Deep Water Culture


thank you all for the help i found the solution so far so good ph has leveled off and is keeping that way checked it every 30 mins then 2 hrs now i will wait until morning if that has stayed the same and still is going good we have found the solution then if it not that then its this f#*%^ water and time to change the type i use


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to do a DWC 5 gallon bucket grow without the use of an PPM / EC meter (only have a PH meter). This method would have a person strictly rely on the manufactures suggestions for the nutrient mix on the back of the container to come out correctly


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to do a DWC 5 gallon bucket grow without the use of an PPM / EC meter (only have a PH meter). This method would have a person strictly rely on the manufactures suggestions for the nutrient mix on the back of the container to come out correctly
I'd say yes it's possible, but not advised if you can help it. PPM meters can tell you alot about your crop. If your ppmz drop then you'd know it's eating/drinking properly and it could help you in the longrun with dialing in nutez for specific strains. Not all strains react the same...and there's some out there that are just flat out phucking picky! lulz You DONT have to have one....but if that were the case you'd have to be extremely careful on what you're adding to your rez. 1/4-1/2 strength the directions and wait it out...if they respond well then why change it? PPM pens are cheap and pay themselves off by the time you're done mixing your first batch of nute-water ;)


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
Is it possible to do a DWC 5 gallon bucket grow without the use of an PPM / EC meter (only have a PH meter). This method would have a person strictly rely on the manufactures suggestions for the nutrient mix on the back of the container to come out correctly
I don't PPM or EC.. just PH.

This may sound a bit weird.. but I can tell how heavy my nutrient concentration is by how many bubbles are coming up. I know if my plants are happy or not because they don't have deficiency or nute burn.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I was told an EC meter was essential for growing in DWC, i'd probably have gotten more use from my money by buying a dildo.

My opinions is yes, an EC meter can tell you about things, but i can tell said things without one, utter waste of time and money for me :)


Well-Known Member
I recommend a PPM meter for DWC I always use one. Over fertilization will lead to your plants drinking a lot water and no nutes and then deficiencies show up. It;s a matter of piece of mind for me I just like to know whats in my res. Golden rule in growing is find a way that works for you and then run with it. And Mineralz was right different strains do different things some plants dont mind high PPM and some plants hate high PPM.


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
My opinions is yes, an EC meter can tell you about things, but i can tell said things without one, utter waste of time and money for me :)
It's funny you brought that up, because an EC meter will tell you the amount of salts in your tank.. and when you run organics that have salts that must break down you get to read those too.

EC/PPM.. ppfff.. There's a reason why most nutrient companies have feeding schedules (per gallon amounts of w/e.)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I am a lazy grower, it's my style. When my plants show a sign of a burn, i top up with plain water, they sort right out. If they pale a touch, i add more nutes. If i need to keep tabs of who likes what, it's easier for me just to base it on ml/litre rather than adding another step and going by ppm/ec. If i don't let my reservoirs run dry, i often pull 6 ounces off two weeks of veg per plant.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just a 600w hps with a medium size scrog of cheese. Although Barneys sweettooth has been the best yielder i've grown. I'm back in coco at the moment and i'm jut utterly dissapointed at their current size. DWC and scrogs just sems to rokc with viney plants.


Well-Known Member
Just a 600w hps with a medium size scrog of cheese. Although Barneys sweettooth has been the best yielder i've grown. I'm back in coco at the moment and i'm jut utterly dissapointed at their current size. DWC and scrogs just sems to rokc with viney plants.
Thats the truth dude. DWC just kills it when it comes to veg growth.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Veg and flower man. The aotopots i bought are insanely conevnient once set up, but tye're yielding nothing like they could from past experience.


Well-Known Member
Veg and flower man. The aotopots i bought are insanely conevnient once set up, but tye're yielding nothing like they could from past experience.
Yep I'm in coco air pots right now and I tell ya what, not as big as my DWC plants. I'm going back to DWC just gonna use a RDWC because DWC is time consuming and the water temps etc etc. If I didnt have a full time job I would grow DWC drain to waste all the time.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm, lucky to have never had an issue with, well, near anything in my years growing. I fill my DWC tubs once a week and leave em till they run dry, plants grow just great. Current grow is 4 in autopots, my big january harvest will be a monster 8 week odd scrog dwc bucket, albeit vegging under a 125w cfl. I'm hoping for about 12 ounces, but i've never grown the stran before other than it's pollinated mother which is making me seeds so isn't a good comparisson.


Well-Known Member
I'm, lucky to have never had an issue with, well, near anything in my years growing. I fill my DWC tubs once a week and leave em till they run dry, plants grow just great. Current grow is 4 in autopots, my big january harvest will be a monster 8 week odd scrog dwc bucket, albeit vegging under a 125w cfl. I'm hoping for about 12 ounces, but i've never grown the stran before other than it's pollinated mother which is making me seeds so isn't a good comparisson.
Dude one super lemon haze I let veg exactly 8 weeks gave me 5.5 ounces.