Deer... lots of deer


Active Member
Dont use soap it will atract rodents/ other small animals that you didnt even know exisited because of the fat in it....they will eat your plants!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I have heard you can buy powdered fox urine and spinkle it all around your plants, this should keep them away. I may look into this myself. I am using Blood and Bone meal to keep the rabbits out of my gardens at the moment and it seems to work okay. My dogs also help to keep em out. lol :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
I have heard you can buy powdered fox urine and spinkle it all around your plants, this should keep them away. I may look into this myself. I am using Blood and Bone meal to keep the rabbits out of my gardens at the moment and it seems to work okay. My dogs also help to keep em out. lol :mrgreen::peace:
my uncle has a great dane that has killed atleast 30 squirells 10 cats and a few other dogs not to mention racoons and some other ones I cant remember the name of. wish I could use him to watch my patch lolz he is a natural born killer

I remember once his neighboor was holding his dog so he wouldnt attack it and the dane jumped up and grabbed onto his neck and wouldnt go I was like wtf!!

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
I have heard you can buy powdered fox urine and spinkle it all around your plants, this should keep them away. I may look into this myself. I am using Blood and Bone meal to keep the rabbits out of my gardens at the moment and it seems to work okay. My dogs also help to keep em out. lol :mrgreen::peace:
You're on the right track, but fox urine won't really make much of an impression on deer. It'd take a pretty bad-ass fox to take down a deer, so deer don't pay much attention to 'em.

Fox urine would be more useful for smaller weed-munchers like rabbits, and it's very effective. I use... what... shit, I can't remember... maybe it's coyote urine... well, coyote or something like that to keep that *^$&$$& woodchuck who lives down the hill by my woodpile from destroying my morning glories every year, and it works great. He gives my patio a wide berth once I start sprinkling that shit around. I suppose the fact that one morning when he was sneaking past the past the patio door, I snuck up, slid it open, and jumped out straight at him, waving my arms and screaming at the top of my lungs might have had something to do with it too. I don't think he enjoyed that very much, but whatever the case, one way or another he hasn't destroyed any flowers for a year or two now.

I'd use wolf urine or cougar urine for deer, and in fact I plan on doing exactly that this season. You can get it at Fleet Farm in the garden section; that's where I picked up whatever it is I use for Mr. Woodchuck. They've got all sorts of scary-looking urine there, something for just about any animal you want to put the fear of god into. Just be careful about sprinkling it directly onto the leaves - I'd be concerned that the concentrated acids in the urine crsytals could burn the leaves.


.... i have used mountain lion piss and tampons in the past to deter the deer from my patch with good results. the best thing you can use is chicken wire if possable. i also piss around my patch whenever i can. hope this helps
So did you catch the mountain lion first, and, if so, after you made it piss, how long was your hospital stay?

Seriously though, i just posed that question in another thread and was told to read some of these responses; i've got deer and rabbits and i will defintely follow through on some suggestion here (except the mountain lion and coyote - I'm not that good)..
peace sherry


Well-Known Member
wait it a tree then when they go by it jump out and snap one of there necks. take its blood and smear it all over your naked body (youll need to be naked). then just yell "see what you make me do, do you see?". thats what i did 5 yrs ago and deer wont come near my area.


Well-Known Member
wait it a tree then when they go by it jump out and snap one of there necks. take its blood and smear it all over your naked body (youll need to be naked). then just yell "see what you make me do, do you see?". thats what i did 5 yrs ago and deer wont come near my area.
haha, I"ve always wanted to do that! few years back me and my partner were out tending to the crop when we ran into a family of deer. thinking, 'aww how cute' we decided to come in slowly for a better look. well the big buck didn't like that and charged my friend. we both ran and hid behind some trees, but the buck still charged us. 7 pt buck, this guy was pretty big, he clipped my friend in the thigh with a gash from his knee up to his groin. almost pulled is jewels off! I stumbled looking for my beretta the whole time and got to shooting a couple shots off in the air. luckily that scared him off. my buddy was in shock. didn't feel no pain till we got back to the truck. ended up with a shitload of stitches all the way down his leg.

yeah, hiding behind trees to avoid a deer charge don't do shit. their antlers have quite a good reach around. wish I got video of that, it was quite impressive, coulda sent it into 'faces of death' or something. one day I wish to hunt a deer rambo style tho, maybe a doe, I'm scared of bucks now!


Well-Known Member
I live in the country , mostly farmlands and state game lands , There are tons of deer around . There are a few different ways to keep them at bay but with all the of them you need to reapply after a good rain..
1. Liquid soap. (any kind will do .Body soap, dish soap. laundry soap,)
you pour it about 25' away from your plants in a big circle
2. Human urine do the same thing .. Piss in bottles and save them every few days pour them
3. amonia works great
4. Also a friend of mine grows in a corn field and leaves old dirty smelly socks and his old work cloth's on scarecrow type dummies ...


