Decent bubble bags


Well-Known Member
looking to pick up a new set of bubble bags but not trying to break the bank. I dont mind paying a decent amount for a 5 gallon bag set... but I think almost 300 bucks is ridiculous. Anyone have a set they know works well that isn't the bubbleman or boldt bags line?
Yo! I know its a bit late but I really hope you didn't spend 300 on a set of bags. I just picked up an 8 bag - 5 gal set (bubble bag dude) from amazon like this other guy said for like 60 bucks i think it was. probably didnt need 8 bags but i did get some really nice stuff out of it. couple grades better suited for edibles or just last resort smoke but the rest is amazing.
Yo! I know its a bit late but I really hope you didn't spend 300 on a set of bags. I just picked up an 8 bag - 5 gal set (bubble bag dude) from amazon like this other guy said for like 60 bucks i think it was. probably didnt need 8 bags but i did get some really nice stuff out of it. couple grades better suited for edibles or just last resort smoke but the rest is amazing.
Ha! I literally ordered dude bubble bags all mesh 5 gallon 8 bag set to be here on Monday!
Ha! I literally ordered dude bubble bags all mesh 5 gallon 8 bag set to be here on Monday!
Run them through the washing machine. Clothes washer. One as arrived and seperated with 1/4 strength laundry soap. Again without sap and turned iside out. Fuzzy bastards as experienced here. Helps with the tight ones fitting easier as well. Just rinse with a sprayer before use.
Ha! I literally ordered dude bubble bags all mesh 5 gallon 8 bag set to be here on Monday!
glad to hear you didnt waste the extra 200+! you'll be happy with the results for sure. i didnt weight my trim but id guess it was a couple ounce or so and i got about a 1/4 oz combined. the biggest haul of it was actually the nicest too so i was/am happy with what i wouldve otherwise just tossed out.
Ha! I literally ordered dude bubble bags all mesh 5 gallon 8 bag set to be here on Monday!
my only advice having only done it once. is do each bag separately and clean each bag as you go. i made the mistake of pouring it through each bag and letting them sit while i moved on to the next and by the time i finished scrapping the hash out of the first few, the others were starting to dry up and a lot stuck to the screens. and rinse them off with cold water as soon as your done to keep them clean. i ended up having to clean mine after the first go with isopropyl which i shouldnt have had to do if i had cleaned them while they were still wet and gave them a rinse.

i used about 50-50 ice/cold tap water, and used an electric mixer on it for about 15-20 minutes. i only ran it through once but the company suggests running it through then mixing it again 1 or 2 more times to get everything. i should've done that as well as the bottom of the first sieve looked like it had some hash residue on it after. next time i will for sure

oh and be sure to use the bags in the right order haha i fucked that up the first attempt of sieving as well. i used the 25 micron first sieve like an idiot haha start with highest number and work down
my only advice having only done it once. is do each bag separately and clean each bag as you go. i made the mistake of pouring it through each bag and letting them sit while i moved on to the next and by the time i finished scrapping the hash out of the first few, the others were starting to dry up and a lot stuck to the screens. and rinse them off with cold water as soon as your done to keep them clean. i ended up having to clean mine after the first go with isopropyl which i shouldnt have had to do if i had cleaned them while they were still wet and gave them a rinse.

i used about 50-50 ice/cold tap water, and used an electric mixer on it for about 15-20 minutes. i only ran it through once but the company suggests running it through then mixing it again 1 or 2 more times to get everything. i should've done that as well as the bottom of the first sieve looked like it had some hash residue on it after. next time i will for sure

oh and be sure to use the bags in the right order haha i fucked that up the first attempt of sieving as well. i used the 25 micron first sieve like an idiot haha start with highest number and work down
Yeah I have made bubble before just was in need of some new bags. Thanks for looking out though man!
I dont really consider bubbledude to be on the low end, but if they do suck, will you know yield wise? :-P I'm just saying, I had a set of really cheap ones and now i have boldt bags. I'm yielding way more with the boldts but i also changed up the method.
That's a good question... how would one ever even know the difference. I guess I would look for leaks or bad craftsmanship. Like if your trichrome filled water is leaking out of areas NOT through the mesh. I would think that's a dead give away.
That's a good question... how would one ever even know the difference. I guess I would look for leaks or bad craftsmanship. Like if your trichrome filled water is leaking out of areas NOT through the mesh. I would think that's a dead give away.
Or thread mixed in with your hash. So small you can't see with the naked eye. I'm just going by what other's have mentioned. It would make sense tho, I've seen whole sets for as low as $20. No way it's the same quality as the bigger guys.
Or thread mixed in with your hash. So small you can't see with the naked eye. I'm just going by what other's have mentioned. It would make sense tho, I've seen whole sets for as low as $20. No way it's the same quality as the bigger guys.
I'll be honest I haven't really seen too many other bags and the ones i did see i wasn't exactly looking at quality, at the time i was just amazed to watch hash being made in front of my eyes haha so i couldn't tell you if they are better than others or not. I can tell you that for the price they seem really good. All of the seams are double stitched and looks like fairly thick thread. It's not super tidy stitching at the top there are some loose strands that could've been trimmed shorter but down by the screen is solid and again double stitched. the bag itself is like a canvas/nylon material idk its like canvas on the outside and waterproof film on the inside. I didn't see any contaminates in the hash and the screens held up to a decent squeeze, i didn't go too hard as i didn't want to stretch the screen.

would you mind sharing info on your method though?
I'll be honest I haven't really seen too many other bags and the ones i did see i wasn't exactly looking at quality, at the time i was just amazed to watch hash being made in front of my eyes haha so i couldn't tell you if they are better than others or not. I can tell you that for the price they seem really good. All of the seams are double stitched and looks like fairly thick thread. It's not super tidy stitching at the top there are some loose strands that could've been trimmed shorter but down by the screen is solid and again double stitched. the bag itself is like a canvas/nylon material idk its like canvas on the outside and waterproof film on the inside. I didn't see any contaminates in the hash and the screens held up to a decent squeeze, i didn't go too hard as i didn't want to stretch the screen.

would you mind sharing info on your method though?
Short quick washes using a machine. (Like 30 second washes to begin) I use more water than ice and shoot for 12 washes total. I follow Frenchy Cannolis method. Subcool started a great thread on here all about it with Frenchy's input.
Anyone gone as far as buying the mini washing machine for this and is it worth it?
The washing machine is killer. Way easier. Look on under portable washers. They're $70 compared to $200 that's marketed as a hash washer lol20201207_225717.jpg20201214_225331.jpg20201207_230953.jpg