Decepticons Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
nice looking grow fellow decipticon. ive got a plant similar in size to yours outside and its looking the same as your except yours are taller. good luck through the rest of your grow.


Well-Known Member
i was lookin back at my older posts and doin the math i think tomorrow ill be 6 weeks into flowering and that might be right cause everything is starting to swell up and pack the weight on so imma do everything i can to help them pack the weight on i might even go out and get some molasses and give that a try too
also ill rep the person that can give me the pros of using it and how they use it?


Well-Known Member
so yea my lemon skunk is lookin pretty done to me
Jesus christ that was brutal i only cut the branch that was lowest eh the biggest one that i had to stake up and take pics of anyways god my back hurts i got a gallon ziploc bag full of trim for hash which i wont use til i harvest the rest but i also got a hella good bit of scissor hash :bigjoint:

once the pics send from my phone to my email i post em its only 2 pics but a great before and after


Well-Known Member
Con i used to use mollases for carbos and potassium plants need carbos durring growth make sure you givr plenty of eater and let the plant ti fully swell You know!!


Well-Known Member
well i didnt do the rest i did most, i topped it months ago so i had 2 main stems i only did 1 stem and left the other to keep going i start feeding em molasses i got some pix but i take some once what i got is dried


Active Member
me personally and seeing other lemon skunks i think you jumped the gun on the harvest and could have packed alot more on those branches the pictures you posted at week six of your guess looked like they had atleast 3-4 weeks left and it being a Sativa dom that would have been about right. 9-10 is what ive seen go around for that strain and most harvested in mid to late october never seen one harvested before the first. I asked a few others and showed em the pics from week 6 n 7 and we all came to the conclusion that they were screaming 2-3 more weeks. In my opinion i think you shoulda left that plant be until atleast the 15-20th day of oct i think you suffered from some potency and weight., Looking at ure harvest pics those buds still look a little undeveloped and at week six i didnt see any signs of ripeness. My buddys LemonSkunk was almost identical to yours at your week six and he still has his goin and doesnt plan to pull until the 20th. His are just now startin to really mature.


Well-Known Member
shes in a bucket and rootbound so i doubt it woulda have gotten better, i left some of it going shes nothing compared to my bagseed sativa


Active Member
root bound or not that plant had potential. The roots dont grow that much in those final stages i mean even just another two weeks woulda changed the entire look of those buds and made em even more potent. Those hairs were still livley and thick the calyxes woulda just exploded with resin had it been 2 weeks later. Good job though hope to see a smoke report in the future.


Well-Known Member
im sure ill get around to it when everything is finished, i still have one whole side of the plant still goin


Well-Known Member
thats a qp and im thinkin i might have to cut all tomorrow since they are sayin we are gonna be getting snow and shit and it bein down to 28 its at the 8week mark already wht do you all suggest