Dedicated Grow Room in New House - Opinions Wanted

Power Towel

Hi everyone - been a long time since I've visited/posted here. My new-to-me house has what has got to be the ideal room. It's an attached storage closet with external dead bolted door 4x13 feet with 8 foot ceilings. It has no HVAC or ventilation and 1 smallish double-pane window which I have already blacked out and is hidden from street view (except if/when I put an A/C unit on the window, might be visible if someone really was looking on side of house).

Climate - central texas so right now (december) I have to supplement heat to get it to 70, but obviously that changes after winter is over. In an ideal world, I would only grow from seed in winter and not mess with A/C, but I don't know how realistic that is and eliminates the possibility of cloning, which I am interested in. I just want to grow enough for personal use, about I'm guessing maybe 10-12 ounces a year at most. That might be a tall order for 1 harvest.

Lighting - I bought a 1000w dual ballast and bulbs and hood with ventilation fixtures - worried it might be a little overkill now - that thing is BRIGHT.

Using soil and clay pots that are like maybe 3-4 gallons each. Probably will do a variety of strains.

Don't really need a tent but if I decide to clone I would rather build or buy a small tent to light-seal the clones, and let the flowering happen in the open closet because it is light-sealed from the outside and I think will just be easier to manage temps under that monster light.

Considering installing some "soffit" style vents on the external wall, with a low-cfm fan to recirculate and filter air. Once I fire up the light, though, I will have to turn off my heater as the combined wattages would blow my 20amp breaker. Not sure what window AC units pull power-wise for a room this size - that could be a complication as well.

Any opinions/suggestions would be very welcome.

Power Towel

Oh and experience wise I have only grown from designed seeds, twice in hyrdo but CFLs, the other in soil but only got afternoon sun and not a ton of it, planted way late in fall. Both smoked OK but nothing like what I buy.

I'm hoping the light will make a difference here - and then maybe just stick with seeds...


Well-Known Member
even with the low temps in the winter you probably won't need to run the heater and lights at the same time. the light will heat the room for you and then when it goes off the heater will be running. the problem i see is the summertimes when the lights and a/c have to be running at the same time.

a lot depends on your budget. i'd exchange that 1000w light and use 1-2 600's. you should be able to pull electricity from somewhere else to run the a/c in the summer. depends on how handy you are and how much energy you wanna put into it. also, the layout of the room. you may have room for more light depending on where the door and window are.

suggestions...make sure the room is sealed really well including a door sweep to keep bugs out. fumigate and clean the shit out of it before you use it. who knows what is living in there. find a way to bring more electricity to the room. an extension cord is an easy fix. 2 600's would be sweet if the door is in the middle of a 14' wall. hard to say without knowing all the variables.


Well-Known Member
I recently added a 2 nd 600 to my flower tent.
I piped all my exhaust into a big tote, then put a hole to run exhaust outside. Put another hole where I put some 4 in duct venting to back of house. Cheap free heat when I want it.. LOL

Power Towel

The door and window are at one end, putting the plants on the other end. I am thinking we messed up getting a 1000w light setup since we will grow maybe 6-8 plants max, and only have 4 feet wide to work with and 8 foot ceiling.

I agree I wont have to heat and light at same time, but for summer light pulls about 9 amps and I think 8000 BTU A/C pulls like 7 amps. Plus I'll need fans.

Now I have to make all kinds of difficult decisions like, do I ventilate the light ONLY and keep room sealed, and then do I need CO2? Or ventilate the room and then let my A/C do more work to keep up in summer? I wanted this to be simple...

I will see if I can run more wiring but that is likely not an option. 1 story down and couple of rooms over from the breaker panel.


Well-Known Member
Another one of the fun parts of growing. Figuring out how to set it up. lol.
I usually end up changing things arou.d a cpl times before I'm done.


Well-Known Member
i think you'll be ok with the a/c running. it will only pull 6-7 amps which is fine with your light. just make sure not to plug them into the same outlet. most outlets are only rated for 15amps. i'd switch to a 600 for now and try to vent just that. see what happens. you may need to pull an extension cord from another room for the fans and timers. don't even worry about Co2 right now. get your room dialed in and then your plants dialed in before you worry about it.

Power Towel

I can't run any cords into the room - it is part of the house by sharing 2 walls, but completely separate - access is by a door or window only and I cannot have cords running in and out. Must keep it stealth to the max. I am going to call the local hydro shop and see if they will exchange the 1000 for a 600 watt. From what I gather 600 should be plenty for a 4x4 grow space, and I can use all the saved energy I can for either a low-wattage heater or A/C, plus accessories like fans.

So with a 4x13 room, a 4x4 grow space, and 600w lighting, if I don't want to cut holes in my walls for external ventilation, think I don't have to worry about depleted CO2 in a semi-sealed room? I will likely open the door once a day to go in and check on things, and I think heat management will be easy.

I do worry about odor even if it's just in the room - maybe run some charcoal-filtered air through the light hood and just recirculate it in room?