Well-Known Member
Several years ago When deer were eating my plants i tried piss hair and all of that other shit and it didnt really work long term.I was afraid of putting up fencing around it cause my plants were basically in an open feild and i thougt that the fence would be visible from afar and above so believe it or not i had some old rebar in the yard and cut it into 4ft lentghs and spraypainted them green.I then surrounded my plants w/them and took some old barbwire i had painted also and went back to the site one night and took the BW and some tie straps and proceded to start at the bottem and work my way up.When it was all said and done i had a comoed BW fence around my girls and it worked for the most part.They were still able to eat some of it but not all.From my experience w/deer,They like to eat the stem and not the leaves as much.


Well-Known Member
Mothballs always worked for me, and also get some 110lb test mono fishing line, surround the plant at 2 ft, 3 ft and 4 ft- if they go past the moth balls, they'll split when they hit the mono, and its real difficult for them to breakl the 110 stuff. Plus the mono is very stealth


humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
On one note, I assume you already know this.

I use to go up north all the time, near mt. Shasta. The majority of the deer there were completely tamed to humans. Just a thought I had, dunno if you gotta worry about that.

Also I saw some real cool fencing that was real discreet and looked pretty effective. Was this real bendy stuff I have never seen before. Ill try and find a name


Well-Known Member
I live in an area where deer would come and eat right out of my garden in front of the house when their natural stuff got dried up in the summer or winter. We have a dog now so no more deer issues, but I can tell you what works.

Deer don't like walking on anything metal. If you can get some heavy guage wire fencing and make it wavy so that it would kind of get in the way of hooves, they won't walk on it. Here it is on the ground where it was put to protect the lillies from hungry deer. Chicken wire would work too.

All of the natural "cures" work too, but only for awhile (your urine, predator urine, hair, dog poo) - once rain washes them away, that's it. However, one that has worked better than those for me was to put a couple of eggs in water in a spray bottle - shake it up and let it putrify for a couple days in the sun. Spray the smellyness all around your plants - it will stink, but once it drys YOU won't smell it but the deer WILL. I used it on tomatos last year, even on the fruit and leaves and no deer would touch 'em till it wore off - a light sprinkle of rain wouldn't wash off the smell but a gullywasher would.

Planting natural barrier plants would work too - things with thorns or stickers, but they are a pain for us (litterally) and they have to be pretty darn wide to obstruct a deer who might jump past them to get at something yummy.

You could put up fencing but remember that deer can jump high! Most game fencing is well over 8 feet for that reason - 10 to 12 feet seems to be normal to keep deer in or out where we are.

If I think of anything else, I'll post it - good luck!

humbo jumbo

Well-Known Member
I dunno about this, but what about snake skin?

Thats what I used but my mine worries are rabbits. So I guess they would probably be more scared of a snake than a deer would

Best of luck!


Active Member
if you live in a area that has a hunting season,your deer will be pretty skittis and you might luck out with no fenching(i had more trouble with the hunters).some hunters use human urine to attaract deer.if you dont want to show up at your site to find your plants half eaten spend a few bucks and do it right.
deer will easly hop a six foot fence.your fence needs to be eight feet tall,i prefer a six foot chicken wire fence(one inch wire),topped with two feet(two inch)of wire mess.i use six foot rebar as posts,these can be hammered into the ground.are cheap and rust to a nice brown.even if you have to hammer them one and half feet deep they will give your fench plenty of support,if spaced every six feet.
if your worried thats too tall,the plant need to be caged in,completly enclosed with wire.if under five feet in height your plants will probly need to be topped or trained to grow sideways.
most repelants dont work on very hungery deers.but surpisingly soap seems to work best according to recent tests(wont work on very hungery deer).
if your new fenching is very bright,spray paint it camo while its rolled up(dont want to waste paint).as you unroll it repet processes every 1/3 way through to get full coverage.
if you want to go low cost,you can use nylon bird also very light to carry and can be spray painted.


Well-Known Member
i didnt read all the posts but i heard that scarecrows work!!!

no but for real i heard if you stretch vhs tap real tight between trees, that when the wind slightly blows it makes a noise that deer despise.... i heard ppl use this to bottleneck deer into their tree stand.. maybe it can work to repel deer from yoru spot

ohh and dont use the fishing line on a main trial where ppl might ride dirtbikes or whatnot... you dont want to decapitate anyone for the sake of your spot....