Decepticons Outdoor Grow V2.0


Well-Known Member
yeah it sucks but at least the rest are going strong im conflicted idk if i should pull it or see if it recovers, ive never used a smart pot lol ive always used a bucket or put em in the ground lol that does rhyme


Well-Known Member
i untied the stake lastnight and thats all she wrote she fell right over right under the dirt it was all rotted and mushy and a nasty rotted brown color she didnt die in vain tho i got a nice ball of scissor hash and a good little pull of premature bud idk how much it weighs ill weigh it when it drys

i was turning buds over and found 5 seeds

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
That sucks man about your root rot plant man, At least you got back ups. DJJ is right about smart pots, Friggin Sweet.


Well-Known Member
yeah it sucks cause tbh this is one of the best smelling strains ive ever grown and totally covered in crystals, right i got plenty of back ups lol and i got a few seeds from when i hit her with some pollen, ill have to get some smart pots


Well-Known Member
nothing really goin on

the 2 in the greenhouse are the best so far and halfway done on the 31st they will be 5 weeks in

also one of the plants in the woods the hairs on it are purple


Well-Known Member
its storming here and winds have knocked my greenhouse over and its in the woods now :/ and the plants that was in it are laying on the ground and i think a main branch on my jtr is snapped off its still storming so i cant get to em right atm

its complete devastation


Well-Known Member
shit, my whole white widow destroyed, a few small branches on my blue hash, a big branch on my blueberry and a small branch on my jtr


Well-Known Member
i didnt even know i could feel this bad having a plant go down. i guess lesson learned, i was able to get the rest to stand back up for the most part, imma try and get everything fixed tomorrow

R.I.P White Widow


for what its worth she was 3/4 weeks away from havest time



Well-Known Member
so my greenhouse is still in the woods. and also i cant get my bluehash to stand back up, the tops just keep flopping over


Well-Known Member
i didnt even know i could feel this bad having a plant go down. i guess lesson learned, i was able to get the rest to stand back up for the most part, imma try and get everything fixed tomorrow

R.I.P White Widow

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for what its worth she was 3/4 weeks away from havest time

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that's rough. Do what you can to get them girls to bounce back, theres still hope


Well-Known Member
all but one is back to how it should be, i just cant get the bluehash tops to straighten up they just want to stay flopped over


New Member
I am so sorry, those pics look bad. We just had a storm come out of nowhere and i moved mine just in time (they weren't covered at all). Keep your head up!


Well-Known Member
if you do still have those plants outside try to get some sticks or poles and put them around the base of the break and tape it or tie with rope around the top and bottom the the break like a splint for a broken leg an should hold it back up, im sure those hardy plants will recover in time. worth a try yo.


Well-Known Member
well currently everything has recovered just fine, the blue hash still im worried about cause alot of the hairs have turned brown and idk if its cause how far along it is or if its damage from the greenhouse but in another week or 2 i should be able to harvest it since itll be at the 8 / 9 week mark


Well-Known Member
well currently everything has recovered just fine, the blue hash still im worried about cause alot of the hairs have turned brown and idk if its cause how far along it is or if its damage from the greenhouse but in another week or 2 i should be able to harvest it since itll be at the 8 / 9 week mark
i have a blue hash that has alot of brown hairs as to getting closer to being done in 2-3 weeks