
Take a piss around it, thus marking your terrotory. leave an article of clothing near by ( wear it for a couple days to stink it up.) put up wire fencing I think that theres some deer repealant that you can get also like at a farming store. hope it helps
There are alot of options to choice from I like the 30-06 myself . You can get high and cure your munchies at the same time lol
There are alot of options to choice from I like the 30-06 myself . You can get high and cure your munchies at the same time lol

Leave the gutpile right next to the plant while you grill loin chops on the patio and burn a fat one.

P.S. Also, sporradically put your grandma's panties on your head, scream some obsenities about the shelflife of Twinkies, and fire randomly into the woods...

oops, sorry.
That last one is to keep Jehova's Witnesses away. My bad.
magic one of the first rules of deer hunting, dont spread your sent Itll scare away the deer. that means dont urinate under you tree stand youll go hungry. its just the way I learned. Itd be worth a try, and a humain way to detour your little pot head.
and if that doesnt work
some of these should help you, good luck