will cause the U.S. dollar to collapse. There will be a record number of home foreclosures, which will mostly be bought out by large institutions.In 2008, world financial markets will be in chaos. These problems will be compounded by the escalation of war between Iran and Israel. Afterwards, the U.S. stock will rally to the highest levels in U.S. history. The gap between the poor and rich will widen in the U.S. causing a boom in law enforcement and the prison industry.In 2009, riots in the U.S. will breakout bringing about the introduction of marshall law. Order will be restored but at the cost of civil liberties and rights. Between 2010-11, there will be an environmental revolution in which the U.S. converts from oil dependency to alternative energy resources.By 2012, the world will undergo dramatic climatic, atomspheric, and geological change. Many pundits will cite these changes as either the end times or the results of global warming. World government leaders and scientists will hide the explanation from the public: increased solar activity reaches its peak. The increased solar activity of the sun (aka solar storm) will coincide with a geomagnetic shift. This geomagnetic shift will irreparably alter global communications networks from everything to financial markets, cable and satellite, air and shipping tranport, cell phones, etc. This solar storm will lead to the rapid decline of human civilization. As the world population surpasses 9 billion, people around the world fight for survival. An unparalled breakout of famine and disease will be caused by the disruption in electronic networks. The world will not fully recover until 2020 after nearly half the human population is wiped out. A new society emerges based upon spiritual values. A great awakening occurs, enlightening people around the world. A world based not upon the division of classes but around the oneness of humanity. People around world cooperate with one another to avoid disaster and the extinction of the human race.
a scary prediction of what is expected to come???


Well-Known Member
Fuck it, I'm saving up for a rocket and a gravetron(like at the fair). I'll just live in a green house in outerspace, LMFAO!

And for someone who wants to say plants wont grow in outerspace, they will in a gravetron, I might have to slow that bitch down though.:mrgreen:
I'd be so much at peace in a greenhouse in outer space, we should send a rocket to mars and plant a million weed plants, the best strains, 10,000 plants per strain.


Well-Known Member
man this thread is 6 months old :P
I read threw the first 5 pages before realizeing that :P
Nostradamus also predicted the world to end on that day


Well-Known Member
it is... I'm going to be sure to have a gun on that day... this was if things get too out of hand I can take the pussy way out :P


Well-Known Member
I'm tellin you guys, a rocket and a gravetron. lace it with solar pannels and figure out how to land it later. of course you would have to do a DIY of the intereor and make a shell out of some compressed ash(so you don,t burn up your solar pannels blasting leaving the atmospher).

I hope someone comes and gets me if nothing happens, LMFAO.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i must agree in that i will look forward to this day, the beggining of a great awakening, with much enthusiasm. ive been thinkin about this subjuect a lot lately, a "new" great awakening. readin through history text books about them, i thought we needed another one, badly. i can only hope to live through the tribulations that will precede this new order.

FIZZX - your theory on time travel, and someone warning us, stupid. this theory of yours would incinuate that different "strands" of time all exist together at the same time. i dont think we would be able to travel back in time without destroying the present. or altering amazingly atleast. i mean, rewinding time, and then fast forwarding it again, hoping that everything happens exactly the way it did the first time, takin a chance on that one huh? i would think taht we are the most advanced.....fuck it im too stoned to make words of my thoughts right now haha:joint:


Well-Known Member
i must agree in that i will look forward to this day, the beggining of a great awakening, with much enthusiasm. ive been thinkin about this subjuect a lot lately, a "new" great awakening. readin through history text books about them, i thought we needed another one, badly. i can only hope to live through the tribulations that will precede this new order.

FIZZX - your theory on time travel, and someone warning us, stupid. this theory of yours would incinuate that different "strands" of time all exist together at the same time. i dont think we would be able to travel back in time without destroying the present. or altering amazingly atleast. i mean, rewinding time, and then fast forwarding it again, hoping that everything happens exactly the way it did the first time, takin a chance on that one huh? i would think taht we are the most advanced.....fuck it im too stoned to make words of my thoughts right now haha:joint:

Well hey..unless it actually happens we'll never know right? You just said you dont "think" someone can do that...but then again that's not fact either, you just said what you THINK...and you call my theory stupid. Go smoke another bowl and come back with a better opinion my good man. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I think that a great conjunction may well take place and that it is entirely possible that it will cause chaos.
As to whether on not it will destroy all life here that remains to be seen.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol. its all gravy man...And you know what, why didn't anyone think about this stuff before the past couple years? Maybe they didnt take it serious til now? beats me!

i shouldnt have said stupid. im sorry. i simply disagree, foul mood last night haha.