Declaration of Smallest Cab King of RIU


Well-Known Member
Nope. Thats the king cab. No doubt about it. Please dont degrade the name of the cab with your "prince" opionion, no justice involved there.

I know, so compact. Very Nice, like i said give it up.


Well-Known Member
Ohh ho ho. I see. But no, This king is small, but has balls the size of a heart. I dont know if that makes sence, but it sounded damn funny in mind.


Well-Known Member
you know..smallest king..i was really thinking more like Duke..something along that line.....grow cab duke....:peace:
haha ok i get your points, very clever. Just making it known. Grow cab price... hmmm, just not enough, shall i say, bang. Grow cab duke... A wee bit better but Smallest grow cab king. :hump: