
johnny on the pot

Active Member
ok so since some of my plants are now over 6 feet and are threatening to crest the fence and possibly be noticed i decided to move them to a more secure area..

i found a spot, cleared a path, mowed the tall grass, and dug the holes

then i noticed deer shit....and that got me thinking

will my plants be safe here........ from deer???

do deer even eat weed??....

i figured id make certain before moving them... does anyone know?


Well-Known Member
i think u will be ok but watch out for rudolff the red eyed reindeer!

johnny on the pot

Active Member
why not?... i figured if i dug far enough around it and got most of the roots it would be ok...

you think it would shock them?... the area i was thinking about moving them to gets a lot more sun as well.. since they are flowering i was worried that a lot more sunlight would put them back into veg, or shock them...


Well-Known Member
Ya move them and it will fuck them up! There is no debate. It will shock them and kill them. If it does not kill them it will take weeks for them to recover. If they are 6 feet tall then they are getting plenty of sun.
Those roots are 6 feet deep and 3 feet around by now.
After moving the plant it will wilt and die.


Well-Known Member
i heard deer like weed
i also heard that hanging bars of soap near the weed confuses the deers noses
not sure if its truth or myth though

johnny on the pot

Active Member
ok thanks for the information.

the only reason i thought they werent getting enough sun was because their on the north side of my garage and as it becomes fall the shadow from the garage is now cast over the plants more then before... heres a pic

see the shadow used to be on the ground closer to the garage, but now the most sun they get is only barely covering half the plant



Well-Known Member
y dont u just tie it back towards the bushes so atleast it will get another hour of good sunlight the more the better...nd dirty boys right if u move that or even try to it will kill it .....about the deer read my post Dear eating ur main cola???11...happpy smokin :)

johnny on the pot

Active Member
hmmm a lot to think about

well not really, im not going to do anything to endanger my plants. I've spent way to much time and love on em to do that.

they do look good though dont they

the first pic was right after i put them in the ground

the second pic was them a couple weeks ago from the same angle



Well-Known Member
tiein back ur plant dosent harm it acutllay helps it out by giving more sunlight nd more room for the buds to grow ...they do look good tho ..keep it up


Well-Known Member
I would not dig them up way to big for that. Plus deer do eat MJ!! I would LST them so they don't grow up higher then the fence.