Deep water culture only thread

Hey everyone, great ladies all around.

I'm starting my first grow, and DWC appealed to me for several reasons due to my situation/experience/other threads on here.

So I've got a few questions.

1. Where can I buy those nutes that you guys are using?
2. Do I need to get smoe pH +/- or do those nutes auto buffer the solution?
3. Any more tips that you have?

I'm going for a continuous harvest type system, about 2oz every couple of weeks using 4 tubs with 5 or 6 plants per tub. Using all CFL lighting due to a low amount of possible ventilation.

Thanks for the help.
there is a place called green coast hydro...great priceing fast shipping and knowlegable staff....and yes canna does somewhat autobuffer itself...especially in the coco.....make sure you have lots of air....use a good sized air pump and watch em take off
yea green coast hydro is awesome thats where i get almost all my stuff, im lucky enough to live by one here in socal so its an easy trip :mrgreen:
Great thread! I should be starting a DWC soon...ish lol. Im leaving for Hawaii for 7months so can't start it till I return.)

Im not stealing the tread but supa- where and when you coming to hawaii? 7 months should get you a few grows? Im from CT to and moved to Hawaii.

ok DWC question- could you guys show a system of like what is needed for a bucket or two im looking to do a small one i love the coco teak and have been using that but want something new to play with and i like this dwc stuff.
After 6 years of growing outside, I plan on doing my first inside grow in a homemade dwc. i would like to see a dwc only thread.
well then outsidegrower you are in the right spot stay tuned...feel free to post your experiance once you start...we all have to learn somehow...:joint:
anyone ever have any issues with organic nutes in DWC with the air stones? I seem to be running into that with my hydro drip system. According to some guys at the local hydro shop certain organic nutes/additives in conjunction with airstones will cause the water to become murky/slimy/chunky. any suggestions??
:joint:in my own opinon its not the airstones but what do i know i dont use airstones....i think that the organic nutes have something in them that doesn't dissolve all the way in water......i don't really have this problem with canna
2. Do I need to get smoe pH +/- or do those nutes auto buffer the solution?

the stuff that i use is PH buffered. its called "supernatural." i use supernatural Grow for veg and supernatural bloom for flowering. today was acctually the 1st day i added nutes.

OPZ :leaf:
Great thread DWC only way I grow weed and I use it with my poppies as well. Keep on posting Im loving all the info.



In my experience you normally do not need to add any ph +/- if you are staying with the nutrient chart that CANNA gives you. But if you add more than the recommended dose of Rhizo your PH will climb. But it only seems to last for about 24 hours and then it balances itself out, ALWAYS!
anyone ever have any issues with organic nutes in DWC with the air stones? I seem to be running into that with my hydro drip system. According to some guys at the local hydro shop certain organic nutes/additives in conjunction with airstones will cause the water to become murky/slimy/chunky. any suggestions??

I've also had this same issue! I thought I was the only one. My air stones both got extremely slimy with some super overgrowth of gunk. I think it is the beneficial bacteria in some of the organic nutrients by Botanicare (which was what I was using) and the oxygen source just provides the perfect environment to grow out of control. That is just a guess, though. Too bad you can't use H2O2 with the organic nutes.

Had to reply to that just in case anyone else had that problem! I am fairly sure it was the nutrients, as I had a few tubs going.. some vegging, some clones.. and only the veg units had nutes and problems.

I was lucky; my setup is more of an aeroponics, with a recycling pump, so I just took the pump out after the second mess.

Mad props to you DWC growers! The roots in this thread are amazing.:peace:
Hey guys, thanks for the help with the nutes/ph buffer question.

On a different note, what do you guys think I can use other than rockwool(for the first crop)+hydroton because my local stores don't seem to have either in stock.

I was thinking of just ordering some online when I order my nutes, but if you guys have a cheaper solution it would be much appreciated.

Just ran across this thread. Very interested.

Short on time right now so I'll share a couple pics from a recent Strawberry Cough & Dutch Dragon grow.

Great thread.


Go Green... Grow


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Yes the PVC is shaped like a horse shoe. Each section is 6' long and the nets are spread out 6" each. I use this drip system just for poppies. I got poppies from from Parks seeds. I ordered once and and then youll never have have to order again due to how many seeds youll get per pod