Decent bubble bags

Happy my price tag is paying for more than my education. Trying to help save sanity and wallets while making things acceptable for my lazy old ass. LOL.
I decided to just go simple and straight hose to the outlet and hose clamp it. Leak test and making sure it all functions again is going great! Thanks for all your help man!!!!


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I decided to just go simple and straight hose to the outlet and hose clamp it. Leak test and making sure it all functions again is going great! Thanks for all your help man!!!!
I like the simplicity. See issues after playing with mine. But you thought about a plug. More ahead than most. Will work better than original. All that matters. And not sure how long these motorized pop bottles will actually go anyways.
I like the simplicity. See issues after playing with mine. But you thought about a plug. More ahead than most. Will work better than original. All that matters. And not sure how long these motorized pop bottles will actually go anyways.
I actually switched out the plug already for a 90 degree one so it flows downward. And yeah after looking at the design of the thing... it seems like a very simple set up... motor that can alternate direction... a belt... a tank and a controller to alternate the direction...if one could find the right motor seems like this would be very easy to replicate on a larger scale if someone wanted to. Because yeah it really is a motorized pop bottles lol

Omfg brilliant! THANK YOU!!!!
I don't suggest fire and compressed to most. But easier trick is to fill your 5 right to the top with tap water. Then heat the rib while maintaining constant movement till rib sags. Move to next until all fall or sag. Decreases diameter without damaging. Doubles as a smooth directional barb now. But that's my most advanced to date. No mess and honestly safer means to the end.
looking to pick up a new set of bubble bags but not trying to break the bank. I dont mind paying a decent amount for a 5 gallon bag set... but I think almost 300 bucks is ridiculous. Anyone have a set they know works well that isn't the bubbleman or boldt bags line?
Hey, I know I am late but the bubblemans are the best I have used. I used some cheap ones and they plugged up and drained terribly after not long because of what the screens are made from. I didn't get the 'OG" bags but I got the "standard" ones because the screens are identical but the bags are a bit thinner. I have used the OG bags and love them but didn't wanna shell out the cash. I have had the bags for 6 years I believe now with no problems. They are still just like new

Hey, I know I am late but the bubblemans are the best I have used. I used some cheap ones and they plugged up and drained terribly after not long because of what the screens are made from. I didn't get the 'OG" bags but I got the "standard" ones because the screens are identical but the bags are a bit thinner. I have used the OG bags and love them but didn't wanna shell out the cash. I have had the bags for 6 years I believe now with no problems. They are still just like new
So expensive though
I stop once the hash coming out isn't light anymore or starts to show some green. Some ppl will keep going but I don't like to mix low quality in with the good good stuff.
Yeah I think I am going to take the more green tinted stuff and maybe use it for edibles or something. I ended up doing 12 total washes. The first was just 30 seconds, then 4 washes at 3 minutes 2 washes at 6 minutes then then the test at 15 minutes with the final one being 20 minutes just to make sure I got everything I could. Everything is freezing up now then I will microplane, into some pizza boxes and let dry. This was my first time using the machine I have to say it worked pretty well. Oh one thing... the hose clamps came off at the end of my very last drain (so lucky there) I will be adding some type of glue to it when I hook it back up and would advise anyone else modding it to do the same.
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Suggestions on microplaning... do I..
A. Microplane directly onto the cardboard in order to have some of the moisture wicked away by the cardboard? Or do I risk getting particles from the cardboard in my hash?
B. Add parchment paper to the box and plane onto this. No moisture wicking but also no direct contact with cardboard.
Suggestions on microplaning... do I..
A. Microplane directly onto the cardboard in order to have some of the moisture wicked away by the cardboard? Or do I risk getting particles from the cardboard in my hash?
B. Add parchment paper to the box and plane onto this. No moisture wicking but also no direct contact with cardboard.
I'd use the parchment paper. Those little 25 drying/pressing screens are nice. You might want to look into those if one didnt come with your bags. Ive been drying my patties on one of those, with screen underneath on a laundry drying rack. All sides are exposed to air ( you can kind of see that set up in the pic I posted over in the other hash thread)
Looking good!
Suggestions on microplaning... do I..
A. Microplane directly onto the cardboard in order to have some of the moisture wicked away by the cardboard? Or do I risk getting particles from the cardboard in my hash?
B. Add parchment paper to the box and plane onto this. No moisture wicking but also no direct contact with cardboard.
I usually do mine onto basket style coffee filters and label them. Them put to dry where you are gonna. Pizza boxes will help dry faster for sureI didn't even bother modding my washer. I always save a bit if room to put drain hose back up and put more water in and rinse the ice and material again to get most of the remaing resin heads in there from that wash I only do 3 or 4 washes but start lower time like 5-10minutes tops depending on material. I always use fresh frozen so it won't crumble up like dry and it makes a better product too.
I usually do mine onto basket style coffee filters and label them. Them put to dry where you are gonna. Pizza boxes will help dry faster for sureI didn't even bother modding my washer. I always save a bit if room to put drain hose back up and put more water in and rinse the ice and material again to get most of the remaing resin heads in there from that wash I only do 3 or 4 washes but start lower time like 5-10minutes tops depending on material. I always use fresh frozen so it won't crumble up like dry and it makes a better product too.
Do you press your ff?